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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Took the 2013 CRV for test drive today, loved the outside look and the car's dimensions,

    hated the plasticy, dull dashboard layout with any touch of richness or class,

    the test car was the 2.4 El 2WD at whopping B.1,56,000 on the road and a wait of 4 months

    delivery for any version or any color,

    the car handles fairly well, save for the very annoying howling sound from the Dunlop 18" tyres,

    other than that, good level of equipments and accessories...

  2. Worse than loosing the money is loosing your momentum's work out in a place that you

    got use to and people that you know as your gym buddies, the routine, the instructores,

    in short, a way of life for many many people who summoned the time and efforts to work

    out there and now it's all gone and you have to look for new place and start all over again,

    and I'm speaking from personal...shame...

  3. Thanks for all the input, this model is fairly rare particularly the MK 1 and even rarer are the the earlier

    years GS's 150,

    I have scouted the Bkk areas where they sell and fix Vespas and Lambos and believe me they are hard

    to come by and vendors, if they they new of one for sale, were asking king's ransom,

    Actually, the seller i have mentioned was initially asking B. 300,000, (and yes i know, to ask it's

    not a crime, yet) but he is willing to sell it for less,

    I will keep looking as I'm not in a hurry, but to find one for 50-70 K, i doubt it very much,

    as even on EBay they asking $ 4-7,000, why, one was sold few months ago in Melbourne Australia

    for over AUD.$ 13,000 but this specimen was in pristine concours condition.

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  4. Only the heading of the article is a head scratcher,, "new Thai spelling for 176 loan words" is bewildering enough to think what da hell they are talking about, and than you find out that they actually going to use non thai spellings for thai words,, surly, must be a simpler way to head an article.

  5. The spammers are back with a vengeance, this morning i had 65 spam messages waiting for me,

    usuall i get no more than 4-8 messages a day, and all of them had to do with ED pills and other medicines,

    I have read that the recently the US government indited and closed down some of the biggest

    spam lords but it seems that they , or some others have taken their places and than some.

  6. Just wondering, are there any Pomegranate trees farming in Thailand? seeing that

    the juice this fruit is the best off all other juices has been proven in countless studies

    of being the super anti oxidants properties, plus it is native to this climate and area

    and easy to grow and fetch a premium as a whole fruits at the markets, and yet all

    we get are the Chinese import one,,

  7. Living in Thailand for many years and a frequent user of olive oil, can't say

    that i have ever seen Greek olive oil offered for sale anywhere, and i have been

    to almost all the outlet that sells olive oils, so it look like you will have to do

    with what there is...

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