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Posts posted by uesnyc

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dap said:

    What commies? I thought the thread was about the questionable tactics of the federal troops against Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. protesters and my reply was to the individual who wished to use flamethrowers against them. More than a bit psychotic and frightening in my estimation.

    There's nothing questionable about the tactics. We've done it under clinton, bush, and obama too.. it's only questionable now because it's trump. We did the same job under every president. Look up portland antifa, or rose city antifa.. COMMIES

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  2. 2 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    unless you're in portland now embedded with the nameless troops, you don't know nothing.


    if a plainclothes cop arrests me, he gots to identify himself as a police officer.  no-knock warrants for example still require the cops to identify themselves as cops when they break into your home at 3am.  if i shoot a cop breaking in and he didn't identify himself, i'm just defending my castle.  some guys in black grab me on the street without saying a word and try to toss me in a van, i'm within my rights to resist to whatever level necessary.

    You don't live in the US because you don't understand the castle doctrine.. Some states have, some don't.  If you're in the commision of a crime, a cop does NOT have to try to stop you and convince you to feel comfortable about his identity. Sorry, it's not how it works. Stop being educated on the internet. "he gots".. Again, I'll implore you, do criminal activity, and use deadly force against the people trying to stop you from doing so. I want to see this youtube video.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    And people with a different view than yours could change the whole country through elections and in the end you would be the one who had the choice to leave or accept it.

    This will happen over time so better get used to it.

    believe it or not, I agree with you. I'm waiting for this <deleted> to finish, put my dollars into BHT, and get the <deleted> out of here while I still can. At least cash is still king in the LOS.

    • Confused 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    How many of these crimes over the past few months of protests have been identified by the FBI as politically motivated, rather than by street criminals?


    The FBI has found no evidence that the American militant anti-fascist movement Antifa was involved in violence that erupted during national protests over the death of George Floyd.




    ajc.com... good on you

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  5. 3 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    no troops?  we don't know.  not if they have no identification and refuse to identify themselves.


    that's kidnapping, and citizens have a right to refuse to comply.  they also have a right to defend themselves, with deadly force if necessary.

    You obviously don't live in the US. 

    No troops? I know. I've done the work for over 20 years. I know exactly who they are. If you're committing a crime and a plainclothes cop arrests you, PLEASE defend yourself with deadly force.  

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  6. 10 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    it's not a question of free speech.  it's a question of whether the federal government can send in unmarked, unaccountable troops to kidnap protestors off the streets of american cities, against the wishes of the elected mayors and governors of those cities and states.  it's the sort of states rights issue that could eventually lead to insurrection again.

    Not troops, police officers. Not kidnap, arrest. States and cities have no jurisdiction over federal property. And yes, they're all accountable. And yes, they're allowed to be "unmarked".


  7. 1 minute ago, teatime101 said:

    They should be beaten and locked up for trying to 'end capitalism', or what?

    It would be subversion. The country was built as a free market economy.

    Personally, anybody who wants to take what I've earned and own yes, I hope they die slowly and painfully. I'm an individual, not a collectivist.

    I just want to be left alone. I owe nobody anything. My bills are paid, I've cleared my debt.

    There are countries out there that are not capitalist, welcoming others to join. Leave mine alone.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    The trump base supporters are quick to bleet their horror when some right wing nutter's post has been taken down on Twitter, claiming their constitutional rights have been violated. But when it's persons with a different opinion it really doesn't matter. does it.

    HRC used a certain term but I disagree, it's far too polite.

    Context please? I'm not a trumpster and I'm not a rah rah usa usa.. but I do believe in an absolute freedom of speech. Including what I hate hearing. I'm not on twitter, so I don't know what you're talking about.  

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  9. 12 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    There is no insurrection.  Stop  making false claims.

    I wouldn't go so far as insurrection like the guy you're replying to, but these groups (not the legit protesters) have a common goal of ending capitalism and are using black bloc tactics to antagonize a response and cause greater outrage. They have large political backing by people who call themselves "progressive", but when you hear their speeches, or read their statements you'll find a lot of Marx and Mao. 

    I find it funny when people are comparing the government to China when it's the "protesters" burning churches, statues, and demanding books and film be removed, villainizing "profit", land ownership, etc.. 

    It's not different at all from Mao's cultural revolution.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Ok  a small amount of  municipal property was damaged. We all agree that is  wrong. However, since when has the the federal government responded to the vandalism of municipal property in this manner? Anyone?

    Who are you to claim that the legally appointed governor and mayor have been derelict in their duty? If that's the case, then the Republican mayors of some of the crime ridden  US cities should see US federal agents running their cities.

    Not municipal property, federal buildings. The feds aren't running anyone's city, they're protecting federal property and making arrests for violation of federal law. The mayor and governor have no jurisdiction whatsoever on these properties or U.S. code. 

    There was more than mere vandalism, there was arson, assault, even pointing lasers at aircraft.


  11. 3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    So far a total of 13 people have been charged with various offences, doesn't sound like a violent mob to me. However, the crux of the critism...


    "Arresting people without probable cause, Ms Brown's spokesman, Charles Boyle, said on Friday, is "extraordinarily concerning and a violation of their civil liberties and constitutional rights".


    Apologies, can't delete image below.


    There is probable cause for arrest when a crime is committed in an officers presence or officer has knowledge and evidence of a past crime.

  12. 1 minute ago, bunnydrops said:

    I looked up the destruction in Portland. I found one picture of a building with Graffiti on it. Oh the Horror! Damn little Michael Angelo's.

    So you decided to miss the destruction of security cameras, a cop being hit in the head with a hammer, the arson in the lobby of the courthouse, the mortar fireworks being launched at the cops, the steel ball bearings being launched from sling shots, high power lasers being aimed in the cops eyes? Yeah, those graffiti artists.

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  13. 1 minute ago, The Barmbeker said:

    Maybe you didn't get it the first time: UNMARKED police officers in UNMARKED vans, taking people off the streets without even telling them, what they are arrested for!


    It is strange, but doesn't that sound like the exact overreach of a tyrannical government, the 2nd- amendmenters are always babbeling about?

    Nothing anywhere says cops or vehicles have to be "marked".  You've never seen plain clothes police in unmarked cars before? Usually an arrest entails "taking a person off the street". Every single person knows what they were arrested for, it's in the charging documents. The cops have no obligation to inform random rioters who aren't being charged what their comrades are being charged for, it's none of their business. Your definition of a "tyrannical government" is cops doing their jobs.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:

    I doubt it's unusual in out of control events like the one in Portland to have Federal Agents  mixed in with the protesters in the street to pick out the domestic terrorists/anarchists that are choreographing the violence.  Antifa has had free run of Portland Streets since this Mayor took office 3-1/2 years ago

    It may be true, but it's also difficult to get someone in. The people that are out at night know each other. They're not the same as the actual protesters just trying to be heard in the daytime.

    They're very guarded and people are vetted and it takes a very long time to gain trust. There is surveillance, but the human kind is hard to get because it's a very paranoid group.

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