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condo bought

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Posts posted by condo bought

  1. I will need to buy a stand alone PC in CM.

    It won't be for me.

    It will need the following:

    Wifi enabled.

    Play FHD (1080p) media files.

    That's pretty much it.

    It is for use in a condo, and will be used as a media player connected to the FHD TV and Sound system. It will have about 1TB of media files (movies, music videos, documentaries etc.) on it.

    Getting one made would be good.

    Where are good places? Or even where are places? I'm based in BKK and will want to get it on the first day I get back there.


  2. My ol' trusty Galaxy Tab 8.9 (the cheapest, most basic Galaxy Tab there was, I suspect)

    Is giving up the ghost after 3 1/2 years of solid abuse. By adults and children a like.

    I would like to get a new tab.

    not bigger than 10 inches.

    Doesn't need bells and whistles.

    Good camera.

    That's about it.

    Any recommendations?


  3. Thais posted bad reviews and comments over the university’s refusal to take action against its Thai lecturer who skipped out on her THB30 million scholarship debt in Thailand and left four guarantors to pay it off.

    Attack the American University and not the Thai.


    The graduate paid for her course with them, just because she was a lying, conniving, scamming Thai, that's their fault how?

  4. In my driving test, one of the questions was, when parking a car, how far away must the wheels be away from the kerb? 15cm, 20cm, or 25cm?

    The answer, was 20cm........................even though I was taking a motor-bike test.

    Yes. You need to leave enough space for a Hilux to park inside of you.

  5. My daughter is perfectly healthy. Thankfully. :D

    However, when her teeth came the front, top 4 teeth didn't have enamel on them.

    It's common enough, but usually not with 4 teeth.

    She is nearly 3 now.

    She has a perfect mouth full of teeth, except the front 4 top teeth, which are little black stubs, as the the inside (outside, for her) of the teeth rotted away as they came down without any enamel to protect them.

    I see a lot of kids here with silver teeth, where the same has happened, and they've put in silver metal fillings or crowns, or what ever they are called.

    I would prefer her to have natural white looking teeth attached, and not metal ones.

    Has anybody got experience with this?

    What sort of work is typically needed? what is the type of tooth that is attached called? A crown? That is made and screwed into the stub of her original tooth?

    How old should she be before getting work like this done?


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