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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. Sun is cheap, has good machines, but is cramped and can often be busy.  Reports about air con being weak there 


    Fitness 7 has more space and more equipment for heavy lifting but is about 1600 a month.  Half the gym has good air con.


    Coco is slightly cheaper and has more air con, but not geared towards heavy lifting.


    Then there is muscle factory, no air con, but better equipment.  Can be busy at times 



  2. Do they charge of if you pay directly to the merchant, like a debit card, rather than withdrawal first?  I do not recall there being a fee for this.


    I think they charge extra for cash withdrawals as that was not their focus:. Just an extra perk in emergencies.


    I found it useful:. Land, darn my normal ATM card doesn't work, phew, wise got me covered for the taxi to the hotel.


  3. I've never seen this, and shop everyday on this thing.


    It may simply be that you are not logged in correctly, or choosing a shipping or payment option that is not the least expensive?


    Perhaps it's applying coupons on multiple orders in a way you are not noticing?

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/22/2022 at 1:42 PM, Stargeezr said:

    I prefer the term Global warming, since the earth itself is also causing changes in the climate.

     Volcanoes, Earth quakes, Forest fires, Floods. These events caused by too much rain, too much sun, 

    too much ash and gases released by volcanoes. The media likes the term climate change, so they can hang the causes on

    mankind, and not mention anything about the Earth causing a lot of changes. In my opinion of course.

    If memory serves:
    They first went with 'Global Warming'.  But because it wasn't getting 'hot' in one person's own town, people said: Oh, it's not getting hot.  It's colder than normal! Hah, no global warming.


    Not understanding that global warming meant the average temperature of the planet, not just one person's neighbourhood.


    So they switched to 'Climate Change'.  This simply states that the 'climate' (which is not just weather) is changing (not specifying the direction).  As the important matter is that the climate we have become accustomed to is changing.


    As to whether or not this is a good thing, that's up to the individual.  People with oceanside property might not like it.  People in highlands who want oceanside property might like it.  Mother nature doesn't care, as she'll be around long after mankind has gone.


    But to suggest there is no change going on, would be to refute basic math.  It is now so observable, that basic math skills can see what is going on.


    There might be room to debate exactly what factors are causing it, to what extent, and by whom.  But the fact that the climate has changed is heavily backed by data around the world.



    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Pinot said:

    Landslides are similar to other periods of heavy rain. This storm was exceptional, however. Is climate change contributing to the severity? I think so. 

    This has happened before, from what I read, 50 years ago.  The question is will it happen more frequently, then it could be an aspect of climate change.  If it does not happen again for 50 years, then it might not be related to climate change.

  6. 3 hours ago, gargamon said:

    Lightyears are a measure of distance, not time. Reminds me of Hans Solo in starwars when he said he did the run from xxxx to yyyy in zzz parsecs. Parsecs are distance too. They must have done it to show Hans wasn't so bright.

    They later corrected this to mean how short his run was because he could fly closer to the blackhole and survive because his ship was so fast.

  7. Yes, there appears to be a gentleman who works there to screen/accept passports who definitely needs a lot of what Anutin is selling.


    I find that going after holidays is the worst time to go. Try going during the most boring time of the calendar.  A Wednesday afternoon two weeks after the last holiday and at least two weeks before the next.

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