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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 4 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Yes nobody knows how we could react before to be in a real situation like that

    the stress and the fear can paralyze. and usualy you have only few seconds

    to take a decision, good or bad and with your (And your beloved) survival as an issue if you are wrong.


    In this case the good reflexes should be


    1\ as soon as you are sure the killer is far enough

    run over his motorbike with your pickup

    2\ drive far enough from the scene to be in a safe area

    3\ alert the police and give the most precise and short informations

    1 robber, apparently alone, masked and armed. at this location


    But i admit the 1\ require a lot of courage

    how to be sure he doesn't have an accomplice on

    the other side of the street or at the corner, armed too and ready to fire on you?


    ..it looked as if that gent in the black suit went to the electric doors and flipped the lock..followed by the robber having to shoulder the door to spring it open..for a moment there they momentarily trapped him, but it then looks as if he chased and fired at that man..he did a brave thing and may have been shot too...RIP those deceased.

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  2. 6 hours ago, todlad said:

    There is always the question of what we should do ... who really knows until something unusual happens to an ordinary person.


    I asked Mrs T last night what Thais might know that we don't. She said someone said he saw this moron as he arrived on his bike and took his gun out of his bag. The man hid behind his pickup but as the murderer moved on the man stood up only to find that the murderer turned round and pointed his gun at him. He crouched down again.


    At this stage, he wondered what to do: drive over the motorbike; wait for the murderer to reappear then follow him ... 

    The man said he had his young niece with him and wanted to keep her safe.

    Is that a true story? Did he call the police? Would I have done anything different?

    ...well i would run towards the drama unfolding and try to draw his attention away by shouting and screaming at him..i would rather sacrifice an injury to myself than see a child of any age harmed..i hope they apprehend him soon with no further loss of life.

  3. 17 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Why have an award for best writing, when it is based on social issues.

    Perhaps they could work out a handicap system like golf. A straight white guy like Stephen King would be at par. Then those  identified as being from whatever perceived disadvantaged groups, could enter the contest at a level playing field. So a woman of color with some exotic variety of sexual ID, and perhaps coming from a non-western country and maybe even some type of disability, could have dozens of extra points added to her ranking so that she would be leagues ahead of Stephen King. from the beginning. Even if no one ever watched her screenplay.

    That would be fair right?

    ...so the disadvantaged get 10 pages start on the rest of the bookworms.

  4. 18 hours ago, todlad said:

    That is not what you said previously. Like many people commenting on this thread, you came out with something silly. Highly trained soldiers would be hesitant to get involved with that man until they were able to get themselves in a much more dominant and safe position than stumbling across him as he entered a small.

    However, some brave souls do just that: they see, they react and they do what they can.

    ..i made a general comment about him entering the mall unchallenged dressed in that manner..seems these robbers can walk right up to a counter where they just help themselves...frightening stuff.

  5. 22 hours ago, tandor said:

    ...Im surprised also how he was able to walk through the doors of this mall clad in balaclava and waving this firearm about...sort of stands out...and not one Brave-heart in sight before/during/after this terrible event.

    Im surprised at 'laughing' and 'confused' emojis...

    The guy walked in through the sliding doors already disguised and toting the gun..he was not challenged..he walked past the young woman who just looked at him and kept walking..I would not expect her to tackle him but would have thought she had stopped and did an about turn when she spotted him..my point is he obviously entered from another public area and approached the electric doors and yet no-one did anything.

    My comment about this terrible tragedy stop right at there, not what he did as he reached the small group of persons on the right nor the counter.

    There was mention of the Security guard being shot...was he at the counter or outside the entrance to the store?

  6. 19 hours ago, todlad said:

    Are you serious? Did you see what he did to those poor people? Do you know that no one challenged him? Do you know what he was saying and how he was acting before his snivellingly cowardly attack?

    ..hey!...try to follow the story...It appears on the video..there is no sound so one can only deduce what one sees.

    The guy walked in through the sliding doors already disguised and toting the gun..he was not challenged..he walked past the young woman who just looked at him and kept walking..I would not expect her to tackle him but would have thought she had stopped and did an about turn when she spotted him..my point is he obviously entered from another public area and approached the electric doors and yet no-one did anything.

    My comment about this terrible tragedy stop right at there, not what he did as he reached the small group of persons on the right nor the counter.

  7. 5 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    note to self. Make own guns and ammo which is actually pretty easy and leave the phone at home.

    Sure the guy will have made a mental note already and will ditch the gun and pretend it was stolen. Most thais know not to take phones because from stories i have heard which i assume would be common practice is the police can get this info on anyone anytine regardless of court orders. Just another way to watch the sometimes innocent like these stupid police boxes on every street corner. Purpose is watching and control. 

    Actually surprised no one tried to follow this guy. I know i would atleast try from a safe a distance as possible or taken him out while riding by kicking his bars.

    ...Im surprised also how he was able to walk through the doors of this mall clad in balaclava and waving this firearm about...sort of stands out...and not one Brave-heart in sight before/during/after this terrible event.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I immediately thought to the biometric system.  Fingerprint the deceased, match it to immigration records, and there's your ID. 


    i thought they would have offered up this method of ID to promote the biometric system, but they didn't.


    Perhaps a lot of illegal Chinese entries here now. 

    ...well they should be sitting on their hands and be saying nothing until after they have arrested some persons...geez!

  9. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    The man who committed that crime deserves to be shot, but giving police orders shoot to kill is wrong.

    So any policeman who has a grievance against someone, shoots/ kills, then says ohh sorry i made a mistake, frightening thought.

    ...how about it was the media who misinterpret the instruction...if confronted the police will take the appropriate action as they always do...nothing special about that.

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