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Posts posted by Bendi

  1.  If he went to a goverment hospital, the fee is about 60 bath to talk to a doctor. Minimum sallary in thay is about 300bath a day.

    Bin to goverment hospital several times. Never charge me more than thais. Go there fore my dental check. 1 time every year. Pay 180 bath if everything is ok. Just cleaning. Fixed a filling costed me 230 bath. Cut my self in an minor knife misshandling. 13 stitches, 340 bath and medicin included. Offcorse they stole his money.

    And so what he loves goats????and have a life.

    Better than to sit on the bare stol and thalk shit about people.

    Thumbs up for him, and for the rest.. thumbs up????

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

    I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just from the photos.  We can't see what the road looks likes as far as cross traffic, and it doesn't say how he tried to avoid the motorcycle.  Even at the speed limit if you drop a couple wheels off the road on the grass and mud it can be hard to control.  The picture of the damage on this page is AFTER they used hydraulic cutters to cut away the sheet metal and door frame to extricate the occupants who may have been pinned inside.  If you look at the photo in the original article, before they started cutting, I would say the damage for hitting a tree straight on could be consistent with driving at or even under the speed limit . Its a sad tragedy, but not enough facts to start making accusations.

    And then you did????

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  3. This is to easy.. selling millitary equipment to thailand is nothing we talk about (western goverments). But we do. Like Norway. We dont sell to unstable countries. But we do. We dont sell to coun tries taken over by a junta. But we do. But we are onust by the price. Shit countries pay tripple and our friends and neighbours..vel they get friendship price. Thailand have a role in the military chess around the world. Becourse of the costline. Butt if the shit hits the fan.... nobody gonna ask Thailand. So keep on baying subs and hellis, we get ritsher and thailand cant even handle a.....

    Be free to fill out????????????

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