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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. 41 minutes ago, sambum said:

    "And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt".


    One of the most hypocritical comments yet! You say you don't support his actions, but the video clearly shows what he did, or are you one of those who advocate that no one is guilty until they have been found guilty in a court of law? In which case this teacher/thug will probably be transferred to another school.

    We don't know all the details. We don't know about the circumstances. A man beating another person is not automatically proved guilty. Sometimes even one man killing another is found not guilty. Have you ever heard of something like this? Again and again - I don't claim that the teacher was right (most probably he was not). But I am also not ready to accuse him of crime WITHOUT additional information regarding the case.

  2. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    well you added this line


    No that does not answer my question at all. If an alleged crime has taken place you call the police. You are essentially as bad as the teacher. He committed the violence and you seem to think it is ok. There is little difference in your mental state only the teacher was there and you were not. What makes me 'vomit' are people like you who condone the use of violence like this in the classroom. The boy is sat at his desk, he is unarmed and no threat to anyone. He is not trying to harm any other student. The teacher then attacks the brave boy that tries to intervene  is that ok as well.


    Go stew on it. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or any credibility. Your comment is almost as shocking as the act itself, particularly as you will claim to come from an 'educated, civilised nation'.

    First of all, relax. I have a feeling you would give me a serious beating in case we meet in person right now. That is why I call some of the posts hypocritic. Your level of verbal aggression doesn't go well with your pacifistic stance.

    Second, if I understood you right, in case that somebody harms your daughter or son (something I wish never happen) - your only reaction will be to call the police?  Well, maybe that is wise. But again - I personally would act like a beast. And I don't care what others will think about me.

    And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt. And it is very important not to blame somebody innocent without the facts.

  3. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    And what circumstances are those when you would attack a young teenage boy in class in such a way? I guess under 'some circumstances' then you should be locked away in jail for a very long time. I hope you have no children, I hope you never have any children and I really hope you do not work in a school.


    It amazes me that even when under perceived anonymity on a board like this (it is not anonymous by the way) what people will actually admit to. You Sir seem to be a danger to society if you admit that under some circumstances you would do this to a child.

    I just made an addition to my post which might answer your question.

  4. Just now, bkk6060 said:

    Because they have convinced you of that.

    Truly, yes they send money to their family but most of their comments to you are a lie.

    I they make 30,000 b a month they will send 3,000 to their Mom.

    They are #1 take care of themselves.  Do not be fooled. 

    I do love them, but Thai girls are probably the biggest liars in Asia.

    Agree. That romantic aura about poor Thai girls working day and night in the bar just to feed their poor families - it is such a myth. Maybe this was true 20-30 years ago. Not anymore.

  5. 8 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    YES.  These guys are ripped off so much it is crazy.  But they are not on TV and do not say much to "save face".

    The Gogo lady rip offs with these guys is off the charts.  I have a Chinese friend but he is American from California.  All his buddies big rip offs from these girls.  Big money big rip offs and they say nothing.  Great scam.... which is why Falang in the Gogo's are ignored. Hopefully, most of us know better!

    Apparently - they have enough money to afford this happening to them. I heard prostitute services are very expenses in Japan, for example. 

  6. 2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I think this story frustrates farangs more than Thai's.

    My wife just shrugs her shoulders and give the depressing answer; 

    "This is Thailand, always been the same, never change"

    And that is true. This is a Thai culture. Take it or leave it. 

  7. 4 hours ago, thailove36 said:

    No, not really about the Bitcoin price. I'm very happy if we drop to 500$ at all. I would even love to mine on a slightly loss though.

    Probably , I understand something wrong.  If you make 5 BTC a month - it is about 20k USD with the current (4 k per BTC) price. But if BTC price falls down to 1 k  USD - how on earth will you be able to make a profit with 5 BTC? It's value will be less than your monthly electricity bill. Also , you said you are ready to work without profit at all. This one really puzzles me. 

  8. 2 hours ago, thecyclist said:

    Decades in Thailand meeting hundreds of resident Farang and hearing about their travails in the 'love market', observing the Thais love of money, surpassed maybe only by the Chinese, but they are willing to work for it. The Thais want the money without the toil. There are ,of course, many 'unthai ' Thais that break the mold and with whom you can have genuine relationship,but for some reason most Farang seem to have a knack for falling for the golddiggers.

    Golddiggers? What else should one expect marrying somebody 20-50 years younger than him?

     We cannot know from the OP's story all the details. My guess is it was a normal relationship which lasted for 9 years which got broken one day. Happens all over the world. Should we assume that there was a bad intention right from the beginning whenever somebody are getting divorced in Europe or USA?  Don't think so. But why this assumption is always automatically applied when we talk about Thai wives?

  9. 15 hours ago, ericthai said:

    watch out for the lawyers, most are no good.  My friend has an issue that a shop sold his motorcycle while he was on an oil rig working. He hired a lawyer via a Thai friend and had to pay 600,000B up front. After he paid the lawyer he was never able to get in contact with the lawyer again. Would not accept phone calls, not in the office when he went there. Etc.  Be very careful of the lawyer you use.



    What was the value of that motorcycle if he was ready to pay 600 k to the lawyer + upfront?

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