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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. Usually, in the case of a one star officer, they either said the wrong thing or didn't say the right thing. He irritated someone up the line of at least two-four stars. Hard enough to get to that one-star level and then lose it for some reason or another. Retire in some embarrassment but not much. Thousands of competent 0-6 officers in the grand stand waiting for the star opportunity.

  2. Many years ago returning from Siam Country Club I made an illegal "U" turn. Young cop came over and I showed my Thai License. He seemed confused but as the Sergeant started walking over I attached 300 Baht to my license, he looked at it, handed me back

    my license minus the 300 Baht and I was on my way. Couple of years ago I began a right turn and didn't see the red and while blockage triangles. There were several police at the site so I got a written ticket. Before I could pull out my handy 500 baht, the officer had written the ticket and pointed up the road indicating where the Police station was located. No more tickets and I don't drive any more, old age.

  3. Please tell me what several of the "authorities" and "police MEN" find humorous about a five year old child being abused with a sex toy by an adult male???? Where is the picture of the CLASS ACT mother? If I were the commander of the smiling officers I would   SMACK those grin right off their faces. Maybe they are waiting their turn, So sick. At least the Saudis limit their Muslim marriages to 9 year olds. All deranged sickos.

  4. Unheard of  in the USA. Hospitals are sanctuaries for the sick or injured not an arena for immature idiots of very low mentality. If there is a trend at certain hospitals in certain areas, increase police presence and make any disruptive behavior a serious Prison time offense. Alcohol or not, the mere idea of brawling near or in a hospital, putting staff and patients in danger is abhorrent and uncivilized. Thais need more education and maturity.

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