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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 20 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    I was with a friend who got a hole in one on Bangkok Golf a few months ago and i hit the pin on the same hole recently.


    Was playing with my brother when he got one which was a thinned 9 iron about 150 yards which clattered into the pin and dropped straight down. Complete fluke.

    a mate of mine did a similar thing..the ball was travelling at warp speed pin high and would have gone another 150m, but it hit the flag, got tangled and as the flag unraveled it dropped into the hole.  :shock1:

  2. 17 hours ago, Moonlover said:


    Now there's an interesting juxtaposition for you. ????


    By the way is not conceivable that a police pathologist attended the scene on the beach and was able to give an initial assessment of the cause and time of death? (subject to a formal report in due course) This is surely a common practice.


    In the case of a drowning victim, the body initially sinks and will then resurface 1 or 2 days later. If it remains in the sea it will finally sink again after around 7 days. In tropical waters that is.


    So there is only a small window in which a pathologist can make his/her assessment and with experience they should be able to be reasonably accurate.


    But hey. Does it really matter anyway?


    ...of course it matters!..depends if there is foul play or not..if the attending officers feel it is out of the ordinary they would call for the pathologist to attend..their call. The argument is none of them should say anything to the press until such time as an informed decision has been made by a qualified and competent pathologist. To say the body has been dead for two/three days is madness and only sensationalizes the poor persons demise..time this country shut the press out of all situations where they flock like ghouls..speculation is a personal thing and should not be put out there by unqualified persons.

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  3. 4 hours ago, tandor said:

    ..excuse me!..the body had just been found!..this unqualified statement came from either an unqualified reporter or police..it takes time for the cadaver to be sent for an autopsy, and some weeks later before a Pathologists Report has been completed and the matter sent to the Coroner..no-one else can make this judgement until all the facts and evidence has been examined.

    The Forensic Pathologists here are World class by the way.

    ...you find death amusing 'lomsak'. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Nice one.


    He's probably the only one with a driver's license, so by law, he's the one who needs to be behind the wheel, no matter if he does the steering or not. ????


    .at least he fore-warned the OP by putting the hazard lights on..well one of 30 digits pressed the 'nuke button'.


  5. 10 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Ah…the plot…sickens.


    The fact that this mysterious “Commander" remains unidentified suggests:


    1.  He’s too connected to confront.

    2. He’s been given a set amount of time to come up with a suitable bribe.

    3. He doesn’t exist. There is no “Commander”…like the Watch-man's dead friend...its all 



    This whole show could play out for a very long time, The only certainty being that it will only go away when he ‘right’ person…receives the ‘right’ amount of money.


    Amazing Thailand...you couldn't make this stuff up.



    ..one has to stand up to them..after all he took an oath specifically for that..he should honour it with his life.

  6. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Scrambling to save their collective ars*s... what a farce !

    I hope they all think the Red Buls**t heir was worth all the trouble.

    ..well you wouldn't leave the country if you were doing less than 80kmph..oh that's right, there is a Land Traffic Regulation for minimum speed of 80kmph to be maintained..no wonder he panicked and bought an air-ticket.

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