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Posts posted by Veazer

  1. Adobe Photoshop is my favorite. The magic wand technique for selecting pixels within a certain color range can be pretty handy, but there is also a lasso tool that allows you to drag a selection around whatever it is you want to cut out. It's pretty smart at figuring out what's what. The blur tool is also pretty essential to blur the cut-out with whatever new background you’re adding. Its takes away that cut-out look and helps with things that are really hard to isolate well, like hair.

    If you're using photoshop to mask photos, I would recommend trying the extract tool instead (CTRL-Alt-X). It's specifically designed for this purpose, and in most cases superior.

  2. I'm tired of the spam as well. I know mine started when my gf used my number on a smirnoff party 'guest list'. For awhile it was just Smirnoff invites, now i get an invites for every !@#$% event in Chiang Mai.

    The pre-recorded audio commercials from DTAC are the worst though. All too many times I've pulled over to the side of the road to answer a call only to find out it was advertising bs.

  3. 3M Scotchbrite "High Performance Cloth" works well but it is a bit pricey. It leaves much less dust behind.

    'Rubbing alcohol' in thailand seems to be denatured ethyl alcohol rather than isopropyl alcohol. IIRC ethyl alcohol is a stronger solvent, so be careful.

  4. Just found a great one: Zymic

    2 GB of hosting space, 35 GB of monthly transfer, PHP, MySQL (& phpMyAdmin), FTP access, no ads. If they like your site they'll give you a free top level domain.

    They limit what type of files can be on the site, but they are much less restrictive than any other free host i've come across. I tried uploading .zip files, .rar, .avi etc. and all were allowed.

  5. My concern is 3rd party support for hardware, such as GFX drivers. My rig is primarily a gamer machine, so i need to know i have the support for the OS

    I've had no problems with XP drivers on Win2K3 with exception of one bluetooth driver. As for gaming, I've seen one user posting benchmarks of Win2K3 vs XP after a fresh install and Win2K3 was 20% faster. That's a very considerable fps increase!

  6. I purchased a tiny PQI flashdrive and I don't understand the design of the USB plug at all:


    If you consider the contact bars closest to the insertion edge as 7 different contacts numbered 1-7 (ignoring the short break on contacts 3 & 5), then the standard 4 usb connections will use contacts 1,3,5 & 7 when inserted into a USB socket. However, some USB sockets seem to be slightly 'shallower' and I have to insert the drive 1/2 way. If i fully insert the drive and it will fail because it will short the 2 inner usb contacts on the center contact (stretched hexagon shape) . Sorry for the confusing wording.

    Does anyone know why they use this bizarre design?

  7. Use the typical job sites here in Thailand.


    Check the links on the first two sites, jobtopgun is a big one here in Bangkok for example.

    But seriously believe me. I'm a programmer myself (even though just php,mysql and script languages) and had the task to build up our multimedia department. I would never rely on Thai staff when it comes to technical things like that. You just can't compare it to first world countries.

    I currently make my money online with Internet marketing and that is great. I don't even want to work for any Thai clients, but that's a different story. Doing business here with locals s#cks.

    My experience has been pretty much the same as Freitag1. I was assisting someone trying to develop a educational software package and it quickly grew into a disorganized unusable monster using thai programmers. They never came close to having a usable piece of software and they would miss glaringly obvious bugs that testers would see within seconds. He eventually took the job to Romania and was extremely pleased with the results he got there, but of course all the work that was done here had to be junked.

  8. I suspect you are infected and this is directing you to a web site where they will sell you something to take care of it. They infect you and sell you something to get rid of it or they get you in deeper. Get the exact wording and look it up with Google. They will likely have a name and a way to get rid of it; but be careful.

    :o Ooops! Nice one lopburi3, I hadn't even read his post fully!

    I'm with lopburi3 on this, it sounds like malware indeed. I would worry more about removing the cause of these popups rather than hiding them.

    1. Trojans aren't _that_ subtle. In addition, they are really hard to get if you are careful, or in other words, really easy to avoid. I check Windows tasks when suspicious things happen. But I must admit, a keylogger might slip through if it's hidden via a root kit. But then again, I am somewhat paranoid about online banking, so I don't do that from the PC. Only from the Mac. I could also do it from my ubuntu install, I suppose. But that's just me.
    2. Backups are for data, so you can restore the data when reinstalling the system. Data files don't "get infected".
    3. I don't use a not up to date web browser - hard to do anyway since Firefox updates automatically. Friends have actually plugged in their virus ridden handy drive in my PC, you know what happened? Nothing. I had turned off Windows Autoplay with TweakUI a long time ago, and without autoplay, no virus can install themselves via media. I actually found the virus for them and wiped it off with AVG.

    Harden your system; turn off autoplay, turn on auto updates and firewall, and turn off all those unused services with a program that does it for you like Secure-IT. Be a little bit careful and don't run executables you get via email / chat, or at least send them through GMail first. Don't visit shady warez sites and don't download keygen.exe from them. And you will be spyware and virus free. Without all the hassle of an AV program.

    1. I just finished helping a windows user last week who lost her gmail and yahoo account due to a keylogger. It was certainly subtle for her! She had no idea until she lost control of the accounts and started to get suspicious of her pc. I don't know how she got it, most likely doing something stupid, but a decent AV like NOD32 would likely have prevented the incident.
    2. Backups are not solely for data, they are for whatever you want to backup. I backup my portable apps folder routinely. And besides, data *can* get infected. There's been macro viruses in MS word .doc files (anyone remember Melissa?), .wmf viruses, .wmv viruses, etc. They're not nearly the threat posed by executable viruses but they do exist.
    3. I know you're smart enough to keep things up-to-date and secure, but the average user is unfortunately less knowledgeable about disabling autorun and they're often running IE6 as it was installed from their XP disc. When repairing PCs, i still see a fair amount of XP machines that haven't even had SP1 installed.

    Like dsys said:

    "If you know how to reduce your attack surface you don't need the overhead. If you don't know. you need all the help you can get so install what you feel comfortable with."

    The average user in this forum is far more saavy than the typical user out there and can get around without AV if they're cautious, but otoh I would never consider setting up an office environment or customer's pc without any sort of protection. That's why the statement of AV being bullsh*t was something I strongly disagreed with, in many scenarios it's outright necessary. My stance on the use of AV was taking clueless users into account as well. I've worked with many people who don't know how to increase the security of their system and don't want to know. You could tell them to never open anything with an .exe extension and they will do it hours later. Try working as a network admin for awhile, you will lose all faith in human intelligence. It's frustrating and ultimately the best choice for these types is fulltime AV running in the background.

    For me personally, I wouldn't go without some protection but i'm also regularly working on virus riddled pcs and i don't want to let that into my system. A little scanning overhead, when needed, is a small price to pay imho.

    Then again, Ubuntu is looking mighty appealing these days. :o

    Apart from all the good advise in this thread two things more about using Outlook Express:

    1. Enable the option: "read all messages in plain text" instead of html. Prevents a lot of spam as noone will know you looked at the spam message. No scripts will run as only text is displayed. Every message will be safe to open. (but not the attachments)

    2. Disable the preview pane, then the messages don't open automatically.

    Yup, I would also add:

    1. Install VirtualPc or VMWare and have a decent Win2K or WinXP base installation. If you think a file might be dodgy, test it on the virtual PC first.
    2. In addition to avoiding IE, I would use a script blocker like NoScript in Firefox


  9. I will be using it to keep in touch with family and friends not business, so having to call someone back or talk slower would be acceptable.

    I think what dsys was referring to by incoming transmissions vs outgoing was the actual audio quality of audio data coming into thailand versus outgoing, regardless of who originated the call. Hope that cluttered sentence makes sense! This has been my experience with SIP based VoIP service in thailand as well. The other party reports that they can hear me fine but their speech arrives in bursts and drops out when the network is overloaded.

    I've found that the Ookla based internet speedtests (like THIS) are a reasonable indicator of what to expect of call quality. If the download test often pauses for more than just a fraction of a second then the same is likely to happen to your call data, resulting in drops. Uploading generally has no pausing at all for me which explains why the other party generally experiences a better call quality. There are other online tests for VoIP quality as well.

  10. Antispyware and antivirus is bulls***. I have been running windows for 15 years now and never had any problem, never had any antivirus stuff. It takes only time and is a pain somewhere. Just be carefull about running .exe-files. Take the recommended precautions and back the really important things up.

    And ...when... it goes haywire then reinstalling everything is not the end of the world.

    1. If you did have a trojan keylogger, etc. on your system but no detection in place, how would you know? You state you've never had a virus AND you've never used and anti-virus app. Isn't that akin to saying you currently have no health problems or diseases but you've never been to a doctor?
    2. Backups of infected files are still infected files.
    3. There's more ways to get malware infections than carelessly running .exe files. You could easily get a virus by visiting a malicious website using a less than up-to-date web browser. Or letting a friend check email on you computer, at which point they plug in their virus ridden handy drive to send photos to a friends... The list goes on.

    EDIT: typo

  11. Keep in mind that S.M.A.R.T. will work over eSATA connection but not USB/Firewire.

    I've also been told that the HD cache is not utilized when connected to USB/FW enclosures, but I have not been able to find any solid evidence to backup that claim. I have doubts since most pre-built enclosure & drive combos state the drive cache size.

  12. I had to make another client run because TOT started to block port 587 and the ssl port 465 but the good news is that the TOT's smtp.totisp.net server is funtioning (for now).

    In the last month TOT DNS servers had problems, changed in the DNS setting for all pc's, for OpenDNS and .

    I had a customer change over to the TOT server after the blocking and it's not going well. They are having a lot of email that never arrives at the recipient end and their emails are often detected and filed as spam because it's coming from the TOT server. You're not having any of these problems?

    EDIT: Typo

  13. ...My recommendations?

    Webroot Spy Sweeper for spyware and

    Norton AntVirus for viruses.

    If anyone is interested, you can get Webroot for free for 12 months from here. They will send you a valid serial.

    Then use these download links to get the program:

    Windows 2000, XP or Vista, click here to start the download.


    Windows 98se or ME, click here to start the download.


  14. Yes, it does! Without the "Gimmiks" of Vista and much more secure running Server 2008 is nothing but just a fun!

    I'll getting my Server Version within the next few day's, it's on a way already. It will run in 2 different versions: as Enterprise and as Web Edition. Like my Webserver with Web Edition 2003 it will run on the same Hardware, without any diffrence. As I tested the RC Version of 2008, there wasn't a difference in Speed but in relibility a lot and more secure.

    But I will see the differences between the RC and the RTM because MS was even applies some minor changes to the Kernel of Server 2008. Hopefully I'll have it to the weekend and could install it than.


    That's great news Reimar. Thanks for the update. It sounds like the difference between 2008 Server and Vista will be even greater than the difference between 2K3 and XP.

    When you said "it will run on the same Hardware, without any diffrence" do you mean it will run on the as well as Win2K3 on the same hardware as Win2K3? That would be nice if so. I assumed it was going to have nearly the same bloated memory footprint as Vista. Sorry if i misunderstood, it's been a long day.

    If you have any free time i'd love to see some of benchmarks comparing it to the other Vista, XP and 2K3.

    I really believe MS could regain some customers by taking the same thinking to their desktop OSes as their server OSes: start with the bare-minimum features and add on what you need. It's a much smarter approach IMHO.

  15. eWeek has an very interesting article about Microsoft's Server 2008 which is really worth to read because it answers a lot questions you may have.

    I was using and still use the RC Version of Server 2008 and I'm very imprest about the Speed and Performance already. The Server Management ist very easy to use but very powerfull as well.

    To read teh Articel at eWeek go to HERE


    Does it seem to be a similar situation to WinXP vs Win2K3 Server? As we talked about before, Win2K3 server performs better than XP by a noticeable margin and makes a better desktop OS imho. Your own benchmark testing showed 2K3 racing ahead of XP (and way ahead of vista) for desktop benchmarks like office tasks, etc. Does 2008 feel like a better desktop OS than Vista?

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