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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Thai people should consider breaking away from Buddhism but the won't

    Where would they go back to Animism , human sacrifice? As long as Religions are tied to the State the problem will be inherent . Buddhism is not alone in this. Religion must be seperate and non state sponsored. Only then can true faith exist. If the monks lived by the 5 precepts there would be no problem. But as has been pointed out Temples in Thailand are refuges for criminal and deviants . Lift that Sanctuary and you can clean up the faith.

    I don't agree that if the sanctuary was lifted it would end the problem. Religions are in my opinion themselves a deeply-rooted problem in that their purpose appears to be the control and exploitation of populations. Just as institutionalised sex is a perversion of sex, so is institutionalised spirituality a perversion of spirituality.

    Even if you abolished the existing Religions People will just unvent new Ones. It is our inherrent need to believe in a Higher Power beyond man,s fickleness. Buddhism is not a Religion it is a philosophy twisted by those who try to make it a Religion. Disagree if you wish this is your right. I am Buddhist but I think like yourself have a ministry to make others question!

  2. Thai people should consider breaking away from Buddhism but the won't

    Where would they go back to Animism , human sacrifice? As long as Religions are tied to the State the problem will be inherent . Buddhism is not alone in this. Religion must be seperate and non state sponsored. Only then can true faith exist. If the monks lived by the 5 precepts there would be no problem. But as has been pointed out Temples in Thailand are refuges for criminal and deviants . Lift that Sanctuary and you can clean up the faith.

  3. The first thing I always reminded my friends visiting Thailand is not to give even a single cent to any temples they are visiting because the money will eventually goes to the monks' pocket after door closes.

    I understand what you say. Some here like to use this subject to bash Religions. Is there something wrong in Religions answer is yes but not all who choose to serve are corrupt. This Temple a bad example as are many others and Churches across the Globe. I give when I attend Temple because when I was Christian I was both a Licensed Minister and on Vestry so I know where the money went.Maybe some is siphoned but most will go to run the Temple. Yes I remember walking in the heat and saw 4 monks once thinking to myself only this mad kiwi and Monks walk in Thailands heat until the jumped into a new SUV and pulled out their smart phones. But these most likely the short timers and not those who dedicate their lives. There are good and bad everywhere. I hope this spurs the good to look to weed out the rotten

  4. The area was well sign posted. The Aussie Politician was right you can,t legislate against Human stupidity. Maybe he was too blunt in his statement but from Rockhampton North in Queensland is known as crocodile territory. <deleted> did they think might happen. for 50 of my 60 years I have read of croc attacks and the spread of the croc population. Only a complete idiot kiwi would not know that. Personally I have no sympathy. Would be the same as me walking into a Tiger cage. What do you think might happen. Here kitty kitty. She was stupid and paid the price. Ceste la viv. Blunt or not the Politician was right

  5. The fact is eventually Greece will default completely on its debts. others will follow and the long awaited Global meltdown will begin. The USA and China have been positioning themselves to lead the new order Monetary system. But in the end it will engulf them all. The world is but a pack of card and someone just balanced a lead weight on it and the wind is blowing.

  6. Sorry but I agree the Parent was negligent. The Child should have been restrained. Now another endangered animal is dead because of human stupidity. The Parents should at the least be sued for the cost of a replacement. Though personally Zoo,s should not be allowed to keep endangered species like this.

    Do you have any kids? Have you ever taken them to the zoo? Good parents always strive to find a balance between safety and freadom for their child. Not an easy job.

    Plenty of fault to go around. The parents should have being more diligent, the zoo enclosure should have being better designed, etc etc

    Let's all take a breath, be glad the child is safe, feel sorrow for the loss of this magnificent animal, and let's be real.

    FYI I have 5 children all grown. Took them to wildlife parks and other areas with animals. Never let them out of Our sight and certainly never let go of them if there was even the slightest chance of them getting too close to danger. Now I have grandkids and thankfully no animals died because I could not control My Children.

  7. Putin picked the weakest link and is exploiting it butting his nose in where it is niether wanted or appropriate, just another step towards the brink - a mad dog in the making for sure, he needs his wings clipped and it just might happen very soon unfortunately

    By whom and by what means?

    And clip his wings for what? It is not the cold war. Red vs blue was revealed for what it was just and excuse to expand the Military industrial complexes and the wealth of the rich. Greece invited him. And others will in time too. Not everyone has a red neck view of the World. People have been beating the evil Russia Drum since the 1880,s be it Tsarist, Communist or new Nationalist Russia. Get over yourselves and take a chill pill.

  8. Have never been attacked or bailed by so called Soi Dogs. 3 weeks ago in Khon Kaen walking back to my Hotel several dogs on street barking at me. But speaking to them sternly they did not bother me. Suspect they are peoples dogs let out to wander at night. Similarly last year in Uthai Thani turned up a wrong street and had to do a U turn several dogs ran out looking menacing but did not havea go at me. In that case I looked at the Dogs and said. We are not going to hurt each other are we, This Farang is not threatening you. They did not bother me and I do not bother about them. Been around Dogs all my life and the only time one drew blood on my was a friends American Pit bull pup which bit me through the hand. Luckily he was home and I told him. Glad he was home or I would have come back and dealt with it my way. (rule 30/30) . Others have mentioned penned up dogs will little training or exercise. Yes recipes for disaster. My Dogs get time with me and exercise. 5 kids and non of mine ever bitten. All grown with families of their own and Dogs too.

  9. How many of you guys have had relationships with prostitutes back in your own country? I would hazard a guess that it would be less than 1%. Yet you all come over here and try and start deep meaningful relationships with prostitutes simply because they are called "BAR GIRLS" not prostitutes. They are one and the same. Think about it. No matter what the tale is they are still dirty prostitutes you are bedding that probably had enough dick in their time that it would be counted in miles not feet. Take the dirty skanks for what they are. They are for playing with not for taking home to meet the family and for marrying.

    I will take issue with you. Not for what you say but because you are only 50% right. In my own Country NZ I have had friends who were "working Girls" 50% are ok 50% bad. Any other women you meet it is the same odds. You can say all Bar Girls are bad but my experience is that half I have met are ok. 50% I would not give you tuppence for. Guess I have been around and still learning . A few of my friends in Thailand are married to ex Bar Girls and have great wives for past 10-15 years. Others done over by them. Same odds as normal women. Maybe only when you came to Thailand did you interact with the other side of Midnight but I have travelled since I was 20 so while a few illusions of Thailand and Thai women were shattered my eyes are wide open. If they cheat they cheat. Better to know and walk away than live an illusion

  10. Meanwhile just to the East of Thailand , the US is strengthening military ties with Vietnam, who haven't got much time for China....................................coffee1.gif .

    Who would you rather have as your military ally?

    One, who expelled the Chinese, Japanese, French, Americans, etc.

    The other..."Welcome. What's mine is yours. Please don't hurt me. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

    All I am saying is what is on the news , all I know mate, If I treated my friends like Thailand is doing to it's friends , I'd soon have none., as for Vietnam's history you believe that it is a given right to let someone else invade your country, right

    Actually, I think we are in agreement. I would want an ally who has a history of standing up for itself. Not one who needs a baby sitter or a John.

    And the Thai Military is such a professional Organisation. Sorry need change my undies peed myself laughing. Any military that relies on conscripts is inherently weak and unreliable as most Nations have found out. Thai Military is just an enhance Police Force to suppress their own Population.

  11. thailand is very good at playing 2 side off against each other. this is probably why they have never been colonized (or so thais claim) with weapons sales a big part of the US and chinas economies thailand can wrangle for the best prices in return for forging alliances. will be interesting to see if they ever give up their m16/m4 rifles for AK47s.

    What Siam did was a series of smart delaying tactics to stave of colonisation. What the current regime is doing is setting the stage they hope for cheap Chinese knock offs. But nothing will stop the inevitable break up once the cement is gone. Most of Our Countries are used to deploying Peace keepers. Just depends which piece you want to keep

  12. It is not something you can give or show someone. However you could ask him if he uses Google translate to understand thai. It may not be the best but if he is interested and read her FB he would get the guts. Or as others said may not care. I had a mate who,s missus was playing around. But I knew he was to so I figured good enough for the Goose etc etc. Its a damned if you do , damned if you dont situation. Personally unless he is your best mate I would bite my lip.

  13. Dogs do not attack for no reason. The Dog had probably been coached to Guard. And Dogs are naturally territorial. So how it got out is the question. Once out it saw the child playing as a territorial invader and attacked. The Owner 110% at fault. And the truth as it has drawn blood most likely will do so again.

    I love Dogs Have two myself but if the did as this one did. The would be put down. And no way do my dogs go uncontrolled on the street.

    Poor little Girl scarred for life. No amount of money heal that or the psychological scars. Owner is always responsible for their Dog no matter what.

  14. Uncle Ho was the perfect symbol of valiant who prevail over the strong.
    Today Vietnam is the small free and independent for having resist to his invaders:
    - Japanese
    - Chinese
    - French
    - US like always...
    Well done Thailand in order to sublimate this model.

    and turned into a wonderful democracy... oh wait...

    democracy is nothing but an illusion. a smoke screen to make the people believe they are actually controlling their own destiny.

    if such a thing as true democracy existed it would block all unpopular decision making of government.

    Yes the great illusion of Democracy. In the US the rich oligarchs buy the Presidency and appoint their chronies. In the UK the same parasitic Lords and their snot gobbling minions rule be it Labour or Tories, In so called Democratic Countries as NZ and Australia we are just puppets of the wealthy. Name a true democracy. That is Government of the people by the people. Rich pressure groups have hijacked the idea of Democracy in order to grow their "Capital". The call is for a 3rd way awat from Capitalism and Dogmatic Communisim (Dictatorship) . That 3rd way will be true Democracy or we will fall back in to feudalism as Thailand has now.

  15. Uncle Ho's struggle may have been valiant and his cause legitimate. That legitimacy did not justify the mass executions, the victimisation of the innocent, the reign of terror perpetrated by his successors an undertaken in his name.

    At the end of WW 2 if the U S had listened to Ho and not let the French army back in Vietnam ,the country would have been very successful in Asia and the wars that caused the lives on hundreds of thousands (proberly) would not have happened.Why the League of Nations were kissing the French ass then knowing their terrible reputation of dictatorship in Indochina I would not know..

    Presactly had the US and British stopped French recolonisation of SE Asia perhaps there would be a very different and more stable region today. And relations very warm and not just thawing.

  16. By the way, the name of the country, Viet Nam, is a clue as to where the people originally came from.

    The southern Viet people, from China.

    Came from China really? Wow China in its new expansionary mentality should lay claim to Viet Nam as well.

    I believe a lot of peoples came out of China. Thailand ,Lao from North China, Vietnam , Cambodia from South China. Chinese Navigators are believed to have successfully navigated to Australia and New Zealand. The Melanesian and Polynesian Peoples have genetic characteristics of the People of Formosa but interestingly enough Formosa(Taiwan) was not inhabited or even wanted by the Chinese until the Portugese set up Trading Ports there in the 16 or 17th Centuries. China can claim what she wants . It would be a little like the Scandanavians demanding America because they discovered it first for Europeans. Is never going to happen. We are all extracts of something. Is it not supposed to be 6 distinct females in Africa?

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