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Posts posted by Veazer

  1. I use Blackle, It is Google results but allegedly energy saving. There is a plug in for Firefox's search bar menu drop down thing.


    Blackle is a ridiculous scam by someone who wanted to profit from google adsense.

    Consider the following:

    • Displaying black to save energy only works on olders CRT monitors and even then it's just 5-10% difference (just lowering the brightness would save far more energy)
    • LCD monitors actually use a little more power to show a black screen because they work by selectively blocking the backlight
    • How many minutes are actually spent on the search engine anyway? Most people search and then immediately click the results.

  2. ...Another utility that might help is Powerstrip, which can usually set any resolution on any card.

    A very handy util, but this isn't totally true. Custom resolutions must be supported by the driver. I've tried using PS on some integrated chipset graphics cards and there was no option for custom resolutions. I had to go find a cheapo nvidia card to get the resolution i needed.

    Thankfully you can test out PS first to make sure it is usable on your card.

  3. I think, your computer has infected virus called Godzilla, the virus was deleted but the command in start up still exist. Just go to run>msconfig then click Startup and uncheck the boot (wscript.exe/E:vbs C:\WINDOWS\boot.ini)

    Hope it helps


    Probably won't help too much, this thread is nearly a year old... :o

  4. I use RenameIt, works well and it's open source.

    Just run it, add the folders containing the files you want renamed and use the following settings:

    Find what: *

    Replace with: FR$(FileName)

    [X] Use: Wildcards

    Remember that jpg files often contain lots of useful metadata such as the time and date they were taken. You might want to look at EXIFManager which can rename files using this data.

  5. I like M-Audio gear as well, but I had some bluescreen o' death driver issues with an older USB unit. I think the drivers have improved a bit since Digidesign got involved.

    I brought an RME card back for a friend and he loves it. Very high quality german equipment, but likely more than what you need.

    btw, what is the card going to be mainly used for?

  6. Thanks for all your inputs, however as I am planning selling laptop afterwards, buyer will probalby want to have it including WindowsXP (in this case) and all pre-installed programs, so I am still unsure which way to go...as i am no expert at all....



    If you want to leave the XP installation in place, and you don't have a recovery disk, I would:

    1. do your best to find and delete all the data you don't want others to have.
    2. have a competent IT person check to see you that you've done a thorough job. Think about every app you use that would store sensitive data, like Outlook or your tax programs, and remove those data files. Most programs store this data in your user profile, so removing your profile (next step) is a quick way to remove much of this. however, some apps still store the data within their installation folder so some careful inspection of the programs files folder is needed. Remember that un-installers generally only remove what they installed. If you install accounting program X and it creates a data file for you inside the installation folder, then un-installing the app later will most likely remove the app but leave your data behind.
    3. Ensure all temp folders, cache folders, etc. have been emptied.
    4. Create a new user profile for the next user, or just the adminstrator account, and delete your old one.
    5. Empty the recycle bin, then run Eraser on the drive's free space to ensure that all the data deleted in the previous steps cannot be recovered.

    Like Gregory Morozov stated though, there's still a chance that something could be overlooked and data could be left behind.


  7. My connection in Chiang Mai (True/Cable - 1024/512) is usually horrible for skype. The other party says they can hear me fine, but their voice is very slooooo and choppy like it's played back at 1/2 speed or slower...... and then suddenly their voice speeds up to 2-3x normal speed and is too fast to understand, then slow again. repeat repeat.

    My ports are forwarded correctly, and skype diagnostics shows that no relays are being used, virtually no lost packets, low cpu use, but roundtrip times range from high, around 2500-3500ms, to ridiculously high like 15,000-20,000 ms. It's as if my incoming skype data is treated as low priority traffic and waits in some queue for a few seconds.

    The connection currently works fine for nearly everything else, especially considering how many people have horrid internet problems. I can use nearly all my bandwidth when downloading torrents, and single threaded downloads (ie no download manger) are typically 25-30 kB/s, more than adequate to handle Skype's minute bandwidth. Browsing, email, etc. are all very usable, only skype gives me issues.

    [edit: typo]

  8. Like kdvsn said, it sounds like you're working with 16-bit images. If you can't import though, something else is going wrong.

    As for saving the jpgs, you should use "Save for Web", then choose jpeg and use a quality of 51% or better. 50% or lower will show compression artefacts on the edges of areas with high color saturation.

  9. ...If I have the full Service Pack's downloaded once, I can just install from the file and do NOT need to go online, which saves a lot of time...

    Unless you're using media center or tablet edition. I don't understand why MS won't allow them to use the full version of SP3, they must use Windows Update....at least until someone finds a way around that.

    I feel the same as you, I much prefer to have a full service pack instead of waiting for updates to download. Or even better, using a slipstream version.

  10. I installed and configured RMClock on the gf's AMD laptop. I was able to undervolt the processor by a lot and most importantly enable dynamic cpu speed switching, not natively supported by XP for this processor evidently. Her battery life more than doubled and it runs cooler as well.

  11. I just read an article on the web regarding how old (or old stock) ethernet cables can slow down your ethernet connections. The article recommended "Cat6" cables for modern T-1000 capacity ethernet.

    So I have started checking my cables and discovered that indeed most of my Ethernet cables in use are T-10 (Cat 3?) or T-100 (Cat 4?) rated.

    This article claimed an almost 50% improvement in data transfer when the writer installed Cat6 cables.

    I bought some new Ethernet cables at Panthip about a month ago and just checked them and guess what ... T-10 rated.

    Does anyone have any thoughts/ideas on this? Will changing the cables bring that much improvement? If so, I may have to rewire my office!

    To quickly sum things up, Cat 3 is intended for reliable 10BASE-T connections (10 Mbit/s), Cat 5 is for 100BASE-T, and Cat6 is for 1000BASE-T. There's also some intermediate cable standards like cat4 and cat5e that are inbetween the 3/5/6 standards in terms of quality.

    By far the most popular standard for 100Mbits/s connection is 100BASE-TX which uses 2 of the 4 wire pairs. There is another flavor called 100BASE-T4 that uses all 4 pairs and this supposedly can reliably use Cat3 but few people actually use these cards, it's pretty much 'dead' standard. I've got drawers full of them if you want any for free (hint: you don't).

    Are you using gigabit ethernet or 100BASE-T? Your T-100 is the same as cat5, so that is sufficient if you're using 100BASE-T. You should be able to transfer at 5-6 MB/s (locally!). I would guess that a short run of cat3 would be ok, but it would be best to use cat5. Whether or not you'll see a change in performance changing likely depends on how long your cable runs are, but again this is just a guess.

    Like RKASA said, it's unlikely that it could ever drop your speed below that of a Thai internet connection. :o

  12. I'd heard stories about her but never saw any unusual behaviour other than a persistent dour look on her face. She's pleasant enough to me because she's good friends with a friend of mine.

    Then one day I was eating there and overheard her taking a customer's order. She asked the girl if she wanted a side order of something and the girl clearly said yes. When the order came out, the girl politely asked where it was and the owner exclaimed "You said you didn't want it! You said that! Why are you doing this? Why are you playing these games with me?!?" It was an over-the-top reaction and completely unnecessary. She turned a simple misunderstanding into an uncomfortable confrontation.

    I'd happily eat there again, but for me that experience helped to explain the reputation she has.

  13. What you think how many users having Viruses, Trojans, Spam and Spy's on their system?! I do believe much more than anyone think about!

    A lot ISP reporting for example E-Mails with attached "Beast's" to the Spam-cop and RBL's and so even ISP's get black listed.

    To only way to avoid that is to get an special security certificate, which is attached to all of your e-mails. Not an easy deal!


    My small ISP in the US has a very simple straightforward policy towards this. If infected PCs from your network connection are acting as zombie spam factories then they disconnect you until you take the time to run some basic anti-malware apps and de-crapify your pc. Fair enough.

  14. After I had a look at this program, I had also added it the the Downloads of Thaivisa and all can feel free to download it from there as well.

    Veazer: Thanks for your test and I added a note at the TV Download with all credits to you.


    Thanks for the credit, but I'm not sure it's prudent to add it to downloads unless you're willing to add newer versions as they are released. It's just version 0.40 and will probably be regularly updated.

    It not for me - others may like it

    Understandable, it's far from perfect. Anything in particular you don't like?

    From my brief bit of testing...


    • Tabs. Finally! A tab based layout works very well for a PIM imho. Should be more flexible though, tabs currently can't be re-ordered or added/removed.
    • Fast. Using an IMAP connection, Spicebird downloaded the headers of my Gmail inbox (750+ messages) in about 8-10 seconds on a 1 megabit True connection.
    • Good IMAP support. Like Thunderbird, the Spicebird gui remains totally responsive even when connectivity to the IMAP server is less than ideal. Outlook is a worthless IMAP client, freezing and locking up as it waits for a server response. This has been a problem with every version of Outlook for 10+ years, and the the solution from MS remains the same: 'Open task manager and end the Outlook.exe process'.


    • Memory usage is still too high, same problem as Thunderbird + Lightning.
    • Very little use of drag-n-drop, just like Thunderbird. This is a big downside for me. As a longtime user of Outlook, I've always been impressed with how much it takes advtantage of drag-n-drop. Want to create a new contact from a received email? Drag it to contacts. Want to create a new task based on something said in an email? Drag it to tasks. Same for calendar appointments, etc. Outlook is fast and efficient in this regard, while Thunderbird and Spicebird require excessive cutting and pasting and extra steps to accomplish the same task.

  15. Errh, sorry I just read this thread.....had you instead

    mv -R /mail/.user@domain_com/cur /mail/.user@domain_com/~cur

    you could have backed it up if it would have barfed.

    Sorry i didn't catch your reply earlier, i forgot to subscribe to my own thread. :o

    I actually did rename it with an ftp client prior to deletion, but I only did a few minutes of testing before I assumed all was well and went ahead and deleted it. The account could receive and send mail so I figured it was OK. So far, so good....

  16. Hi :o

    Does this support Hotmail accounts?? Because the <deleted>' Windows Live Mail Desktop is STILL not working and Outlook XP sucks monkey balls under Vista.

    Best regards.....


    For free hotmail accounts, no. Only IMAP and POP3 are currently supported. In the past you could use utilities like HotPops3 to simulate a POP3 server and it would fetch the mail for you but it appears that MS has blocked utilities like that. If anyone knows any working utilities to do this, please post.

    Personally I would hate to be restricted to Windows Live Web access only, it sounds like a painful endeavor. I would consider making a change to a service provider that allows POP3 and IMAP access like Gmail. You could easily forward all your hotmail to Gmail to be sure you don't miss any messages from your hotmail account.

  17. For the last few weeks I've been unable to get my Macbook to burn to disc. I keep getting a communication error between the computer and the hardware. I tried using the burn option in finder as well as downloaded burn software. No luck. I have searched the internet and while there are people who have experienced the same problem their are few solutions offered. I tried reparing permissions through utility and this didn't help either.

    Where can I buy an external cd burner which is compatible with mac/tiger. Are all cd burners compatible? Are they expensive?

    My burner was able to burn CD-RW discs for a long time after the ability to burn CD-R discs stopped. Hardly a solution to your problem (or an answer to your question :o) , but you might want to see if this is the case for you as well.

  18. EDIT: Before I get flamed about the lack of MS Exchange connectivity, I should note that when I said "Outlook Alternative" I was referring to non-exchange use of Outlook - POP3, IMAP, etc. Sorry.

    I very rarely posts "news" type items but I thought this was worthy. Feel free to flame/throw poo/etc if you disagree. I've been trying to find the perfect Outlook alternative for years but there's not a lot out there.

    Synovel has released a new PIM called Spicebird based on Mozilla Thunderbird + Lightning, but aiming for better integration of the two and adding tabs. It's currently at version 0.4, but it's looking very good already. Let's hope they vote for a name change as soon as possible. :o

    Official Spicebird site here.







  19. ...Actually, this site is not specifically banned. They have banned ALL the sub-domain...

    Yep, many websites have been mistakenly blocked because thai authorities are a bit careless and block more than necessary. I remember awhile back when the entire NetFirms.com domain was blocked because of 1 "undesirable" website. By blocking the entire domain, they effective blocked well over a million websites that were totally unrelated.

    I just checked the above mentioned site and it wasn't blocked on my connection at all, including the english version.

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