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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Oil stand at $ 77 a barrel, not sure how much Av-Gas is,

    I'm about to travel to Oz and the taxes and fuel surcharges

    only are at over B. 16,000 at the moment

    Bangkok airways has drooped it's fuel charges by 11%

    when will Thai Inter will follow suit ?

  2. Well, no, not on business but pleasure,, hopefully,

    I'd like to stay around makati area or there about,

    I'll only be staying for a few days,,


    Would like to assist you, but need a lot more info before I can do so. Manila is a huge sprawling city with different areas obviously.

    Are you there on business ? if so where will you require to be ? Have you been to MNL before ? and although not naive, kindly elaborate on your comment about centre of action.

  3. will be going to Manila soon for a few days and need a place to stay

    under $50,

    have trawled the TV archive and all the relevant info is dated,

    need lees to say that the place should to be good value for money

    and reasonably located in the center of the action


  4. My parents in Scotland are quite old and frail and in dire need for a domestic help,

    sure, there is some help being provided by the local social security office three

    but this is not nearly enough as my parents are incapable to look after themselves,

    anything more than that is impractical or way too expensive

    I know this 30 yo thai lady who is willing to go over there and help, unfortunately she

    has no qualifications in home or elderly care,

    how ever the situation is getting worse by the day and even though it might be

    a pipe dream to do the above i had to ask,

    can any one contribute with an advise?

  5. At the IT mall, on Rachada Pisek road next to Lotus, fifth Floor, big shop called

    "Armon " they fix all kind of electrical appliances, from hand tools to the latest

    gadgets quick and cheap too,

    I have one of those tall floor lamps which takes normal screw-in bulbs... the other day I switched it on and the bulb blew out, so I replaced the bulb but frustratingly no matter what I do it won't work again.

    I've tested the new bulb and it works in other lights so there must be something wrong with the wiring in the lamp.. where in Bangkok (preferably near Thonglor) can I take it to have someone fix it? Small thai-style shop or big store? Seems ridiculous but I have no idea where to take it.

    Anyone had to do the same thing before? Cheers.

  6. just been informed by a UBC operator that because of the channel reshuffle last nite all Ala Cart channels

    will be indefinitely suspended due to insufficient numbers of transponders on the single dish

    configuration in a hi rise and other places where they use the single dish for multi users,

    meaning, we are back to the old Gold setup with the usual old channels without all the new

    and extra one, platinum members are not spared either,

    how long long before it will back to normal ? i asked, well, i don't know he said,

    the funny thing is that today i got a notice of yearly renewal for the next 12 months that includes

    the Ala Cart and the other channels,

    case of right hand not knowing what the left is doing,,

  7. Hi,

    I have few cheques in my possession that have bounced upon presentation to the bank

    as " insufficient fund in the account " these are a/c payee only, company cheque, totaling

    couple of millions of Baht. ( of local bank )

    that company have no immovable assets or large sums of money that i know of,

    and are adopting the attitude of " sue us, we have got nothing to take, what can you do to us ?"

    the prospect of going to court and having to endure a long drawn and costly litigation

    process dose not appeal to me and in the end they can claim that they have no means

    to pay only so and so thousand of baht a month and that will be it for me with no other

    recourse to recuperate my money, or is it ?

    A pickle in deed,,,

  8. Hi all,

    We are thinking of loading our Toyota fortuner and head off form Khon Kean to Hui in VN Via Mukdahan,

    the car is fully paid for with all books and documentations on hand as well as visas as this can be a important factor

    for any hassle free trip,

    our question is it possible to do this trip as we plan and cross to Laos and than to VN without any problems?

    Any contribution will help,


  9. Can your company pay your salary direct to your offshore bank account and declare a lower income amount to the Undo government for tax?

    Probably too late to do now though as the Indo government will likely want to know why you got a 90% pay cut!!!

    I agree with PP, think on your on your current contract you may be a a bit Sucre*ed.

    As PP has said you need to get on a "double contract"...ie small amount paid in Indo, which is taxed, bulk of the cash

    paid direct offshore tax free....

    not quite sure how you would tackle setting company to offset tax, because irrespective which country you set a company up in, there will be tax implications for the company...trying to do this from Thailand you would run into work permit issues, 4 employee rule, etc etc...in the end you may find it would cost you more than the 30% of your salary your paying now

    No way if really senior geologist I should think 30% of income would cover the costs in a month or 2.

    If you want serious advice though you've got to put up a bit more info, ie. are you a salaried employee or consultant / contractor.

    Well, I am employed on the freelancer bases for the highest bidder mining Co. where by the company pay me say $ 1,000 a day

    for my consultancy and expertise in minerals exploration, being in the field (Jungles) for up to one month or longer at the time,

    the balance of the salary after 30% tax being sent to Thailand where my family and i live,

    Now i don't mind paying taxes as there is no avoiding neither taxes or death, but i would have liked that the tax money

    will go to a country where my family and i can benefit ,

    BTW I'm a native a Scotland if it's any help,


  10. Hi,

    As a foreigner senior geologist I'm employed by a an Australian mob in Indonesia where by i pay 30% of my salary

    in taxes to the local Indo government which amount to several hundred of thousand of bath every

    month, ( yes you read correct )

    my Thai family and i residing in Up country Thailand and i know there must be ligal way to reduce these taxes

    by forming a company of some sort but I'm stumped as to go about it and what would be the implecations,

    any idea or experience ?

  11. Hi All,

    A friend of mine lamented about the difficulties of selling his farm’s produce at a reasonable price and to reach the right tables that appreciate his high quality “ hand made” grown vegetables, tomatoes, bell peppers and salad greens,

    So much so that he is about to throw the towel in in despair and disgust at the local market fresh produce merchants manipulators,

    I know that it is imperative and prudent to find a market for your produce BEFORE you start to your venture,

    So, how do you go about finding good people to deal with?

    Thanks All,

  12. Hi,

    You can conceder the Mangium trees, (Kra thin Tepa) albeit not suitable as a

    building Timber but as a fast growing tree, excellent for furniture and pulp and most of all is Eco friendly,

    This website has a lot of info,


    I would recommend starting his garden now! If you plant trees to be harvested, the new home will have no shade or beautiful trees around it.

    Since he has plenty of time, and water. Locate where he wishes to build his home and driveway, draw a landscape plan and follow it! When he finally builds his home (out of concrete block and steel trusses) He will have a much more beautiful property.

    meandwi :o

  13. Hi all,

    Managed to put my hand on a 1964 Vespa 180 Super Sport in not so shabby conditions but it needs restoration to bring it back to roadworthy condition,

    Need recommendation as to where is the best place to do it price, reliability and language communications,

    Have read pervious posts but they all dated way back, need frash and up to date



  14. Hi all,

    Any information as to what is the best way to import fruit trees

    By air in to Thailand?

    Would they have to stay in quarantine for a period of time or would they just fumigate and let go?

    BTW, said trees have already been imported to Thailand before,

    Who would be the best person/agent to ask to help in the procedures?


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