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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I've never quite understood the seemingly pointless Thai legal process of courts sentencing people to ridiculously long prison terms for what they've been accused of, and then saying, oh by the way, the pertinent law limits the prison time to 1/10th or whatever of the sentenced time, so we're going to give him the 1/10th....


    Why not just follow the law from the get-go, and if the maximum sentence allowed under the law is 20 years, then sentence the poor soul to 20 years and be done with it.... 


    The wife, meanwhile, after 5 years credit for time already served, should be out of the streets again and a free lady within a year or two. And probably ending up being divorced and free to marry again, since hubby seemingly is going to be put away, or perhaps deported abroad at some point, for a long time.


    I suspect that it’s due to the fact that many of the the offenses/ crimes here have very long maximum sentences and often the judges apply the maximum then discount for pleading guilty etc.

    The same thing seems to happen in Australia where discounts are given for pleading guilty.

    From what I have read about trials in the US a similar thing seems to happen there with people sentenced to terms they could never serve.

    All part of the system.

  2. 11 hours ago, mikebell said:

    It's the same at Tesco Lotus; long queues; poor service. Few tills open/many unmanned. I go to Big C now.

    Where we live up until a couple of years ago Tesco was the only supermarket then Makro arrived which I appreciate is a different selling concept

    What a breath of fresh air greater range of fresh produce and excellent service something that Tesco does not understand.

    They will not order anything for you the stock answer being “ only what is on the shelf” Makro will order anything even spare parts.

    The staff are happy and friendly and perhaps no small wonder that many of the former Tesco staff are working there.

  3. I live in the North and have only ever been asked to show my passport on one occasion many years ago at an army check point.

    I regularly visit Chiang Mai and am always waved through two check points.

    I see the police and army at these posts checking the IDs of Thais and I think Burmese however.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


    Magiclean kitchen spray does too.


    And it kills ants, spiders, cockroaches, flies, even jin-joks provided you keep them covered in the foam so they can't breathe. And they can't run because it's too slippery.


    And the good part is, just wipe up afterwards and everything is clean.


    Many thanks sounds a good tip

  5. On 8/18/2019 at 11:40 AM, CharlieH said:

    There used to be a Govt. insurance policy around 2500 baht. It seems to me the Govt. are missing a golden opportunity here to get a huge revenue for their Health service.

    The Thais pay a fixed 30 baht and extras dependent on care etc. Why don't they charge us say 300 baht per visit (they like x10 for farangs) and an annual fee ?

    They then get the revenue and it goes where it's needed in to healthcare and not into the coffers of the Insurance companies.


    I think the reason is that even though Thais pay 30 baht the revenue collected does not meet the overall cost of health care and has to be supported from general revenue.

    Its the same with the compulsory Medicare Levy in Australia and I suspect whatever people pay in the UK towards the National Health System.

    I cannot imagine the Government here providing unlimited health care for aging expats at little or no cost.

    Thats why private health cover is more expensive as you age.

  6. Ourselves and local residents have been inundated, fortunately outside by what I would describe as sort of centipede, millipede, caterpillar they seem to appear out of the soil on mass,900BB925-FE2A-47B6-A239-BD8620BBCBC5.thumb.jpeg.b73188915a5b9652f01d759ff600e55a.jpeg) I don’t recall seeing them or in these numbers in previous years.

    They have a hard skin and believe that they can give a nasty bite, perhaps why nothing seems interested in eating them.

    Any ideas please and apart from spraying how to control ?


  7. 21 hours ago, RBOP said:

    Get another lawyer. 

    Something in that advice didn’t make sense to me.

    I don’t subscribe to the views of some on this site that all Thai Lawyers are incompetent, I have a good lawyer, unfortunately as in my own country some are lazy and don’t want difficult cases.

    Every Province has a Family Law Court why not visit yours and depending on your Thai language skills take an educated Thai person with you.

    You should be able to ascertain your options and probably the name of a lawyer who specializes in these matters

    Good luck


    • Like 1
  8. On 8/13/2019 at 4:55 AM, ezzra said:

    Inherently, Thais mentality is 'Let's spend now and think how to repay it later' are also bad at money managements, loyalty  and diligence to a workplace not to mention honesty, plus their family commitments to help each other at all time, so no wonder most thais are cashless and wanting, and the never ending chase for luxury items puts them in the hock even further...

    I read recently that Australia after the Netherlands,Denmark and Norway has the fourth highest level of household debt.

    Based on your contentions the people of those countries must be suffering from a worse mentality problem than the Thais.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Odisan said:

    Very true, but what's wrong with intelligent people opening up the lines for debate and communicating how they feel about it? 

    Doesn't mean anything'll happen today or tomorrow, but at the very least it might open a dialogue about the subject. 

    The world's changing at a rate like no other. What matters in most countries is the $$. If people start making waves and it starts hitting tourism and the like then what? Think things'll stay the same or do you think they might look at it and go, "Hang on a minute, maybe it is worth looking at."?

    Whether the authorities do or whether they don't remains to be seen, but if everyone adopted your mentality, then kids would still be choking on soot from sweeping chimneys.

    Personally, I fail to see what this TM30 achieves with law-abiding foreigners. I don't travel far, so it doesn't really effect me; however, maybe - just maybe - this'll help either clarify the issue or accelerate them getting workable tech in place to make the lives of those for whom it does - I know not. At least it may open up lines for a debate.


    How is it going to affect tourism, tourists don’t lodge the form, I would suggest the value of the baht would be of greater concern.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, kellersphuket said:

    National Security.


    What exactly does this mean? It seems to me to be a bogus term that officials like to throw around which allows them to enact any and all stifling policies (no matter how ridiculous) to apparently protect citizens of a certain nation.


    In short it is a load of BS!

    Although I don’t find it particularly onerous because where I live you are only required to lodge the form on return from overseas, (although now I expect that may change with the issue being stirred up) it doesn’t seem to have any logic.

    I suspect many long term expats never change their address as is my case and as the local Immigration have my address due to the 90 day reporting what threat is there to National Security ?



  11. 6 hours ago, Aforek said:

    Always sad to see historic buildings demolished

    they are often beautiful and have a history ( our history ! ) 

    It has happened in Sydney over the years beautiful old buildings demolished, where the Regent Theatre used to stand is now a McDonald’s.

    Many of the old laneways between streets, that gave the city character sold off to developers.

    If it had happened in Paris they would have been blockading the city.


  12. On 8/6/2019 at 8:54 AM, CMoldie said:

    I have heard of this combination being refused in Chiang Mai and the applicant being sent for a residence certificate.

    I know this thread is about registering a new vehicle, but in February this year when I renewed my two licenses at the Fang DLT office, which is in Chiang Mai Province they wouldn’t accept the Yellow book and pink ID card and insisted on the residence certificate from a Immigration.

    Other posts have stated that the main office in Chiang Mai will accept them for this purpose.



  13. 12 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    No, it´s not a direct visa issue, but it becomes an indirect issue. However, it´s all about planning with a buffer for unforseen circumstances. it´s not UK specific either, but they are probably the ones that suffers the most. Almost all currencies have been falling against the baht. US dollar has avoided most of that by beeing connected to the baht´s fluctations.

    You can just take the swedish krona, norweigian krona and the danish krona as a few examples. Also the euro has benn sinking a lot from what it once was.

    In 2004 when the euro was up in 50 baht then it was 16 000 euro and now it´s over 24 000 euro to come up to 800 000 baht.

    The sweden krona is another example. Once it was about 5,4 baht per krona. Now it´s around 3 baht per krona. That means a difference from then to now with around 148 000 to compare with todays staggering almost 267 000 krona for make 800 000 baht.


    But sure, the GBP has made the worst with around 60% loss from it´s highest recorded rate against the baht.

    I would be happy to be getting the UK pound exchange rate for the Australian Dollar I think we are down to about 20.? Baht.


  14. On 8/3/2019 at 5:05 PM, holy cow cm said:

    I have yet to hear different from CM as they told me years ago only needed after outside the travel. Now until I hear differently, I will not bother for domestic travel. Has anyone heard anyone from CM saying anything new?  

    I live in Chiang Mai Province but don’t use the main office.

    Last Friday when I did the 90 day report and asked if there had been any change I was told only needed after leaving the country.

  15. 2 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Listening to Sky news this morning they said that like this reservoir there are another 257 dams similar to this in the UK built in the 19th century. Whilst at the time they were at the forefront of civil engineering now of course  they are now potentially at risk given the climatic changes being witnessed.  Now that is not to say any of them will fail but just an example of how 19th century engineering technology has been overtaken by climatic change and a better understanding of civil engineering principles.

    It has never ceased to amaze me what was achieved  during the period you mention almost as if there was a gigantic leap forward in knowledge.

    I have always had an interest in the canal system and have visited some of the places where the engineering feats are amazing particularly when most of it was built with hard labor and sweat.

    • Like 1
  16. 16 hours ago, kevinmartyn said:

    I'm British and even though I've 35 qualification years for a pension NOWAY does the some amount to 65,000 Baht per calendar month. Think i'm getting 37 Thai baht for each UK pounds Stirling... Who gets 65,000 Baht month for a pension? I don't have any clue because i do not!

    It depends on what your job was and how much you earned etc, I know several people here who receive more than that but they are not receiving the basic government pension.

  17. 3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    A deadly combination of social values dating back to the middle age, the status of women (compared to men) in Thailand, the poor education as well as the "never mind, lets bend the rules". 

    A woman not taking contraceptives is prone to .......... get pregnant - what did she expect, a colour TV? 

    Rest in peace, small child, you're in a better place than being around such "parents". Latter to be thrown in the slammer after getting sterilized - both will psychologically be able to bring up any children after murdering their first daughter. 

    How very, very sad, for the child, for the society and for the families of the culprits, whose education endeavours failed completely! 

    And for Women and Men who commit the same sort of crimes in other countries?

    The same causation reasons as outlined in your first paragraph?

    • Like 2
  18. On 7/31/2019 at 2:35 PM, phkauf said:

    The victim was a Deputy Police Commander! How little the Thai Judicial System values their own. Had this occurred in any civilized country, Somchai would be spending the rest of his life in jail.

    When are the Thais going to wake up to the carnage on their roads and it's mostly because of their irresponsible behavior. 

    Just the other day the story about the Thai tourist causing a horrible accident in Hokkaido, Japan - now they are bringing their horrible behavior to other countries. I can't wait for the Japanese to treat Thais in the same manner the Thais regard the Chinese as parasites and low class. The Thais are fully deserving of their disdain.

    Not everyone in civilized countries who kills people on the road goes to jail.

    Many years ago in Australia a very good friend of mine was hit from behind while driving home on a motorbike leaving a wife and two young children, the female car driver didn’t go to jail.

    In another case not too far from where I lived a female learner driver  crashed into a bus queue killing and injuring several people she didn’t go to jail, although I accept that I don’t think alcohol was involved.

    Finally wasn’t there a politician in America from a well know family who crashed off a bridge leaving the female passenger to drown.?

    I don’t think he went to jail either.

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