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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. I'm an American and my wife is a Thai. She pays all bills and I see where and how she tips. She often gives to the "real" poor and pays 500 Baht per day (Thais lucky to get 350 Baht/day) to laborers she hires for work I can no longer do which is just about anything now at 79. No more bars so that problem has gone away. In a younger foolish period I spent foolishly and enjoyed it foolishly.

    • Haha 1
  2. 21 hours ago, mosan said:

    My wife gets 36,000 in SS from the US and I give her another 36,000 from my retirement for 72,000 total.  She pays for everything...I just eat, sleep, and complain. But, considering the cost of living here, I don't spend another dime and the rest of my Pension get banked/invested every month.  However, I do go home and get a new O-A Visa every two years...


    I think she got a better deal hanging out with me and working in the US. 


  3. Partner in bar on Patpong 2 (Cloud 9) centuries ago. Guaranteed no underage, not seniors but nice ladies. Buy ladies a drink or two and if she was amenable, reasonable buy out and away they went. Never in the three years there did I have a bad news situation twixt lady and customer. Never went with any of our ladies and all knew that was the standard. Enjoyed until big bucks of Sudan, Saudi Arabia and finally a bad year in Nigeria (not recommended for employment). Cloud 9 was remodeled somewhat and owned by farang (who got screwed out) and an old conniving Thai. Closest I've been to Patpong since was Lawyers office in building across the street. Got back money I put in both in cash and fun. Now safely and happily married.


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  4. Years ago my driver (at the time) failed to react to drivers who braked hard so he get caught in it. Damage was was not that great but it really scared my wife (I was not in the car at the time). Once she fired the driver she had the damage repaired but in addition she had steel bumper material completely wrapped around the car. We may be in an accident but it will take a 10 wheeler to get through the steel protective barrier. I think we paid several thousand baht but have had many inquiries as to where we had the work done.

  5. One of my two cats is a rebel. Leave the door open a crack and off she goes. She always comes home if caught in a thunderstorm or when it gets dark. She's spayed and the male is neutered but I'm always worried she will get into a fight with an unprotected cat. All our friends know to be care full when exiting the door but young kids forget and the cat is fast. Today she's on a leash but it's too easy to get dangerously tangled and she has to be watched. I don't like to cage them all day, all night OK.

  6. 1. What is the penalty for arrested racers.  2. What do police do with motorcycles confiscated from the cute little boys not home doing their homework.  3.  What penalty for the negligent parents. I know for a fact that Police salaries, particularly new recruits, so auction off the bikes with clear titles with money going to police benefits.

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