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Posts posted by vivasamui

  1. 22 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    Shocking murder, feeling less safe here all the time.


    RIP Mr. Kenbay and I hope your killers are brought to justice.

    Linked to boiler room gang...

    Cheating people out of their savings with investment scams?

    What goes around comes around. 

    You have nothing to fear if you are not doing anything illegalin Thailand 

  2. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    having girlfriends back in the States, took on unofficial Vietnamese, Cambodian, Lao or Thai wives while being on active duty during the Vietnam war. Once their tour of duty was finished the troops abandoned these women, some pregnant or already born their children, and returned back to the States

    And Thais thought gravy train would go on forever (1955-1975), sent their daughters to work in bars, stopped investing in their children's education, followed the Americans ' example and abandoned their pregnant girlfriends all over the country...and look at the state of the country now! 

  3. 6 hours ago, Johpa said:

    The Thai TV industry is dominated by Sino-Thais who rape this country, not just the women, in every way imaginable, and then asked to be embraced by all the people. This is their metaphor for not only maintaining male domination, but for social and financial domination.


    Wow, really? Blame all Thai society's ills on "Sino-Thais"? Are you including the military government? Thaksin and Yingluck? The guys who own Singha beer and Sangsorm whiskey?

    Who do you blame for American soldiers using Thailand as their sexual playground in the 1950s, 60s, & 70s?

    What lessons do you think Thai people learnt from this experience? That it's okay for their daughters to sell their bodies so mommy & daddy don't have to work so hard? That it's okay to get your girlfriend pregnant and dump her because she can always find a foreigner to take care of your kid? Don't bother with getting a good education because you can always work in a bar? That Thai women are to be used and abused? This is all a Sino-Thai conspiracy?

  4. from linked article:

    Critics say the portrayal of rape in popular culture is a sign of ongoing gender inequality in Thai society. “The roots of the problem cover all institutions,” says
    Matcha Phorn-in, director of Thai-based rights organization Sangsan Anakot Yawachon. “We need to change the mindset of society and give out new messages, and we need to send these messages into families, the education sector and the media. We need a justice system that will make sure there is justice for women as well as men.

    “When it comes to violence in these soap operas, it’s not just about rape. It’s about the broader issue of who controls the system.”

  5. 20 hours ago, HooHaa said:


    why would that be the case? 

    again, i have never had this misunderstanding and in 20 years the only woman who moved in was the mother of my child. 

    ihave most certainly had sleep overs, some lasting 3 or 4 nights at a time, but i cant even imagine letting someone passive aggressively move into my space. 

    perhaps you should attempt dating women with homes, careers and self esteem.

    We're all guessing here, pending more juicy details, but  the OP said 'girl' not  'girlfriend '

    Please tell us how you  to get women with their own homes and career (not  hooker) who aren't your girlfriend to stay over (for sex). We would love to learn your lines.

  6. 4 hours ago, Bardeh said:

    I know this is outlandish, but I want you to entertain the idea anyway. You say 'I'm not ready for you to move in yet, we barely know each other. Let's see how things go before we take such a big step.' You know, communicate, like an adult does, with words.

    I think the issue is OP thought he could get free/cheap sex. The girl thought she found her Prince.

    Now it's time to pay up.

    If OP mans up and says he's not ready for her to move in, be prepared for slashed tires...or worse

    Bar girls are less complicated transactions :)

  7. 14 hours ago, Generalchaos said:

    Here is the basic problem.

    The Thai gets a farang husband, she lives in a shit village with a shit family that have scraped most of their lives and actually bought land at maybe 5 baht a rai in 1850.

    Now, having a farang they suddenly think they are some sort of royalty.

    Royalty have to have status, so in order to prove their level in society they have to own things.

    Their bastard children from previous unmarried sex couplings also need to have status and so they need things too...usually a car or something similar.(They never learn either, one sister gets shagged, then the next and the next and on it goes, they all end up with a shoal of bastards that are too lazy to work and suck more money than breast milk)

    Maybe some farang don't mind paying for other people's kids....not me!

    So it was never part of the deal.

    Later along comes a child, in wedlock, totally legitimate, so I need to protect things for his future. Hence the land is in his name (Before he was born it was in her name as it really didn't matter - if I died then she got it, end of story.)

    So, fast forward 15 or more years and we find that trying to live like a queen and keeping up appearances costs money....money they never had! So rather than lose face they go and borrow it, then they are up the proverbial SH&T Creek without the paddle. I am not financing their fantasies, not my problem.

    I am not financing a thirty five year old bastard love child and his car either so they can go and FO!

    Here is where the problems start....they end up having to sell all their land to pay off their HiSo debts, trying to save face. They just keep on borrowing and borrowing with no way of paying it back....then you get the sob stories, how you never really loved them, and if you truly loved them you would help!


    Well, after all these years, my skin is like buffalo hide, there is no compassion left, they can go and eat sawdust for all I care.

    As long as my son has something that I know he will not blow stupidly then I am happy, I am OK if he sells a bit of land and buys himself a Yamaha 300, no problem. But there is no way they are going to rip him off and flog what I paid for and cannot EVEN OWN to pay for some idiots in their family that goes out and spends half a million on a car that they cannot pay for...marriage vows or what..they can go and take the F'ing high road!


    I might add, there was a verbal agreement (worth diddleyshit) that none of the land I paid for would ever be used as a guarantee. When I found out that this promise had been broken....that was the end of that! All trust is gone and it is pull up the drawbridges and make sure that damage limitation is in order...hence putting the land totally in my son's name. The land office initially tried to talk me out of it, they said he was already named (jointly with my wife), thank god I didn't listen to them or I would have the SCB banging on the door!


    The really funny thing about all this is how your kids inherit your genes and the way you think....he really surprised me when he came and asked me if when we go to the gun club tomorrow, if we can ask them if we can borrow the Magnum .44 for a couple of days. - A boy after my own heart!


    Why marry into that family in the first place??

  8. 1 hour ago, sakaew said:

    About 15 years ago, I agreed to have a baby with my then long time partner.

    Having had a vasectomy 20 years earlier, I trotted off to what is touted to be Thailand's BEST Hospital. A Specialist  Fertility Doctor assured me I was not to old to father a child. They anaesthetized me, and harvested 3 sperm, which they kept in the fridge at their fertility centre. At a cost of 60,000 baht.


    No more than a week later, some new research from a VERY reputable centre in the US was published. At the time, it was believed that sperm transfer from men below the age of 40 was safe.

    (YES  40  NOT 60 or 70.)


    AS A RESULT OF THAT NEW RESEARCH....the maximum age for sperm donors was lowered.


    Because all the research showed that although the baby may--and often does--emerge as a perfectly normal beautiful child....the chances of that same baby developing several mental defects, mainly autism or schizophrenia, are UNACCEPTABLY HIGH. This tends to happen in a childs' late teens. Not every child is unlucky enough to go this way.


    So.... long after the father has passed away, the Mother has an unacceptably  high chance of having to raise a mentally deficient--and currently incurable--child.

    All on her own.


    That research was so compelling , that Australia lowered the age at which sperm transfer was recommended, to 35.

    I cancelled my fertility treatment.

    And blew the   6,000 baht it cost me to harvest those sperm.

    EACH AND EVERY TIME sperm transfer is attempted, the cost was 300,000 baht. That was years ago, and I imagine the cost would not have remained the same.

    The chances of success is VERY VERY low, even with a young couple.


    There would have been no doubt the Dear Old Doctor knew perfectly well the dangerous game he was assisting his patients to play...but HEY !!!!! TIT  This is Thailand, as Bernie Trink used to say in his Night Owlcolumn. Anything goes, so long as money changes hands. Who needs  Medical Ethics?


    Do yourself a favour. Type Elderly men's Sperm Degradation...Fertility Treatment.   into Google

    Get the latest research info.


    When I see a decrepit old codger proudly carrying his new born around Big C....I ALWAYS wonder  (a)  Would he have gone ahead with the treatment, had he bothered to read about the clear dangers associated with the procedure? (b) Can his wife cope with an intellectually disabled child?

    There's an old French guy on Samui who's daughter turned out autistic. He went ahead and made another baby with his 30-something year old Thai wife, and the son turned out autistic too. That is just ignorant. Or madness. Are you going to support two autistic kids for the rest of their lives? Are they supposed to look after you and your wife when you're infirm?

  9. I saw this "life lesson" on social media last month, so don't think this Thai teacher thought of this lesson herself but copied it.

    Anyway, some people don't get it.  1x9 = 7 is an obvious mistake, to get a reaction from the students, before the real "lesson."

    For example, think of Ryan Lochte.  He's won a heap of Olympic gold medals, but had the bad luck to swim for USA at the same time as a fellow named Michael Phelps. Do people remember his gold medals? No, they remember him lying about being robbed at the Brazil Olympics.

  10. 1 hour ago, Seismic said:
    1 hour ago, fittobethaied said:

    I always do keep in the left lane, but this usually happens on a trip on the highway out of town and I'm passing a long line of slow movers in the left lane, then all of a sudden I'll look up and see some fool flying up behind me doing 130 kms per hour, and they're going so fast they seem to come out of nowhere.  However, they could still maneuver around me in a case like that, but they are intent on making me move over quickly.  If I overreacted and moved to the left at the same time they may decide to go around me on the left, then I am creating a potentially dangerous situation for a collision.  It's better to tap the break and get the guy behind me to give me some distance so I can then decide what's best and safest for me to do next.

    Why do you not just keep to the left ??


    Your explanation makes no sense.  If you are passing other cars in the "slow lane" you should be concentrating on passing and going above the speed limit to pass as quickly as possible, before going back to left lane and carrying on your conversation with your wife!

  11. A 70 year old guy from New York sleeps with an 18 year old.

    The next day, he goes to church to confess.

    "Father, Father, " he says, "I slept with an 18 year old."

    The priest looks at the old man through the partition of the confessional, and says,

    "Your Jewish.  Why are you telling me this?"

    The old guy replies,

    "I'm telling everyone!"

  12. Last time I sold gold jewelry in Thailand, outside urban center, the shop (local branch of Yaowarat chain) deducted approximately 1,400 thai baht/baht gold chain, from the GTA price. No paperwork required, but I did sell to the same shop that I bought from. I took the cash, since the jewelry reminded me of the ex :) I made money anyway, since the price of gold had risen.

    BTW, if pound sterling and Chinese yuan keep depreciating, Fed and other Central Banks keep interest rates low, Italian and other European banks have problems with bad loans this summer, gold will go to US$1,500/oz (+10% higher than current price) or higher.

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