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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. I am a guest in Thailand. It's internal political and/or criminal reporting is none of

    my business. The above writers seem to force themselves into things that belong to the Thai government and it's leaders. If the above writers have so much to say about the goings  on in Thailand perhaps they might take a look at the goings on in the USA that involves some of it's highest ranking "citizens".

  2. Read the news. Comey broke the story to preclude his own post election problems. He disobeyed Mrs Secretary of meeting Bill Clinton on stalled plane (to discuss her post election position). Our (US) Government is so corrupt that with the help of $$$$$ and Lawyers and Political contacts, criminals can evade prosecution for almost forever. Sound familiar to us long term visitors.?

  3. Standard procedure is to shoot suspected sick dogs, willy suckers are hard to chase, head along allows Vets to determine if animal has rabbies. Why not take carcass for proper disposal unknown, entire write up a sad joke. Thais,  Koreans, and Filipinos (and maybe others) eat dog meat, usually purchased at markets. Dog meat is usually prepared with spices,onions, and sauces, served with rice. Can't tell it's dog meat until you have developed a taste for it.

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