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Posts posted by Dipterocarp

  1. On 11/8/2016 at 4:35 PM, Dipterocarp said:

    My CM condo has double in value, since 2008. Could sell easily, not interested. US equities up 200% same period, so not a great investment but need a place to call home anyway.

    Renting the same room for 8 years would have cost almost as much as purchase price. I enjoy not needing to make bookings, no check out time, remodel to suit my needs. BTW  If I had rented the same room whole time  I would now be dealing with the hassle of trying to get a Thai woman, who now lives in Europe to pop by Immigration every month to file TM 28 forms/ pay fines., or get some power of attorney garbage. A nightmare according to some renters I have spoken to. One  was forced to make un unplanned visit to Laos to get a new visa. Thai landlord living in BKK won't cooperate. No extension.


    You should forget about the negative Nancys and buy a  Condo if you want a Condo. Investment potential not guaranteed. The rents still same from 10 years back as far as I can tell. Renting in various to areas to see what you like a good plan. 



    I had many people tell me not to purchase a Condo. The reasons given from the ridiculous "The government will seize foreigner condos" to the banal "Your neighbors will (do this and that) to drive you out.". One thing that actually happened that NOBODY predicted. Apparently I would not be able to continue to rely on visa exempt travel. In my case felt to have been compelled to buy the Elite card.

  2. My CM condo has double in value, since 2008. Could sell easily, not interested. US equities up 200% same period, so not a great investment but need a place to call home anyway.

    Renting the same room for 8 years would have cost almost as much as purchase price. I enjoy not needing to make bookings, no check out time, remodel to suit my needs. BTW  If I had rented the same room whole time  I would now be dealing with the hassle of trying to get a Thai woman, who now lives in Europe to pop by Immigration every month to file TM 28 forms/ pay fines., or get some power of attorney garbage. A nightmare according to some renters I have spoken to. One  was forced to make un unplanned visit to Laos to get a new visa. Thai landlord living in BKK won't cooperate. No extension.


    You should forget about the negative Nancys and buy a  Condo if you want a Condo. Investment potential not guaranteed. The rents still same from 10 years back as far as I can tell. Renting in various to areas to see what you like a good plan. 

  3. Not much room for a MacDonald's  there.  7/11 OK,  but that entire strip seems next for the wrecking ball. The lot/house next door worth a large fortune as well.

    There will probably be another Hotel or Multi-Level retail plaza there soon.


  4. That looks as if it may have been torn in a sorting machine.


     What type of contraband would normally be posted from the UK in such  unremarkable  packaging.


    Subscriptions to "Knave" or "Mayfair" ?

  5. I ordered online from nespresso.th. Shipped to Chiang Mai within a few days. Free shipping above 2800 baht or something so I just got a 100 capsule order. There is no place to get the capsules in Chiang Mai but they are at one of the malls in BKK.

    Any problems with machine you get a replacement shipped and just swap out. A brilliant service.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. As for Dukes Italiano is my selection. Certainly not Pizza of my Life. Certified Margherita Pizza in Seoul pretty close. Recently been advised to try Street Pizza&Wine House on Thapae rd.


    I hear New Haven CT Pizza is something to be experienced, it is based on the real thing.

  7. About 11 years old viewed bootleg VHS  of "Oriental Babysitter" . Corrupted  for life.


    As for Thai babysitters wouldn't bother. Child care simply not viewed as a professional occupation here. How many nursery schools are there? The best you can hope for is come home find 

    child playing unattended with girl curled up watching TV in other room.

  8.  I wouldn't know but while you are in irons facing drug charges in Thailand how do you negotiate if you don't have any influential Thais to call? 


    I have smelled weed in Guesthouses, heard people talk about it, etc.  and that is when I turn 180 degrees and leave the situation. Even had a some random guy I met in front of a Mini-mart last year offer to "smoke me out". First thing I think he's probably a scammer. Anyway if I wanted to smoke weed I'd could go to California and get some of the worlds best and partake legally.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    Police don't care about recreational ganja use.


    500 baht is usually enough to stop it going to court.


    Foreigners class it along with hard drugs, thinking it is a hangable offence as they do with gambling, which also is a minor offence.


    Don't believe all you read in guide books or web sites about Thailand.

    Really? Years ago on  Samui a guy on the beach offered me "Ganja LSD Cocaine, Ecstasy". Walked away thinking why would an apparently penniless tramp have so much on him?

    Later found out he works with the police and it's a 40,000 baht to make problem go away. 

  10. Whaling as allowed by the IWC is extremely limited.  Perhaps we should ask millions of sushi eating eating hypocrites in Brussels and New York 

    why whale stocks can't be exploited if done at sustainable levels, like any other fishery? Way more whales are killed as by catch and rammed by ships.

    Why don't they call for a ban all fishing and Ocean Freight? As for the Sea Shepherd crew who endanger human life on the high seas, it is no less than terrorism 

    and piracy under international law. Surprised the lot of them have not been jailed and vessels seized.


  11. Kansai (Osaka) , Hong Kong, Narita (Tokyo) are all built on reclaimed land at sea. They function well because they have good fast transport links to the airport.

    You must be thinking of Haneda (Tokyo) airport. Narita airport is miles from the sea. It was started when the socialist/communist movement was still strong on what had been farmland. Large protests over the years, violence, opposition groups clinging to small parcels of land etc. So eventually the Japanese government stopped trying to expand the runway complex original plan was for 5 runways. Still only have two, one not as long as they planned. Company I used to work for did a ton of electrical engineering work there.

  12. On 10/16/2016 at 1:49 AM, elliss said:


     Tutt Tutt ,  what  a negative attitude .

             Buy, and loose a  house or two ,  then you qualify , for  real  farang status , premier class.

    Forget my home town even I can't really afford a house  in the US where I would possibly want one, unless I put a huge portion of my cash up as deposit, then do a 30 year loan.I want to be like a "Thai lady"  Please tell me where I can meet a woman who makes approximately 130 times my daily rate who will buy me a house in exchange for companionship and light housework. Silicon Valley Tech Exec, Big Pharma? Better make it one of those Bankers or Health Insurance CEO's.

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