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Posts posted by Bengt

  1. I wonder how to obtain a yellow book and the fee for that.

    As far as i know my condo is registrated at a land office but it dont proof that I live there or that my condo is my residence here in Thailand.

    Its time to renew mine driving licenses and I have to apply for a residence certificate at immigration but I have been told that if I got a yellow book its no need to visit immigration when I have to buy a car or get a new driving license and so on.

    If someone knows more about this matter please let me know.


  2. Drunken drivers dosnt care for other people and their lifes and should be considered as murderers


    So I guess you have never made any mistakes in your life and because of your perfect seed you have sowed you are now the tall tree too all which would like shade.

    Would you like too be the judge and jury and possible the executioner or would you like somebody else to do that part under your request.

    They did say ‘apparently’ in the post incident, unless you have some first hand knowledge of the report to add?

    It never ceases to amaze me, but then you advertise that you are a ‘Odd fellow’ "Friendship, Love and Truth" but in reality you probable don’t practice what you preach.

    Splatter finally made some sense well done ha.

    Head back to the top of the thread and read ‘Dingdongrd’ quotes ‘these are great’.

    Heng, Scott sum it up.

    I can only add that I find driving in Bkk a challenge at the best of times and would not advise this for the faint hearted even before believe it or not, adding an Elephant on the tar seal.

    I can remember back that it was recommended for (red) flashing lights to be added to tail and or feet which is something I guess at night, which may be the only warning you have under curtain circumstances but I still see this is not compulsory.

    Next page…arr. sigh and shrug my shoulders.

    Because if you only worry about the drunks on the road and feel that they are the chaos and want to highlight them you won’t last five minutes and all the “friend ship, love, and truth you possess will not help you on the roads in this big bad city”.



    Thanks for your comments.

    I make several mistakes in my life but I have never drived under the influence of alcohol and my opinion is that the penalty about this traffic law offenses should be much harder and a drunken driver IS a presumptive killer.

  3. If the cost of internet is an issue better you stay at home, we have enough cheap charlies here already.

    Pls dont make that kind of sentence at me because i am satisfied whit my life here but you maybe you seems to like a good economy

  4. Thai Foreign Minister Sompong Amornvivat urged Thai nationals in Cambodia to leave as soon as possible Wednesday after a gun-battle between troops along a disputed stretch of their border.

    “Thai businessmen who have no need to be in Cambodia now, please rush back to Thailand,” Sompong told reporters. (Washington Post)

    Thai and Cambodian troops exchanged gunfire Wednesday along their border, a Cambodia army commander said, as a row over a disputed patch of land appeared to be escalating.

    “Cambodian and Thai troops are opening fire at each other now,” Brigadier General Bun Thean told AFP from the scene.

    “Our troops prevented Thai troops from entering our territory, but they started to open fire at our troops right away,” he said, adding there was “heavy gunfire” at two areas near Preah Vihear temple.

    Reporters with local Thai television confirmed they witnessed both sides exchanging gunfire. (AFP)

    Well it seems that some politicians have decided to go indeed on the “adventure” path. It’s a shame.


    Two Thai troops were injured during a clash with Cambodian troops along Thai-Cambodia border on Wednesday, Army spokesman Sansern Kaeowkamnerd said.

    Both suffered from sharpnels of explosives and were rushed to a hospital in Si Sa Kaet province.

    They were injured in one of two clashes with Cambodia at Pa Mo I Daeng in Si Sa Ket province. Another clash Phu Ma Khur caused no casualty.

    No report of casualty on Cambodian side, he noted. (Nation)

  5. My way to stop smoking was to use other kinds of tobacco products like chewing tobacco and classical Swedish snuff and it took me some time to quit smoking cigs.

    Other nikotin substitutes are for ex. nikotin chewing gum that releives the abstinence's of smoking.

    However Swedish snuff is a bit difficult to buy here in Thailand and its a few Swedish retaurants in for ex. Pattaya that sells it and some other places like Scandinavian Church in Bangkok.

    Nikotin chewing gum is available at farmacies but very expensive.

    Good luck to everyone that's wants to stop whith the lung destroying cigarette smoking.

  6. Rumors are spreading around if Thaksin get his asylum in UK then Thailand will strict their rules to issue some kids of visa that will make it more complicated to get like NON-O multiple etc.

    I am Swedish citizen and dont know so much about to apply for visa in other countries but I know that several embassies and consulates in Europe have their own rules on whats required to get like NON-O m visas.

  7. The Swedish currency SEK have dropped nearly 20% to the THB but its recovering in the right direcion hopefully...in July I got 5.6 THB for a SEK and now 4.7 THB but no plans to change a life in some other country.

    Anyway....the Australian dollar dropped a lot more.....pity the Aussies that use to go here.

  8. I am sorry to tell the tourist that wants to use internet here that the highspeed connections is very turbulent mostly and slower than the provider "promise"

    It will take a long time before Thailand get a good broadband internet that have speeds between 25 and 100 MB/sec.

  9. An interesting fact about the King Cobra is that there is not a single documented death in Thailand from that snake. The certainly CAN kill you and many people have been bitten but the King Cobra apparently would rather conserve his venom to kill something he can eat.

    The article I read said that the Monocled Cobra kills more people in Thailand than any other snake.

    The monocled cobra or naja kaouthia is one of the most common snakes in Thailand and its extremely venomous and their main foos is mouses and rats and it can be found in villages and its just by a surprice that that snake defend itself and bythen it natural bite the offender and a normal human have to be taken to hospital as soon as possible. a well grown up human can die in less than one hour after a bite.

    Normally the monocled cobra is harmless unless as long is not been discoverd by surprise but normally it feels a human by the sensitive organ and flees away before you even seen it.

    The cobra is a fascinating snake and intresting to watch but DONT play whit it.

  10. Thanks for your response. :o

    what actually happened

    At first I had a non-b issued in London.

    Then switched to a non-o issued in Bangkok

    Then got divorced - lost my visa entitlement and had to leave the country and enter again on a entry permit.

    Went overseas and reapplied for a Non-o (on basis of supporting my children) - This is my current visa.

    So there is a break in the chain?


    My latest visa non-o

    What is wrok permit?

  11. Lite Beer thats the latest on the consulates website, Link: http://www.thaiembassy.se/consular/visa.php#non_immigrant

    Edit: If you go down and do the click it goes to the MFA info and says 50 years. ?????

    D. Longstay Visa - Non-Immigrant O-A Multiple re-entry

    Click here for Information and required documents

    Thank you but pls look at the Thaiembassy home page in Sweden and read by your own and maybe the staff there have to go to school again.......... :o


  12. 1. Retired person from 55 yrs+

    * Certificate of Monthly Income from Social Insurance Office.

    ( Monthly income shall be minimum 20000 baht after tax for retired person from 60 yrs+ OR minimum 55000 baht after tax for retired person between 55-59 yrs.)


    This rule is years out of date. Are you sure you have not misunderstood something.

    This is the official police order.

    (1) Foreigner shall obtains VISA for

    temporary stay and,

    (2) Shall not be younger than 50

    years old and,

    (3) Having evidence showing the

    monthly income not less than

    65,000 Baht or,

    (4) Having the records of saving

    money in the latest 3 months of

    account book of any Bank in

    Thailand not less than 800,000

    Baht or,

    (5) Having annual income

    combined with the saving

    money in the Bank not less than

    800,000 Baht from on the date

    submitting the application.

    (6) Foreign national who enters the

    Kingdom of Thailand before the

    21st October 1998 and has been

    permitted to stay in Thailand in

    case retirement shall be applied

    to the criterions as follows:-

    (a) Person who has the age from 60

    years old and have the certain

    income, with the saving money

    in the Bank not less than

    200,000 year per year and show

    the latest 3 months records of

    the passbook, or have the

    monthly income not less than

    20,000 Baht.

    (:o Person who has the age lower

    than 60 years old but not less

    than 55 years old who have the

    certain income with the saving

    money in the Bank not less than

    500,000 Baht per year and

    show the latest 3 months

    records of the passbook, or

    have the monthly income not

    less than 50,000 Baht.

    1. Application form

    2. Copy of passport of the applicant

    3. Evidences of having income, such

    as pension or interest of saving

    money, or dividends etc. and/ or,

    4. Certified Letter of having a bank

    account with the Bank in Thailand

    and the passbook of the account.

    5. Only for the Item (6), the Documents

    in Item 1 – 4 shall be required.

    It seems we know more about some rules like the extensions based on retirement than some embassy staff and i do agree that those rules are out of age for long time in that case.

    I am happy that i got more knowledge by this message board so i can be to some help to people from my country that whish to reside here as a retiree.

    BTW...our Swedish embassy also have a rule that they will only issue a certificate of pension if you are more than 55 years of age and it dosnt have anything to do whit our Swedish laws but our embassy staff seems very helpful and can maybe help applicants that are less than 55 years at age and as far as i know i have a friend at age of 51 years that got hes pension certificate anyway and hes one year extension wasnt any problem at the immigration office.

  13. This must be because of some law in Sweden. Not Thai rules,

    Means you will have to get a tourist visa if younger than 55 and change to non-o after you get here.

    The Embassy staff dont seems to know the real rules, they refer to the rules ordered by the government in Thailand.

    I am married to a Thai so i dont have any problems that way and I also qualified for retirement visa cat O-A long stay.

    I been talking to the staff at the embassy and they not telling the real truth.

    And the age of 55+ have been a common rule since many years now,,I told them that you only have to be 50+ to get an extension in Thailand and the result at that conversation was that i should NOT tell them the rules.

    BTW...they seems nice if you go there in person and behave politely and its no problem if you got all the required documents submitted by the visa application.

    I think they got some uncomfortable phonecalls from people that dont conversate in a proper way so they have become stricter in some ways to answer visa related questions by phone all days so they use to ask if an applicant use intenet,,then they give the intenet URL and hang up.

    So Sweden differs from many other countries when you applying for visa now.

    Could this plans by the Thai Goverment to change the "retirement" age in Thailand from the current 50 to 55 and the Thai embassy in Sweden, has jumped a little quick changing the rules before it is officially announced....just a thought..

    Maybe it was a rule many years ago that you have to be 55+ but i am not for sure and as far as I know there is no change in the Thai immigration law that will require a higher age than 50 years and even if i am 57 years of age i hope if there will be any change in the immigration law I hope they will grandfather applicants whit unbroken extensions until the age of 55.

    Another thing that become interesting is that Thailand will drop the amount of tourist and presumptive expats this coming high season and some prognosis says about 20% so lets see what will happen in the coming months.

  14. Should of said 3 months. Just said that to say that if an immigration officer wanted to get pickey he could try and apply that rule as far as the time period goes. You never know.

    Edit: Bengt is okay if they got pickey though.

    Thanks for replying in this topic and if there are some problem with my embassy certificate I can get a new one at our embassy for the fee of only 600 THB


  15. This must be because of some law in Sweden. Not Thai rules,

    Means you will have to get a tourist visa if younger than 55 and change to non-o after you get here.

    The Embassy staff dont seems to know the real rules, they refer to the rules ordered by the government in Thailand.

    I am married to a Thai so i dont have any problems that way and I also qualified for retirement visa cat O-A long stay.

    I been talking to the staff at the embassy and they not telling the real truth.

    And the age of 55+ have been a common rule since many years now,,I told them that you only have to be 50+ to get an extension in Thailand and the result at that conversation was that i should NOT tell them the rules.

    BTW...they seems nice if you go there in person and behave politely and its no problem if you got all the required documents submitted by the visa application.

    I think they got some uncomfortable phonecalls from people that dont conversate in a proper way so they have become stricter in some ways to answer visa related questions by phone all days so they use to ask if an applicant use intenet,,then they give the intenet URL and hang up.

    So Sweden differs from many other countries when you applying for visa now.

  16. From October 1 the Thaiembassy of sweden in Stockholm will not process visa applications sent by registrated postmail, they require an application by a visit in person at the Embassy.

    Non-Immigrant Visa

    A. Non-Immigrant Visa 90 days ( Single Entry )

    Issued for 90 days. Contact Immigration Police in Thailand for possibility of extension.

    Fee SEK 400 per person.

    Only applicable for retired person from 55 yrs+ or those who are married with Thai.

    Additional documents required as follows

    1. Retired person from 55 yrs+ :-

    * Certificate of Monthly Income from Social Insurance Office.

    ( Monthly income shall be minimum 20000 baht after tax for retired person from 60 yrs+ OR minimum 55000 baht after tax for retired person between 55-59 yrs.)

    2. Those who are married with Thai :-

    * Copy of Marriage Certificate

    * Copy of Spouse's Thai ID Card / Thai passport

    B. Non-Immigrant Visa 1 yr ( Multiple Entries )

    Issued for 1 yr with multiple entries. Max. 90 days is permitted for each entry. Contact Immigration Police in Thailand for possibility of extension.

    Fee SEK 1000 per person

    Only applicable for retired person from 55 yrs+ or those who are married with Thai.

    Additional documents required as follows

    1. Retired person from 55 yrs+

    * Certificate of Monthly Income from Social Insurance Office.

    ( Monthly income shall be minimum 20000 baht after tax for retired person from 60 yrs+ OR minimum 55000 baht after tax for retired person between 55-59 yrs.)


    2. Those who are married with Thai :-

    * Copy of Marriage Certificate

    * Copy of Spouse's Thai ID Card / Thai passport

  17. I have a 2 year old 2 door Prerunner in good condition with 50k on the clock which I paid about 660,000 baht for new. I want to get a 4 door Prerunner.

    Will I get a better deal by trading it in to Toyota, selling it to a garage or trying to do a private sale?

    Most important of all, how much should I expect to get?

    Probably silly q's but I have never sold a car here.

    You'll get best price by going with a private seller, especially if you have all the receipts. This will take the longest however.

    I would think you should be able to get 425 000 THB or so.

    One thing more...the car will not increase its value by the time

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