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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. On 11/10/2016 at 10:58 AM, lovelomsak said:

    Appears many American oppose Democratic process. Trump won the election case closed. Get on with life in a democratic country. To protest an election is absurd to say the least. The people have spoken.Work with what you have.Like they say here on ThaiVisa about Thailand if you do not like it go somewhere else.

    That's the caveat with "democracy". It is frequently more akin to "mob rule". This time, a group of redneck, white trash racists, misogynists and low information yahoos put a demagogue in the White House. After George W. Bush all the rules were thrown out the window. Being "Presidential" counts for nothing anymore. Cut throat politics at its worst.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

    How many wars did Trump start?  Final Score: Democrats: 16
    Republicans: 10 
    Trump 0


    How many teacher/pedophiles does he knowingly employ?  Trump 0       Pope - thousands.


    How many people has he beheaded, hung or burned alive?  Trump 0      Isis thousands.


    Do you want me to keep going?

    Please continue. Your points are moot and have no relevance to anything of substance.

  3. Thanks to all who responded. It's worthwhile to note that there is a lot of spurious information circulating on the internet and at least ONE "e-book" is available which is mostly correct but contains several fatal errors. For example, the e-book says that once you get a multiple-entry visa, that you are REQUIRED to leave the country every 90 days. Most expats tell me this is incorrect. Just because it is in print in some form does NOT mean it's valid information. I notified the author of the e-book about the error and he acknowledged that it was incorrect and promised to send out corrected info to all who bought the book. That has not happened so far.

    OP it's great to have experts like those above. You have all your answers. Just take special note from elviajero 're re entry permit. There have been occasions where people on extensions, like yourself , have left the country without reentry permit. That then means your back to square one. It's easy though you can get them at immigration or airport.

  4. Thanks for the quick replies. Naturally, I have received a good bit of conflicting information. Financial requirements were documented with an Embassy letter and documents from Social Security, State Retirement System and my annuity, so there's no problem there. Obviously, I opted to get the "retirement" visa here since it is simpler than getting one in the USA. The comment about NOT having a visa was a bit confusing though, since the space on the passport that says "Type of visa" plainly says "O". Less confused than I was. Thanks.smile.png

  5. I came into Thailand on a tourist visa from the United States with the intention to convert the visa and retire here. I extended the visa once. I was told by IMMIGRATION that I would have to leave the country and go to either Cambodia or Laos because I only had two weeks left on my extension. I opted for Laos and came back in with an “O visa”. When I extended it, they plainly stamped “RETIREMENT” in my passport and October 19th, 2016 as the date the visa was renewable. There is no mention of anything called an “O-A” anywhere in my passport, only an “O visa”. I have been reading about the ‘O-A” on various fora ever since I started the process. If I have one of these, it is NOT identified as such. I paid 1900 baht for the yearly extension but still see no mention of anything called an “O-A”. Can someone shed some light on this? Thanks for indulging my ignorance.

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