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Posts posted by bumling

  1. 17 hours ago, 7by7 said:



    Both wrong.


    More death brought to the streets of Europe by murderers who pervert their claimed religion in order to sow hate, division and fear for political ends.


    As has been shown time and time again these people do not represent Islam, are not supported by the vast majority of Muslims and are, and have been for many years, repeatedly condemned by Muslims of all sects around the world.


    Fact: ISIS and similar groups have killed far more Muslims, Shia and Sunni, than they have non Muslims. One example: Baghdad bombing: Iraqis remind world that most of Isis' victims are Muslims after more than 160 killed.

    Condemned by muslims of all sects.Ha ha ha.You can se them berhind the newsreportees making cheringsigns and big smiles.The imams in Sweden are NOT condeming this.He was a 39 year old muslim from uzbekistan,wanted for terrorcrimes in russia.

  2. 1 hour ago, JulesMad said:

    Arrogant coward! He thinks he is better than everyone.....


    Even for presidents there are rules and conventions/traditions; everyone has to attend events sometimes against their will (e.g. family-in-law visits, certain parties, work-related obligations, etc)


    The sooner he disappears, the better it is for usa, the World and humanity...

    He is better than everyone,thats why he is the president.(google democracy)

  3. 9 hours ago, sujoop said:

    Like the infamous Alt/right fav shared video where the Aussie 60 Minutes crew in Sweden 'just happened' to be guided by an alt/right anti-immigrant leader (who just happens to represent Swedish anti-immigration site Avpixlat, which just happens to be connected to Sweden's anti-immigrant Democrat Party) then 'just happened' to be set upon by a gang, who also 'just happened' to be conveniently hooded and  at the same spot at the same time? Now, a similar seemingly 'made for Alt/Right TV' local riot which 'just happened' to come 2 days after Trump's mis-statement. Post-justification? Fake news? Orchestrated? Nyet, probably just a coincidence. But great fodder for Alt/Right fear-mongerer's and those who likely look under their beds each night out of fear a radical 'moose-lamb' may be laying in wait...


    Stay where you are leftie,in Sweden we already have to many of your kind.The biggest threat of the country.

  4. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    So the Malmo police chief was lying then? Or perhaps just not up to the job?


    Has he been replaced yet? By someone of a more, er, enlightened, view of society?


    What riots, no go zones, gang rapes, - not in Sweden. All is utopia and politically correct.

    Chief of police in south of sweden,(its a she btw)is replaced.That was made to save face of the chief of police for the whole Sweden.The big chief is a leftie,who used to be a punkrocker,whit a song called "<deleted> whores in Bangkok"(translated).I know you dont believe me,but if you check it up you will be amazed,and then maybe you understand how bad the situation is in my once wonderfull Sweden.

  5. 14 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

    And the Swedes that I speak with - family members and friends (who actually reside in Sweden and not perched on barstools in Thailand) - tell me it is all overblown hype from right wing anti-immigrant activists.

    Are they living in Thailand,or are they lefties.I live in Sweden,and Trump are telling the truth about media,and the crime situation here,end of discussion.

  6. 18 hours ago, ukrules said:




    They're both right. Some countries will almost certainly decide to leave the EU and it's up to the people in those countries.


    It has nothing to do with Trump and very little to do with Merkel, apart from Germany of course. I wouldn't be surprised if the Germans vote her back in again.

    Swedish people do not have the faith in their hands,beacuse their infantile goverment will never let them vote about Swexit.

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