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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. As many have already pointed out, this technology implementation will simply not work out as expected, Thailand will need to work out a way to achieve a result on the usual low tech solutions.

    As soon as one of those spying fellongs cross the border, just use a metal chain long and strong enough to allow them to reach their proposed destination, this will have to be charged at least 10 times the local cost, but the advantages would be immense, for example, as soon as the foreigner will have to report back or get another stamp, all the BIB will need to do, it's to pull the chain connected to the alien from the point of arrival, so, Swampy will need to get a new infrastructure where to hook up each one of the chains. 


       --- Not Break The Chain ---

  2. 9 hours ago, ericthai said:

    I dont see how an ex-pat child can go to a government school with out the proper documents mainly a Thai ID.

    Ok i'll try to restore your eyesight even if i am no oculist....

    In the moment a minor it's not simply a temporary visitor to a place, as in the case of tourists, but it's in fact residing and having a life into any particular country, not necessarily Thailand, that country must make sure that the kids get access to all their needs in an official way, no works around or greasing hands allowed, it's as easy as that, the interest of a human being should always have a greater importance than all these games been made to get some self importance and show off how someone it's more important than someone else, <deleted> that 

  3. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Nothing like a good old bit of Thai bashing and racialism on a Tuesday evening to keep the posters going, is there?

    Do you think the people criticizing what happened to that poor child, would have behaved differently if the parts involved were inverted, as in a thai child denied to be treated as all her other fellow western students?

    Maybe it's time to wake up and smell the coffee, there is nothing absolutely nothing that could justify these abuses, no matter the nationality or race involved, who try to justify it are as wrong as the ones who did it, no excuses. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Morakot said:

    Possibly or possibly that the child is extremely good and the organisers from the other school arbitrarily refused the girl to the advantage of their own team.

    That sounds somewhat familiar.

    Does anyone can recall a notorious local practice of hiring foreigners, because it's not possible to find an equivalent gifted individual, just for at the completion of the job, hiding the real makers, quoting them as an almost useless presence and giving all the honours to the magnificent and super talented mighty greatest, etc, etc,...other part involved??? Which obviously will never ever be an alien :lol:  

  5. 55 minutes ago, frog555 said:

    We know well : thai are racialist. Thanks to that, they can protect their nation.

    We like Thailand, then we must accept that fact. The problem is for mixed blood children only.

    Western Europeans should be racialist. Then they could protect their lands and nations as well.

    Protect from what exactly? From respecting someone which has a different skin colour than yours? Protecting us from granting a kid in a school a fair and equal treatment?? What sorts of people are you??? Please explain yourself

  6. 12 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    Your entire reality is skewed, eh?

    Do you not understand that Thai is not a "race" of people? It is a nationality.

    :lol: Me? I think you are a bit mixed up. Experience will teach you that there is no amount of time, family ties or anything else that will make many thais accept you without discrimination, if you look "farang" than you will still be cheated on as one, sorry to break your dreams but it's for your own benefit, and the ones defending these ignoble practices against even some innocent kids, are the scums of the world, no matter what race or nationality they are....just when you thought they couldn't possibly get any lower :facepalm: 

  7. 14 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

     the policy is not anti-farang.

    Hopefully the OP is willing to explain to his daughter that she is not being singled out because she is white but simply because she is not Thai.

    That is a huge distinction to make.

    That's a really interesting prospective, i think i am going to try that with all the african or of african descent's people, whom are complaining about racism, i'll just tell them "look, we are not being racists because you are being black, but only because you are not white, so please reconsider your position"

    That's going to be a really successful strategy, no doubts about it

  8. 37 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    Posters seem to be ignoring the fact that the daughter cannot be enrolled in the school. She is not a Thai citizen and can only attend classes but is not an official pupil.

    That's a bit of an eye's opener, basically, what's happening to the "little farang", it's just a reflection of what's happening on a larger scale to the "bigger farangs" in Thailand, you will be able to "attend", but forget about being considered a human being, that's forbidden because thais cannot compete, i'll bet there must to be at least a law about it somewhere...:gigglem:

  9. I'm having a hard time following the narrative here but I think:

    Maybe you could try just to follow the pictures if you have difficulties with the rest, basically, you top up in August and after you pay the new credit bring you 3 months backwards into the past, does that makes any sense to you? And how could the phone still possibly still be functioning if its validity was expired longs before that?...hope this help

    the OP's SIM had an expiry of of mid-May (maybe 2015, maybe 2016)

    There is NO room for a "maybe" when you have a screenshot of the AIS messages under your nose

    the SIM is currently not working - the AIS network will not allow it onto their network

    the OP wishes to revive his number/SIM/account

    the OP thinks AIS gives a 90-day grace period, after expiration

    The OP doesn't think the AIS give you that time, but it's AIS to PUBLISH on their official page just that, which is of common knowledge anyways

  10. To be honest, i can't recall when it was exactly, i could Google that up but honestly i think it's not necessary, as before the only deadline i was aware of, i have taken all my devices to register, so, if i had missed something, then why only one of them stopped working?

  11. Forbidding you to use your own money and having to go an extra mile to get back what it's rightly yours, this when claiming that you have plenty of time before you will lose it and without even warning you? What if i was not in a condition to do the extra "jumpings" for whatever reasons, knowing that apparently there wouldn't be any problem with the usage, and then this date "mistake"...is it really a mistake or there is more to it?

    What do you think LongBall?

  12. No number will work, the display just show "INVALID SIM", the signal it's there with 3 bars, but even after a *121# it will just say "FAIL!" , even if there is plenty of credit and the validity suppose to be till the 13th of May this year, which according to their pages, the number should last for another 90 days after that date, so about the middle of next month...

    Source: http://www.ais.co.th/one-2-call/en/help_support.aspx


  13. As the expiration's date for one of my phones was getting closer, i decided today to pay for extending the validity (as i still had almost 300 Bahts inside).

    Last time i topped up this phone, was on the 3rd of August 2015, and the validity supposed to be till the 13th of May 2016, even if the message showed up 2015 instead of 2016, i didn't really made a big fuss of it and blamed it on the usual thai messing around with stuff and logic, as the logic would suggest that someone wouldn't be able to use its phone or even just top up on the 3/08/15 (d/m/y), if the validity of its credit was until the 13/05/2015 (d/m/y), but as usual, logic here it's just as an unwanted annoyance......

    I hope no mighty local it's going to kill me in the process of making them notice this, wish me well.....laugh.png


  14. <<<" Thais hate all foriegners">>>

    Let me correct this..

    Thais hate rude belligerent smart mouth foriegners

    and let me correct the correction on this....

    Many (not all, but still), sooo many rude belligerent and not so smart thais, just hate foreigners, not because there is anything wrong with you, apart from not being a "local", if that can be considered a fault at all, but to the eyes of many it is, sad but true.

    Not restricted to thais though, plenty of nationalistic and intolerant bigots almost everywhere, just in some place it's more prevalent than into some other places, possibly because there is not much they can be proud of, so these people just tend to create some imaginary personal's talent to brag about....WPFflags.gif

  15. After the initial year of subscription to GMM-Z, i did try to pay for a renewal several times, but none of those mongoloids were able to understand any english at all, or the limited thai i could speak (for which i always managed to let any other company to understand what i was all about, just GMM-Z seems to have problems), i believe that's because they possibly tried to sell to me some stuff i didn't want, so we all ended up with nothing.

    I then simply changed the frequencies inside that piece of absolute junk, and now use it to watch Asiasat for European channels, the only annoyance it's that every time they update the splash image on booting up (an advertisement), the channel's list get lost and you have to put them back where you like, there is no way to avoid this unless you have access to the internal firmware.

    Another not so nice thing they did, it's that until few months ago, you could get both video and sound from a single wire, then they bloody changed something and now the only way to get the sound it's to add a second wire just for it.

    All in all, don't throw it away, you can recycle it to watch some other stuff (french,english,russian,italian, portuguese,arab, chinese,thai channels and possibly even more).

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