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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 13 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Biden was an astonishingly bad choice of candidate, in a year when Covid all but guaranteed a Democrat win. You could have had Tulsi Gabbard. You could have had Andrew Yang. God help you, you could probably even have managed to get Bernie into office.

    But, no. You picked Joe Biden. Well done. Well done everyone.


    We argued in the past about which of us had the American plus read correctly. Same as today you are so wrong and I contend that only Biden could have beaten trump

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  2. 5 minutes ago, ExpatOK said:

    This type of video is commonly referred to a "doctored" video. The Democrats have spliced together various scenes with parts of a President Trump speech to make it look like President Trump was giving orders, or some such nonsense. The video also omits President Trump's words to "peacefully and patriotically" protest.  Most of the general public will see through this, though those who operate on emotion only will not.  And of course President Trump will be found not guilty.


    What part of the trial where they OMIT the President words hours after, have you missed?

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  3. 14 minutes ago, ThaIrish Sean said:

    As a non-American I have an observation. As all of the comments on here to see seem to be anti trump my conclusion is the people that voted for him are illiterate and probably illegitimate?

    Being as the article is bad news for mr trump, seems pretty anti, right? His followers are lead and he is a master of media. Add the divisiveness of the two parties adding to the effectiveness. The majority of one party believes Biden did not win the election is more an intelligence measurement than thire literacy abilities.

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