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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. With the twice-impeached ex-president Donald Trump exiting from the political scene, the battle for leadership of the Republican Party has begun in earnest, albeit complicated by one unresolved question: who said Trump is actually exiting the political scene? It may be a case of wishful thinking, but former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has apparently “broken” with Trump, 


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  2. 22 minutes ago, user70 said:

    Got it, yes Peter was indeed extremely useful to help me get the 100kUSDcovid + 40/400k THB medical insurance coverage. I am likely going to apply for LMG insurance in the next 24h, for both 100kUSDcovid + 40/400k THB.


    Great to hear about PAMF doing a country-specific physical!


    By the way where do you plan to do the covid test? I haven't shopped for this yet. The main constraint being that we need the results within 48 hours (and preferably 24h), since afterward we need to see some position to get the fit to fly certificate. I had a covid test at Stanford hospital last fall, took ~24h, but they would not commit to anything <72h so there is no guarantee to get the results quickly enough.

    Although we are closing in on containing a second wave here. The North is not effected as it is in  Bangkok areas. In Chiang Mai we haven't had a transmission for a month now. We have had only 69 total cases since 2019. 

    We will see vaccines next month arriving and foreigners will be included. Another contact you can message if a Visa question arises ubonjoe

  3. Just now, earlinclaifornia said:

    A second physical also at PAMF. No, it was a physical based on which country I was visiting. Basically to determine any shots and recommended medications to assist is traveling to a foreign country. They whole operation is very professional.

    Due to COVID-19 I expect the Thai embassy will have you also provide COVID Insurance to enter. Message this user 

    Peter Denis  for recommended insurers as he is well informed. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, user70 said:

    Does overseas physical mean a physical exam performed outside United States? If so, yes very impressed that your US insurance covered it! Mine would only cover ER and other emergency services (which is still very nice). Do you have some kind of international insurance?

    A second physical also at PAMF. No, it was a physical based on which country I was visiting. Basically to determine any shots and recommended medications to assist is traveling to a foreign country. They whole operation is very professional.

  5. 1 minute ago, user70 said:

    ah got it, that's one of the only 2 clinics out of the dozen of clinics I contacted that was agreeing to sign the rare disease medical form. I have a good insurance but unfortunately Palo Alto Medical is out-of-network. I was quoted 350 to 450 USD for the appointment fee. So that's the plan B!


    Perfect, thank you, I'll be heading there in a few hours!

    Funny, they also had a overseas physical which my additional insurance actually paid and it was very reasonable.

  6. 8 minutes ago, user70 said:

    Thank you great to hear! Quickly = on the spot, you walk in, wait ~1 hour, and they give you the letter? Also what's the cost? And did you go to 201 W Mission St, San Jose, CA 95110?


    Note that https://thaiembdc.org/2020/12/10/stv/ says:


    so I believe it means that the SJPD letter won't be accepted, however the instructions are full of contradictions so perhaps it's ok. Please let me know how it goes, I am curious!


    Also, unrelated, since you're also in the bay area, any idea regarding


    My local clinic I was insured with had my personal Dr do the physical For me he was just assigned as my Dr had recently retired. Warning, he was not about to falsify my testing as  I was a medical user. 

  7. 1 minute ago, user70 said:

    Thank you great to hear! Quickly = on the spot, you walk in, wait ~1 hour, and they give you the letter? Also what's the cost? And did you go to 201 W Mission St, San Jose, CA 95110?


    Note that https://thaiembdc.org/2020/12/10/stv/ says:


    so I believe it means that the SJPD letter won't be accepted, however the instructions are full of contradictions so perhaps it's ok. Please let me know how it goes, I am curious!

    Free. Yes, that is my closet office. As a resident I believe the SJPD accessed CA records. I recall it was one or three days.

  8. On 2/9/2021 at 2:46 PM, user70 said:

    The Special Tourist Visa application requires some letter stating that my  criminal record  is clean:




    Where can I get that? Are Police Clearance Letters from my local police department enough? ( e.g. https://www.sjpd.org/records/documents-policies or https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/get-service/obtain-clearance-letter) Does it have to be a paper letter,  or can it be some PDF on my computer?


    I live in the Bay Area in California, United States.


    I just went to the San Jose Police and they provided me one quickly. Your using LA for the application I presume

  9. 1 hour ago, Kelsall said:

    If this, if that.  Let's face it, your team failed to convict Trump.  Get over it and move on to impeaching George Washington for owning slaves, or something.

    Failure is your interpretation as you live for your trump master. We all have choices in our life. I am glad Mitch told the truth. I am 100% sure trump will NEVER be a President ever. How confident are you? LOL

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