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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. On 1/28/2021 at 4:26 PM, Isaan sailor said:

    He closed Keystone Pipeline project, killing 11,000 American jobs.  He suspended drilling leases on government property and Gulf of Mexico.  This looks like a death blow for the oil industry.  How about keeping the industry alive until you can replace the jobs you ended?

    Fox talking point is Fake news dude.

    I like taking all the unemployed and hiring them to make solar panels. You did know China subsidized the largest panel maker in China  to BUY the industry years ago

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. trump should continue to own the party. He can ensure that no Republican will ever win the Presidency. Interesting the House is ignorantly believing he can help win back the Hous  with trumps help but that is NOT going to happen because trump NOT on the ticket will have the effect of the House losing seats in 2022. No way Biden loses re-election against trump either

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. On 1/26/2021 at 8:41 AM, RANGER55 said:

    Texas is not in the Pan Handle. The so-called Pan Handle is North West Florida. You could have spiced it up a little more like. I told that State Trooper I would get out of this car an kick his A##. Make it sound a little more manly manly,  got any more!!!!

    One of my favorite groups I use to watch in SF Bay Area music scene was "Asleep at the Wheel"

    Mind you  can probably recognize... LOL


  4. 4 hours ago, J Town said:

    A few years back I drove from Texas to Florida. The frightening, backwards, inbred folks I saw is a dark stain on the US. There were restaurants that were clearly "blacks on this side, whites on the other." It wasn't everywhere, but it was too prevalent and clearly in plain sight.


    The GOOD thing is whites are soon to be the biggest minority in the US. Look at the Democratic Senate, Congress. Look at Biden's cabinet. THAT'S what America is becoming.

    My personal experience passing through the Pan Handle was getting pulled over by Highway patrol in the middle of the night. The officer told me how lucky I was that it was him and not any other officer as I was a "long hair' and they jail the likes of my kind. I was told to pull into a camping ground where hours later the Black Bears awoke me and and I ran from Texas and never went near again. LOL

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    The really frightening thing, and something that would stop me visiting the USA again, is that 70 million people like him and wanted to give him a second term in office. Truly shocking.

    For me the day trump came down the escalator and appeared to have some sort of traction was the last motivation I needed to vacation for a retirement look and see in Chiang Mai. That scare from the likes of his supporters is actually a silver lining for me.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    Marco just doesn't get it.

    It's not about removing a man from office that has already gone.

    It's about the Republican party ensuring it's survival by not having to compete against a rabid Trumpist party and trying to save a scrap of its remaining credibility.

    Watch 'em mess it all up.

    As an ardent Independent I actually clamor for Republican speak. I will never ever listen to a trump follower. I am too smart to fall for it.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    I frequently go to Fox to see how the day is being viewed by those who rarely think like I do and this explains the picture clearly. One point I have finally understood out of all of this. I personally need to LISTEN.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    CNN and Pelosi are the two most inspiring person's and News network in America. You have an issue with reality and seem to be a struggling trump supporter. Like most of us the idea of being the LOSER is difficult at best

    Pence calls VP-elect Kamala Harris to offer congratulations


  9. 7 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    3 GOP members of the house now say they will vote to impeach.  17 more are also expected to join them.  So, seems it will happen in the house.


    McConnell is said to approve of the action.  Perhaps as a way for the GOP to rid themselves of Trump?  Hmm....it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.  Maybe the GOP will turn the corner and start becoming a better political party?

    Exactly my belief. The revival of returning to be relevant and reputable is at the threshold for all Republicans. Mitch got railroaded out of power, religated to minority leader and can return the favor by taking trump out for good. Opportunity awaits. Man up dude he would trash you like he did already without a thought.

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