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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Really, my daughter was also a key worker and still works front line in the hospital. I won't bother giving you her opinion I was pointing out that other can have different opinions so kindly stop with the "on behalf off all of us"
  2. whatever, not falling for your pathetic baiting, made my position clear since you wanted it, you carry on and debate as much as you want
  3. Please don't speak for me and he's already received a fine so its done as far as I'm concerned
  4. When you say "we" I would correct that if I was you because you are wrong and off topic completely with bringing Ukraine into this where he has preformed extremely well
  5. The reports I post never make sense to you so I was expecting that, more on it here if you follow the link from the report: https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/jun/03/russia-ukraine-war-latest-moscow-now-controls-a-fifth-of-ukrainian-territory-zelenskiy-live?page=with:block-629a5e568f084d9060b746ba#block-629a5e568f084d9060b746ba
  6. Russia-Ukraine war: what we know on day 101 of the invasion Ukrainian forces have recaptured around 20% of the territory they lost in Sievierodonetsk since Russia’s invasion, according to Ukrainian officials. “Whereas before the situation was difficult, the percentage [held by Russia] was somewhere around 70%, now we have already pushed them back by approximately 20%,” Serhiy Gaidai, the head of the eastern region of Luhansk, announced on national television on Friday. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/04/russia-ukraine-war-what-we-know-on-day-101-of-the-invasion
  7. Here we have yet another daily Russian TV propaganda show and the TV host Evgeny Popov is an actual State Duma member: Twitter video with subs As sanctions bite, state TV host Evgeny Popov, who is also a deputy of Russia's State Duma, proposes one way to save money: stop paying pensions to the Russians who emigrated to America: "What good are those people to us? Why are we paying to the collective Brighton Beach?"
  8. I read that last night when I came across it, very detailed investigation and left me in little doubt that Putin is undergoing intensive medical care by his doctors.
  9. 2nd amendment is more important than this for some who will try and make excuses: https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-violence-statistics/
  10. Full video of the incident is here: This shows the lead up where they are under heavy fire and taking serious casualties, despite this they carry on to ambush and destroy the Russian tank. and kill the commander. Ben Grant: "I was terrified but driven to complete my most important goal, which at the time was getting him and my team members out of the danger"
  11. New updated OP on the Ukraine war covering the first 100 days, the possible genocide of the deportation of Ukraine children to Russia and an update on the incident above that involved Ben Grant and US volunteer soldiers: "Russia’s Investigative Committee announced this week that it was investigating Grant for his role “leading” the ambush. “He will have to run for the rest of his life,” Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote of Grant, noting that Bisultanov had been born in Chechnya, “where the principle of blood feud or vendetta is not empty words.”" "Russia’s National Guard says Sgt. Adam Bisultanov, the commander of a separate operational brigade of the North Caucasus District of the National Guard, was killed in the “attack” on Russian forces by the “group of mercenaries from Great Britain and the U.S.”
  12. However Vladimir Solovyov the TV host in question is hand in hand with Putin and is often one step ahead of official policy and rhetoric in his TV announcements. Putin even made a claim that Ukraine was attempting to assassinate him which led to an absolute farce. Vladimir Solovyov has even admitted that he has protection and is guarded by Officers of the National Guard. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-fsb-spies-hilariously-screw-up-vladimir-putins-assassination-plot-claim?ref=author "If you ever doubted that Putin's propagandists are anything less than gov't workers, host Vladimir Solovyov and head of RT Margarita Simonyan are being guarded by Officers of the National Guard." https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1530033531170217984
  13. Liz Truss My statement to mark the first 100 days of the barbaric war in Ukraine
  14. ? Better ask the Russians, thats the source according to the BBC
  15. Can't imagine the Russian army allowing that with their racist and homophobic views. Well done to them, from your link: "There was much back-slapping as they joined their new unit at Kyiv's central train station to head off for a second three-month stint. Mr Zhuhan's unease later lifted as one commander made clear his refusal to tolerate homophobia. A more senior officer said the only important thing on the front line was to be a good fighter"
  16. He's also a qualified lawyer and his government is well underway prosecuting those responsible for atrocoties and war crimes
  17. From the O.P. link The president cited a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center that guns were the leading cause of death among children. "Over the past two decades, more school-aged children have died from guns than on-duty police officers and active-duty military combined," Biden said. He described the impact of the AR-15 rifle on the children in the Texas school shooting. Lets be clear about this, the AR-15 firearm is a weapon of war. Pedantics around it be a semi are irrelevant, don't kid yourselves or try to justify these killing machines. Meanwhile the NRA carries on its rhetoric "The NRA lobbies heavily against all forms of gun control and argues that more guns make the country safer."
  18. Perhaps watch the interview with Russian Deputy Defense Committee Chairman from a couple of days ago to get a feel of what the objectives really are: "Here is a video with jarring quotes from Russian State Duma Deputy Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Airborne Troops, accused war criminal. He talks about Russia's horrific plans for Ukraine, its gov't leaders and journalists." Some of his snippets: "We will be the only ones present in Ukraine" "We'll need 20 - 40 years changing one or two generations to fully uproot this disease"
  19. What's a few people waiting outside in queue's to visit a dentist on the 25th May got to do with anything? Are they still there now a week later or somewhere else perhaps enjoying the celebrations?
  20. Putin is aware of this and the need for more troops, probably why last week he signed the order to scrap the upper age limit to join the Russian armed forces. They admit they have a demographic gap
  21. There are disturbed people in every country of the world and yet they do not have this problem to such an extent. Does that give you a clue as to why?
  22. Unlucky you: How Long Do Background Checks Take? At least 90% of NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) background checks provide an answer almost immediately.6 The average processing time for an electronic NICS check is 107 seconds.7
  23. Do you live in a war zone or maybe you have info that the Russians are coming? My bet its just bragging rights or paranoid thoughts of a bogeyman. Well done 2A this is exactly why the laws need changing
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