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Posts posted by jonnyomonic2016

  1. Thanks for the reply.  The link is just takes me to a Google search for P. O in Patong and I need to send my motorbike which you can only do from regional bigger PO's which I am sure is in Phuket but I don't know where? 

  2. Used the post office before,  great service.  I need to send my bike again but I have no idea where the closest P. O.  to Patong is.  Could somebody please help me me out with a map link or. an address.  I have searched  the forum here and Google of course but I just get general information about using the P. O to send a Motorbike. 


  3. Hi,


    I am searching for a long term rental in Pattaya 6 - 12 months. The most important thing I need is high speed internet and then ideally somewhere to cook. I dont have a firm idea of the exact location yet although I guess my budget will dictate that which is around 10,000 per month. Currently living in a condo 35 sqm which is more than enough for my needs. Ideally somewhere clean next to shops and amenities although I will have a scooter.



  4. Hi, fast wifi for me is essential for Skype calls etc

    I have not had a problem before with wifi here in rooms and guest houses but the current apartment I have the wifi is next to useless which is a real issue for me. When I was here last I was able to tether unlimited wifi but I cant seem to find those sim cards now.

    Does anybody know any budget accommodation THB 10,000 - 15,000 month with especially good wifi.


  5. If there is anybody following this in a similar position maybe you will find the following useful;

    I called the consulate in Germany and asked many questions for clarification in relation to the advice given, concerning the METV for 6 months. The chap I spoke to spoke fluent English as my German is not up to scratch.

    He confirmed, no letter of invitation, hotel booking onward/return flight anywhere is required. I also asked him to advise on a time period for the financial statement and I was told "It does not matter" They seemed very relaxed about it.

    I asked if it would be ok to go there with application and documents now to confirm everything is ok and then lodge the application just before I go and he said there really is no need, so long as I had 6 months left on my passport and still have a pulse you will be ok.

    He advised it would take 30 min. Thats is pretty fast. They obviously dont waste any time with this.

  6. need for wp has already been mentioned. Also op stated he did not necessarily need to work in bar. Several posts have already pointed to dangers of bars. Mine included. Anything else to add?

    Yes its true. I wanted to provide as much information as possible whilst also trying not to reveal too many personal details. I am thankful that the members have chosen to warn me of the dangers and that this type of community spirit exists, although I will not go into this blindly and I have indeed stated that the business may not even be a bar at all.

  7. OP above you have excellent advice. Why not take your time. Many people are legally here using tourist visas. Difficult for very long term but manageable for some time. An METV and later setv,s maybe some visa exempt stamps. Extend etc.

    No need to rush into bar lease or marriage. Bars can be a noose. Easy to get into, impossible to get out. Your friend my be genuine but too many horror stories here that involve finance and farang. BTW where would you hope to open a bar.

    Thank you, yes excellent advice. I have a very clear picture now of where I am going in terms of the visa. Thinking of opening a small bar or other business in Patong.

    • As said your best option is the METV which, with planning, can give you a total stay of almost 9 months. After that, if you get married, you can get a non 'O' visa from a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country.
    • An ED visa is an option, but authorities are cracking down on people using them as a way to stay here long term so you should only consider this option if you plan to attend classes.
    • There is nothing stopping you financing a bar but you will not be able to legally work in it. I wouldn't invest any money I wasn't prepared to lose in a business like this.
    • If your 55k income is a passive income you've nothing to be concerned about. However, the fact that you are physically in Thailand means that you cannot, legally, work/operate a business even if it's online. As it stands the authorities tolerate online work and will leave you alone but the advice is to keep a low profile.

    Thailand isn't set up for, or welcoming of, foreigners wanting to start and work in small businesses. I suggest you live here and find your feet before committing. If you are serious about living here then learn the language as quickly as you can as having Thai friends and contacts will open up a lot more doors and opportunities in the future.

    This has been very helpful as well as other posts. So METV itself is valid for 6 months and I can stay for at least 2 months at a time with possibility of extending by 30 days from what I gather, so I am not entirely sure how I can get to the 9 month stage unless of course when the 6 month visa expires I get the 30 day visa extension although I can look more into this as the information provided so far has I feel shed a lot of light on the subject and I know what to do next.

    Now the only thing which concerns me looking at the requirements for the visa is 2 things regarding hotels:

    "Hotel bookings in Thailand or invitation letter for visa purposes"

    "Reservation for the entire stay or confirmed address in Thailand"

    Surely you cannot be expected to book a hotel for an entire 3 months on a multi entry visa.

    On a personal level I find the information across the various Thai consulates and embassies in Germany very inconsistent and patchy compared to other visas I applied for. There is not a very clear step by step by process.

    You could of course try the simple tactic of talking to the Embassy (there is only one in Germany) or the Consulates, I am sure they will explain their requirements in a step by step fashion.

    I could yes, and it is my intention to but the vast majority of the time its more beneficial to be armed with as much information and facts as possible before speaking to embassies, as sometimes they may not always be as helpful as you require or as forthcoming with information. Some are and some are not from my own personal experience.

    • As said your best option is the METV which, with planning, can give you a total stay of almost 9 months. After that, if you get married, you can get a non 'O' visa from a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country.
    • An ED visa is an option, but authorities are cracking down on people using them as a way to stay here long term so you should only consider this option if you plan to attend classes.
    • There is nothing stopping you financing a bar but you will not be able to legally work in it. I wouldn't invest any money I wasn't prepared to lose in a business like this.
    • If your 55k income is a passive income you've nothing to be concerned about. However, the fact that you are physically in Thailand means that you cannot, legally, work/operate a business even if it's online. As it stands the authorities tolerate online work and will leave you alone but the advice is to keep a low profile.

    Thailand isn't set up for, or welcoming of, foreigners wanting to start and work in small businesses. I suggest you live here and find your feet before committing. If you are serious about living here then learn the language as quickly as you can as having Thai friends and contacts will open up a lot more doors and opportunities in the future.

    This has been very helpful as well as other posts. So METV itself is valid for 6 months and I can stay for at least 2 months at a time with possibility of extending by 30 days from what I gather, so I am not entirely sure how I can get to the 9 month stage unless of course when the 6 month visa expires I get the 30 day visa extension although I can look more into this as the information provided so far has I feel shed a lot of light on the subject and I know what to do next.

    Now the only thing which concerns me looking at the requirements for the visa is 2 things regarding hotels:

    "Hotel bookings in Thailand or invitation letter for visa purposes"

    "Reservation for the entire stay or confirmed address in Thailand"

    Surely you cannot be expected to book a hotel for an entire 3 months on a multi entry visa.

    On a personal level I find the information across the various Thai consulates and embassies in Germany very inconsistent and patchy compared to other visas I applied for. There is not a very clear step by step by process.

  8. If you have extensive prior experience in the hospitality business, you could consider trying to work in "bars", possibly working for one of the 5-star hotels. They require qualifications plus experience, but will readily employ those who qualify. With such experience, investing in such a business might also make sense, but Thailand is incredibly competitive in this area. Most foreigners who put money into beer bars lose it. What is your employment record back home? Look to leverage your prior experience.

    Yes I have extensive hospitality experience, over 10 years, but I left this nearly 3 years ago to work in IT: I now to a lot of IT freelance work onlime which will be my income. My Thai GF and her family have very successful bars.

    Also another peice of information if I may, I am actually resident in Germany and work here with all the legal paperwork. I presume it would best to apply for the METV in Germany,

  9. Assume you are talking 1 year non immigrant O visa (which can be obtained after marriage - not before for your reasons). This is an alternative to one year marriage extension of stay for those who travel frequently or can not meet the financial conditions required for extension of stay (male have financial requirement even if married).

    Working in a bar is not that easy to do legally and for what you outline probably would not fly.

    Perhaps Thai study could be an option this year - and serve to help you as well as provide visa stay.

    Thanks for your reply. The O visa, after marriage is something down the line for 2017. I dont have to work in a bar, but I would like to start or buy a business which may or may not be a bar and I am also wondering if there is a visa that covers this, maybe an investment visa ?

    Do you have any further information on the study visa, perhaps I will look into this more.

  10. Hi I have spent some time reading the forum and the helpful pinned posts, as well as information on the Thai embassy website and I am no nearer to figuring out what type of visa will be best for my situation. I will try to provide as much information as possible and I would kindly appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction,

    For clarity I have been to Thailand twice on the 30 day visa exemption and my nationality is Irish and I am late 30's, I have not overstayed or had any problems of that nature.

    In June I will travel to Thailand and would like to stay as long as possible with a view to getting a marriage visa in Jan 2017 when I marry my Thai girlfriend.

    From what I can gather, The 1 Year NEV would be ideal, but there seems to be a lot of options in relation to the reason you may require the visa and this is where I am confused.

    Some further information on my personal circumstances;

    I would like to open a businenss, most likely some type of bar with my Thai girlfriend and can show around 500,000 B on a statement. Initially I thought there might be a visa for this type of situation, but I can't see any visa types which cover this. Ideally I would like to work in the bar in the visa allows, otherwise this is not a big problem.

    Also I would be receiving around 55,000 B monthly income from work not performed in Thailand.

    I am also open to the idea of studying Thai in order to obtain a study visa if this is an easier alternative to get a 1 Year NEV.

    I would kindly appreciate some initial direction as I don't want to involve a lawyer without knowing exactly what I require.

    Many thanks

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