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Posts posted by adhd

  1. On 10/29/2016 at 0:30 PM, dick dasterdly said:

    I feel that way about some people.....


    Having said this, I still wouldn't advocate rounding those people up and gassing them.  It takes someone with very little empathy (if any) to want to see any living creatures rounded up and gassed.


    wait, some rabies flee infested dog has some use in life ???  except biting innocent children , people


    did you ever get a rabies series of shots ?


    and overhere, they will still not put the dog down and nobody is responsible, off course, unless you drive it over, than some thai will claim ownership to extort you some money


  2. sadly in this country with some many people with short fuses, your life of life might be ended over a small thing


    if you paid the loan, in her eyes, in the family's eyes, this was  A GIFT


    imagine the loss of face if the farang does not want to move out, after they tried to sell the house


    anyway, they can go take a loan or two against the house or even with a loanshark ...

  3. the fact that my fat cat rich lexus driving father in law pays 0 baht, and I the poor farang should cough up 200 baht for the color of my skin, makes me totally avoid rip-off places like this in the first place


    nobody made a website about all the scam & scandalous places where this practise is ok ?


    and some farangs brainwashed already so much claiming that this is ok ....


    we can all see what years long brainwash can do ... don't we ?

  4. 22 hours ago, sandemara said:

    Why do you presume your whacko wife would contest a divorce proposal from you? Her behaviour as described by you suggests deep unhappiness.  Use your wit and wiles to create a moment of your choice to make your proposal. I would quietly make arrangements with your personal funds, assets, properties etc so that you are protected as much as you can be before taking the step.  Be smart for your kids' sake, as well as yourself. Plenty of texts available on divorce requirements and processes in LOS. Also plenty of good lawyers. Do your research. Be as thorough in your planning as you would be with any worthwhile rescue mission. Is there some law in Thailand that prohibits farang blokes from being as cunning, deceitful and ruthless as the life partners they have chosen so unwisely?


    about 20 million baht reasons in property alone is one of the reasons and  2 children, not that she expresses love to them, but in the psycho mind or narcisstic person, it is all about WINNING, not about right, wrong, love, ...


    people like that have no conscience or do not care for other people's disires, feelings, emotions ...


    do you know the story of the frog thrown into hot boiling water versus the one that is slowly cooked and dies in the pan ?


    I am the latter one


    mrs dexter behaviour comes slowly as they study their pray, the suck up to management at work and everybody else, see who can be used, abused... same for family... if one whistleblower is about to call her out, she made sure that everybody will follow and believe what she says...




  5. I know when people are stuck in their beliefs, they will not change


    I don't care


    everybody believes what they want


    there is this thing called:  educating yourself ... in stead of spending many hours a day here on the forum, you can spend it by reading up ...



    cure for cancer promised for decades ? good business model ... everybody has cancer cells all the time in their body and your immune is fighting it ...


    MD cancer cure :  kill the immune ... yes.. that will work ... read up and see that  cancer STEM cells cannot be killed by x-ray, chemo


    you end up killing your immune system, the tumor might shrink just enough that the doctor say: you are cure ... but it comes back after a few years in other places...



    diabetes , no cure ?   come on ... 30 days of organic vegetables all you can eat (enzymes is king) and most type 2 are CURED


    but that kind of advise bring 0 dollar to the doctor & industry ...



    are you too blind that there are billions & trillions of easy profits to be made on people's health ?


    you think all the trash junk food that is allowed to be sold laden with chemicals is either for your health or for profit ?????




  6. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:


    Wrong in two respects:


    (1) Back in 1960 the average lifespan in Norway was 73.6 years.  That was before the fad of nutritional supplements.  That is the sort of figure that evolution and natural selection has prepared us for.  Increased life expectancy over the decades has been primarily because of improvements in public hygiene and (to a lesser extent) advances in medicine.  Further improvements could well increase that figure.


    (2) Natural selection continues to act after reproductive age.  Individuals provide support for their offspring and other close relatives, improving their fitness (fitness here meaning the ability to pass on their genes).  This increases the probability of the post-reproductive age individual's genes being passed on to future generations.


    Incidentally, research has shown that people who take vitamin supplements die younger than those who don't.  For example, http://annals.org/aim/article/718049/meta-analysis-high-dosage-vitamin-e-supplementation-may-increase-all



    so what is your point ?


    is it usefull to know some people get to live 90 - 100 in retirement homes, half blind, in bed all day ? depressed ? on 5 different medications ?


    quality of life is not more important ?


    is like saying, you have cancer, and this 100.000$ threatement will make you live 3 months longer, but you will suffer like hell, vomit all the time, hardly able to speak, eat, sleep


    yes, that is modern medicine


    the doctor is happy, he can afford a brand new mercedes on your bill


  7. 16 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

    This kind of question should be addressed to a Doctor. You should have tests to establish if you have deficiencies. And only then consider supplements or medication as advised. This is not me saying you don't need them - I have no idea!



    sadly you are unaware that doctors knows nothing about nutrician, only thing they learn is to write what pill for what ill


    if they get 1 day about nutrician in the 7 years they take to become a doctor , it will be much



    MD doctors are good for emergency situations and know nothing about chronic diseases



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