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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. 1 minute ago, Thai Ron said:

    It's not racist to arrest people who've broken the law.

    But it is racist when the wannabe elitists on here - I call them the "Delusionati" - make generalizations about or attribute certain behavioral traits to ALL African or Indian people based on the actions of a relative small minority.

    Believe me, those same people start calling Thai people "monkeys" the moment they have any problem with them. So not only blacks and Indians. At the end, it is all about the "shit" these folks are full of. Touch them and see it spills out in masses.

  2. 4 hours ago, Daveyh said:

    Doomed! ................ just like 99.99% of relationships here. It's the culture thing that ruins it all. Beautiful women with the wrong mindset about relationships with "farang's" as it's all about family survival & money. You will never realise you are being scammed until it's far too late .............. without a doubt you will not see it coming. Farang's put their trust into their partners too easily & do not expect to be lied to, cheated or robbed by them, so when it happens they are wide open without any defense ........ plus an empty bank account! How many times have I heard my friends say " she is not like that"! ........... difficult to make a comment at the time as out of respect for them you don't. I would love to find someone here that is completely honest & have a true loving relationship with someone. I'm not talking about "bimbo's" as that's asking for real trouble, but just a normal human being looking for the same as me ........ sad fact is that it's not possible here. I think the message is getting across to most farangs now that all relationships here are fraught with danger & law is definitely not on your side. 


    When somebody marries a girl that is 20-30 years younger than him and "do not expect to be lied to, cheated or robbed by them" - he must be a kind of delusional idiot who deserves what he gets at the end. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Daveyh said:

    Doomed! ................ just like 99.99% of relationships here. It's the culture thing that ruins it all. Beautiful women with the wrong mindset about relationships with "farang's" as it's all about family survival & money. You will never realise you are being scammed until it's far too late .............. without a doubt you will not see it coming. Farang's put their trust into their partners too easily & do not expect to be lied to, cheated or robbed by them, so when it happens they are wide open without any defense ........ plus an empty bank account! How many times have I heard my friends say " she is not like that"! ........... difficult to make a comment at the time as out of respect for them you don't. I would love to find someone here that is completely honest & have a true loving relationship with someone. I'm not talking about "bimbo's" as that's asking for real trouble, but just a normal human being looking for the same as me ........ sad fact is that it's not possible here. I think the message is getting across to most farangs now that all relationships here are fraught with danger & law is definitely not on your side. 

    Basically true. Of course, there are exceptions.

  4. 16 hours ago, johncat1 said:

    Why would a 27 year old take a drug for erectile dysfunction  ?  ( Floppy d***k )  Viagra doesn't increase the sexual drive or pleasure it just makes your d***k hard ... Sounds like a typical young man experimenting with a drug he didn't understand 

     Sexual pleasure is unachievable without a hard dick. So it is not "just" - it is a huge difference.


    BTW cannot see any connection between eating too much Viagra and walking naked in public. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    No, you said she only did it because she was his wife. If she had similar mental health issues as her husband, then her suicide is understandable.

    The probability that they both had the mental illness and decided to die at the same time is quite low. As you know from multiple examples - people sometimes kill themselves because somebody persuaded them to do so. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, binjalin said:


    It's not 'illogical' and many who suffer from all sorts of conditions, mental or physical, decide to take their own lives and those who do not currently suffer often say "it's illogical or they were mentally sick" because they cannot conceive, in their current condition, why anyone would not choose 'life'.


    This is 'courageous' because they did it together and their love was bigger than the fear. I, we, do not know the ins and outs of their circumstance nor will we ever know. Their letters make it clear that they chose together and, although we don't understand it, this is THEIR choice and I respect that choice.

    I can think of many reasons for a person to kill him/herself.  But it is very hard to think of the justifiable reason to make it together. Unless they are both very young and stupid or very old and tired. 

  7. 1 hour ago, HooHaa said:

    if you want to argue 


    ah yes, I see hypocritic was in common usage in the early 17 to 1800s, my bad indeed, i hadn't realized i was speaking to a man of your years. 

    but your rape speculation is utterly ridiculous and that was the more to the point.


     You take that "rape" thing out of context. It was meant to be ridiculous to prove my point. It was my reply to the claim that a beating of the student by the teacher should not take place "under no circumstances". So I thought of a situation when it could actually happen (and even be justified). As ridiculous as it seems - it still can happen.

     Some horror story from my Soviet childhood. I remember a father of one girl in my school coming to the school and fighting with several guys (the students) who mistreated his daughter. Thank God nobody was killed ;)


  8. On 11/13/2017 at 10:20 AM, HooHaa said:

    Firstly hypocritic is not a word. 


    Secondly, Students raped his daughter? Really? 


    Dont you think that is a bit of a stretch?

    Btw, I have just checked it on the internet and found out that "hypocritic" is a valid word (another form of "hypocritical"). Maybe you can explain to me why you consider it wrong? Do you have a problem with it's meaning? 

  9. On 11/10/2017 at 10:39 PM, gilo said:

    I overstayed 11 years but cleared the overstay in 2014 before the bans came into play. Additionally, my situation was also different in that I surrendered at the airport hence was not blacklisted and just fined 20k. I suspect that out in the countryside there may be farangs who have many times longer overstays but who stay under the radar. But to explicitly answer your question a visa agent that I used said that I had been the longest he had known of until a year or so when a H-K national cleared his with a 15 year overstay. The days of being able to simply financially settle the matter on surrendering ended in 2016. Deportation, however, was always available for those caught.

    That is interesting. So this Egyptian guy stayed 7 years on overstay and was only obliged to pay 20 k baht at the airport at that time. And he also could come back the next day. Now they catch him 3 years later and he gets 10 years ban. Is it fair to apply the new laws (introduced in 2014) retroactively?

  10. On 11/9/2017 at 8:42 PM, Yme said:

    Ahahaha. #FakeNews


    Not what it appears to be at all.


    ‘Teacher Beating a Student Video’ Goes Viral in Thailand – But It’s Fake News (video)


    "Rather than being a Thai school, the classroom in the video above is actually in Indonesia. Rather than being a teacher beating a student, the video actually depicts a fight between two students."


    And that is why I told all the monks and saints in this thread that we need more details before making any conclusions. But so many people believe only what they like to believe. (And all those moral judgements made me wanna puke. )

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