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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. On 8/22/2020 at 12:56 PM, Isaan sailor said:

    A balanced view from Yahoo! News—quite a surprise.  Thanks, Earl.  BTW, did you notice they suspended all Comments there?  Gotta wonder if this is a political move...

    July 23, 2020 is when they discontinued, so a month now. They include most all Fox News Opinion videos and National Review articles. It seemed to me that the Russians left a while ago. 

  2. 1 hour ago, pedro01 said:

    Most likely it'll push swing voters in those areas to Trumps side. 


    But don't expect them to voice their opinions. There's a succesful US business woman at the resort I am in that is pro Trump but cannot tell her LA friends as she will lose them. 


    This is going to be very interesting. I don't think this fear of voicing your opinion has happened before. The secret Trumpsters... 

    alien sperm helping to keep them secret

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, torturedsole said:

    Joe Biden certainly has my support to do exactly what happened last time and that was to increase the odds of The Donald winning the presidency. The odds are increasing by the day and I'm 'Biden' my time.  



    I prefer facts unlike trump supporters who have only have false hopes! https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Very, very, very impressive speech. Well done.


    Contrast that to trump's rage tweeting during this address.


    The speech even impressed the hosts of Fox News Democracy 2020 analysts, Brit Hume, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, rcummings said:

    Actually real clear politics just does simple-minded averaging based on recent polling. No adjustments for the reliability of the poll. The best place to go for a more sophisticated analysis is fivethirtyeight.com. They do individual analyses of the states. Nationally, they give Trump a 28% chance of winning. Which is what they gave him last time on the eve of the election.

    I agree and I follow 538 now daily. They did in 2016 have about the same odds 28 72 but getting an inside straight is not in the cards a second time.

  6. 2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Well Earl, as you are aware, some wagering in Thailand is frowned upon, so must tread carefully. You have to have friend in another country to put the trade on for you; they can take their money back out of the winnings.


    The next POTUS will have to win just 4/5/6 states. All the pollsters are counting potential votes in areas where it doesn't matter. It is the Dem sympathetic media that is distorting the picture. Who cares that the Dems are widening the gap - thus giving an overall false picture - in California?


    And let me say Earl. When you get your winnings; buy gold!



    Independent's like myself have no vote is California as the Democrats win all the time unless your in the farms.

    I am confident the Biden will win and lean to blue wave. The people will speak as I hear them and believe all trump supporters are relying on only hope not any reality.

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    A common characteristic of the TVF Trump sympathizers is that they favour insults and exaggerated claims, often intended to disparage people. We rarely see an intelligent critique of policy. Sure, the  DNC isn't going to win over die hard haters, but it is not intended for that. The principal goals this year;

    1. Unite the Democrat party to ensure everyone votes, especially in swing states.

    2. Reach out to the Republicans and Independents who put the best interests of the country first.

    3. Reassure America that the Democrats have a strong bench and a viable plan.

    4. Showcase the youth and vitality of the party.


    The DNC is delivering on all of the above. 



    An example of the  low class gutter  style comments used by  Trump supporters. They have nothing of value to offer, so instead they insult and disparage.  What does Hunter Biden have to do with this? Unlike Trump's kids  cavorting with Russian agents, Hunter Biden did not  have any affiliation to the  democrat party, nor did he act on behalf of Joe Biden. More   garbage, because they have nothing intelligent to offer.



    More character assassination. Toss in the words cognitive decline, dementia and see if it sticks. Has this person examined Joe Biden? No, but that doesn't stop him from   tossing a false claim. The person making this claim isn't just dishonest, but  is obviously of limited intelligence. If anyone believes that Joe Biden did not undergo multiple  physical exams and a mental state assessment, then they are deluded. The Democrat party was not going to nominate someone who could cause a problem in a  year. The fact that the exam is done privately does not mean that it did not occur.


    Another example of the  typical trump supporter's disrespect for democracy, political representation and the US Constitution.  The congress women was elected by her district's voters. She is their designated representative. What part of democratic representation does this person not understand? She is entitled to her political views.  I do not agree with  them. Many people do not, but others do. In a democracy and in the USA, these people are allowed to express their views.  If there was fiscal fairness and equal opportunity under the current US system, alternative positions as expressed by Congress woman Ocasia-Cortez would not get much traction. What many Trump supporters refuse to accept and deal with is that  there are two Americas: One for the haves, and the other for the have nots. The have nots are in the majority now and they are getting angrier as their frustration grows.  Ignoring their cries for help is no different than Herbert Hoover's failure to udnerstand the plight of the poor at the start of the Great US Depression.


    Another example of what Trump supporters do when they have nothing intelligent or factual to offer; Lie.

    Nothing to back this claim up. Although we do see   polls and indicators  that show;


    Joe Biden Leads Trump in Most Battleground States, Poll Finds

    A new survey found that the presumptive Democratic nominee is leading President Trump nationally and in five battleground states.


    As the USA hits the 2000 a day of deaths due to Covid19, the message is  being brought home: The Trump administration bungled. Biggly. Us voters are turning and will turn on Trump as they see through the hate and  nastiness.  The Democrats brought a message of  unity, and of hope. The  Trump  teams counters with hate and despair.




    Truly these are wonderful responses to each of the dishonest poster's. Makes me honestly wonder about any trump supporter being actually very bright.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Trump closing on Biden, especially in the key states. 

    trump gained just one percentage point in the key states since last October, 2019. Not considered closing in I would debate you. Do link us your proof if you can backup that claim please.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, pedro01 said:

    People were out in the streets yesterday, protesting for the right to not have to go out in the streets to cast their vote - because, you know - COVID. 


    You couldn't make this stuff up.


    Postal voting has always been a process of people requesting a ballot and then getting it. There is a verification step. The idea that everyone gets a postal ballot based on their last known address and then sends them back with no verification is nonsense.


    This is 2020 - email killed the postal services. All that's left is bills from companies that didn't go electronic and junk email. The taxpayer funded service that remains to deliver this stuff is obviously not geared up to the massive increase in mail that will come from a mass postal voting event.


    As for Trump "kneecapping" the postal service - he certainly is trying to block $25 billion dollars of taxpayer money being pumped into this obsolete service. Fact is - post offices do need to be whittled down - as the demand for the service is reducing. The fact that USPS delivers Amazon parcels at a loss is also a big issue.


    If liberals can go out and protest this issue - they can go out to vote too.

    Very cowardly

    • Sad 1
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