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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. So if I understand this correctly and please feel free to correct me if my understanding is wrong;


    wife and and I live in house in Khorat registered as living there with immigration and do my 90 day reporting like a good boy without fail.


    we go to Pattaya to visit relatives and stay in guest house. Guest house registers us as staying there say ten days.

    on return to Khorat do I have to then report ( or wife report) that we are back ?

  2. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can import you your household goods by  sea. But the will not be duty free unless your wife is Thai. See: http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/individuals/importing+used+or+secondhand+household+effects/importingusedsecondhandhouseholdeffects+

    Hey thanks very much indeed. You might have missed my terminology for which my apologies. Yes wife is indigenous ( Thai) and a royal pain in the nether regions right now but it will pass.


    any time frame from arriving to importing as we have been here 3 yrs plus looking for the right place all our stuff in UK storage at a staggering £400 per month! <<probably best I read the link -sorry>>

  3. On 19/09/2016 at 10:52 AM, mesterm said:


    Try discussing Islam with a Muslim.

    Actually I did. He was/is a devout Muslim and the discussion went on for several weeks. My bigotry derived from living in Saudi was destroyed and I learned a great deal about the Muslim faith.


    imagine my delight when on a visit back to the UK I asked my local vicar (CofE) what his thoughts were on the similarities and parallels between the Koran ( untranslated word of the Prophet Mohammed pbuh) and the many times translated and edited bible to be told there was no comparison and that the bible was correct.


    My my daughter was christened in Stratford upon Avon and the Bish of Bath and Wells opened up his blah blah by telling all and sundry that there was a young couple in the congregation who lived in a godless society........


    i nearly broke my neck searching for this couple until it dawned upon me that he was referring to my (then) wife and me. I took this clown to task after his sermon pointing out that in this so called godless society the vast majority go to pray to God ( the same one we pray to in the Christian faith) five times a day every day whereas in the UK he struggled to get less than 2% of the pop to turn up once a week. Which society was godless was my question.


    one that he could not answer.


    funny that isn't it?

  4. 3 hours ago, Tagaa said:

    Regarding your personal effects at customs...When I moved here I had the same situation. I was allowed one duty free shipment as I was on a new retirement visa. The logistics called asking me to send them my passport. Initially I said no. They said no passport to document dates & visa type, I'll have to pay duty.


    Grudgingly, I sent them my passport , via EMS with tracking. A few days later my stuff arrived and the driver had my passport.


    It made me a bit uneasy, but it worked out OK. Just make sure you send it EMS with tracking & signature requirement. Or take it to them personally. That's probably not convenient.

    Can you do this by sea shipments? Wife and I have all our UK house possessions in storage in U.K. And am on retirement visa here in LOS wife is indigenous

  5. 2 hours ago, DSJPC said:

    I have had many instances of Thai Post not receiving mail, cash not received (that's dumb, I know) and other issues...not to be trusted for sure!

    Oh brilliant!


    wife started money laundering (AKA washing my wallet in my shorts)  and as such had to replace credit and debit cards for my uk bank.


    hope they arrive!


    am already ten days into nail biting wait.........

  6. 4 hours ago, bannork said:

    What Roger Waters means by entertainment may differ from yours. He wants to raise people's awareness of certain issues, therefore songs, light shows, backcloths, speeches may all be fair medium he can use in his mind.

    He may consider political issues as inseparable from life.

    True but if standing on an auditorium spouting off your political beliefs is entertainment why are they not selling tickets to the Tory party conference? It is entertaining  as was the labour conference  but neither compare to the entertainment derived from the current US presidential race.


    all super entertaining however they are not  advertised as musical venues they are advertised as political conferences and the likes. so the likes of Bob Geldorf, Roger Waters, Cumberpatch, sootie & Sweep and all those leftie luvvies who believe that they have some inalienable right to spout off left wing crap at music events should either change venue or shut the f....k up.


    The point is with all their wealth ( and all these clowns are wealthy) it is so damned easy to have an opinion supporting the poor underprivelidged and downtrodden fellow man then jump into your private jet and bugger off to your fortress like mansion on some tax advantageous island and forget the world ( for world read reality) even exists.


    Meanwhile Joe soap ( you and me) end up paying for the nonsense and living with the consequences.


    i am bored knocking my head against the wall on this subject now. Let's drop it so

    last comment from me in this section, life is too short. 

  7. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    You can't separate the music from the politics, the human condition with Roger.He's giving his views on life with every album, concept albums. That's the type of artist he is, engaged with the world. One may disagree with his opinions in which case ignore him but he's not writing and performing just for light enfertainment, he expects more from his fellow man.

    You can my friend.


    singing about whatever political issue tickles your fancy is ok as people may like the song but not the words.


    standing on stage where you have been paid a significant amount of money to entertain those who have paid you then using that stage to spout off your political beliefs is wrong wrong wrong.


    we expect more from him; I.e. To act like a responsible adult and to undertake that for which he has been remunerated. Nothing more nothing less.



  8. 10 hours ago, Grouse said:


    My son went school with Waters' son. I won't tell you which one but it's one of the most switched on schools in the U.K. Great education. (Bit pricy though). Can you guess? 


    I think Another Brick in the Wall was aimed at more traditional British schools and the attitudes they inculcate.


    If we can't listen to our poets; who should we listen to??

    Might I respectfully request you find out what you are commenting on before commenting. The history behind Pink Floyds wall is well documented.

  9. On 1 October 2016 at 7:41 AM, daveAustin said:

    Whether I agree with MexiWall or not, this is all quite ironic coming from the guy that penned most of The Wall, which, brilliant though it is -- as Dave Gilmour succinctly put it -- is 'all a bit of a whinge'. And, yes, although off-topic, Water's was/is a bit of a C U Next Tuesday. Just as Mr Mason.

    What a succinct observation.


    roger the only reason you have that stage is because of the music. Frankly nobody gives two hoots what you think about politics, it is a private matter how you vote. If you want to enter politics, give up flogging the 20 year old record you helped make and become one. If you want to be a musician be one but stick to what you are good at and don't mix the two.


    FYI I also do not like David Gilmours political views but I don't get them thrown down my throat when I pay to go and see him. Gotta respect that plus he is an awesome musician having turned what would likely have been a soon forgotten 6 chord dirge into one of the most revered songs of the Floyd repartee containing perhaps the greatest solo ever recorded.

  10. 12 minutes ago, khunpa said:



    I think most Farangs who marry Thai-women will have problems at some point with their family members in one way or another, when it comes to money.


    What I do not understand is why give them everything? Since most Farangs are the main source of income to their families, they have the upper hand and should control the money-flow and financial investments made into the country and their family. And most importantly ANY Farang in Thailand, should at least always cover his own ass and always have a Plan-B. Thats what e.g. overseas banks are for.


    I see so many Farangs here giving their Thai-wife absolutely everything, without financially ensuring that if things should go wrong, then at least they can walk away with something. Why do so many fall for the constant "take care" game and pressure from the Thai-wife to invest more and more of their money in her. Most Farangs would not do that if married to a woman from their own country, but they for some reason do it when married to a Thai. Its stupid!


    Not to be a joy-killer, but you are also to blame for your current situation. You should have cleared the problems with the son and wife a long time ago, and have ensured yourself financially all the way through your marriage. 


    When you expect Common Sense, Western Mentality and Financial Sanity from a woman raised in a rice field, you are bound to get hurt. 


    Anyway, I hope you get through things. 





    Thank you so much for your wisdom based entirely on an in depth knowledge of my/ our situation. 


    How i I managed in a senior managerial role for so many years without this help defies belief.


    firstly I did not give my wife everything

    second I have an income from the UK which she cannot get her hands on

    thirdly I have in my name alone a £1 milo property in london

    fourthly (?) who said I cannot walk away? I am working on alternative accommodation and transportation now so what's the issue?

    fifthly (?) I married my wife and made it clear I was in no way going to support her sponging offspring by her Thai husband however should I have punished my wife for their transgressions?


    i aporeciate your good wishes but please try to keep your enlightened observations to the issues on which you have all the facts and not those derived from an obviously much shortened version of events which by its very nature has had to omit some salient points in order to make it readable and which was designed primarily to show the OP that it is not unknown and not to lose hope over it.


    you seem to be a reasonably well educated individual , let's try and keep it real avoiding the abusive "raised in a rice field" comment irrespective of if it were meant literally or metaphorically. Where were you raised? Some inner city ghetto in the US?

  11. Very interesting post and series of good answers.


    my situation pretty much the same, it started many years back when wife was then just g/f and her son came to visit. When he left he took a carton of smokes with him. His mother berated him and they were returned but I should have read the signs. Fast forward around ten years in which I ( and now wife) were posted to Singapore , Italy then UK  and on losing my job and not wanting or needing to get back in the rat race harness we decided to move to LOS and move into wife's house.


    no furniture no air on just plain walls so I "invested in complete rebuild furnishings and etc. 


    Son  now manages to get his girlfriend pregnant so moves into house with his new family and contributes zip though son and wife are working. daughter steals mothers expensive jewellery and clothes. Nothing done by mother. I notice that my expensive watch disappeared along with designer BMW clothing ( am big bm fan)  and when questioned about it mother denies any knowledge or tries to shift blame to me (?????) or protects son.


    eventually son has house built ( money coming from.........) and whilst his spawn ( now two of them) are happily destroying all we have, his house remains completed and fully furnished ( paid for by ...........)


    I lost it and told her to get him out. Eight months later the sod left along with my fridges, stereos, tv, surround sound etc and car ( bought by me as family runaround) 


    cannot get get any of my stuff back and when trying to bring up the subject of the car and trying to get him to at least pay for it on the basis he is the only user, I suddenly become Captain badass. This is because he used the car to raise a loan to finish his house that I "forced" him to move into (timeline does not fit the counter argument made by wife)


    Currently in in situation where wife refuses to speak to me and as such am packing the remainder of my belongings ( making sure they are all locked up well to prevent further outflow) in preparation for departure.


    certainly blood seems to be much more important than the twit (me) who nursed her through menaupause and paid massive hospital bills in the process destroying my own family relationship with my own kids, pays all household bills and even got her off her drug addiction ( interesting stories on that one.)


    so so I am off in a few days time leaving a Toyota and a BMW in her drive a very classily furnished house remodelled to European standards throughout and  a son who is so wonderful that he will obviously now take over the electricity, gas water internet food etc bills .


    i can only see happiness for me on the horizon ( except when trying to do the immigration change of address) and I will carry with me memories of the good times and a pity for her that her future is now so shitty that I expect she will throw herself into a monastery for the rest of her life as she will get no help from the clowns/family spongers she decided were more important than me.


    my biggest fight will be not to feel so sorry that I turn back but this time I have had enough of the dishonesty, lack of basic respect and rural mentality of this well travelled and reasonably well educated woman with whom I am still in love but can no longer live with.


    sad but I suspect I am not the first farang to end up like this. 


    Moral of this lengthy tale is for the OP to get out before it gets worse. I can assure you when push comes to shove that Thai rak Thai, Mai rak  farang

  12. On 18 September 2016 at 4:39 PM, zd1 said:


    I think your being a little unfair with this statement, it seems to me that it is quite usual here for the eldest grandchildren to be raised by their grandparents for example my Mrs parents moved to Bangkok from the Issan in the early sixties when they were in their early twenties, her eldest sister was born in 1963 not long after they had moved. They hadn't been in Bangkok long and were no doubt finding it difficult to begin there new married life in the big city, they had little money and it was better if they both could work in the first few years so as to get a foothold in society and some more money behind them before they could grow the family. It was decided that the eldest daughter would be raised by her maternal grandmother in a villiage just outside Ubon, whose youngest child was not much older than the eldest grandchild.

    By the time the second child was born they had got a foothold in Bangkok and were in a better position to bring up the second child so that child stayed with them in Bangkok, then my Mrs came along a couple of years later followed by her brother and then her younger sister.

    When the second daughter was 16 she got pregnant by a guy in the army they got married but when the child was born he was raised by the grandparents my Mrs parents, he was only 8 years younger than the youngest daughter.

    This is the way things happen here and it is normally for the benefit of the child so that they do get attention and guidance that they wouldn't get if they were raised by the parents who are probably working long hours and don't have the time.


    If you cannot take responsibility ( care) of your kids then don't have them.


    irresponsible mating ( as is the norm here) leads to essentially unwanted children who grow into some of the degenerates we encounter regularity out here in LOS. The alternative is of course, find an idiot farang to support your earlier irresponsible mating habits maybe even revisiting them ( along with your former mating partner) whilst aforementioned idiot farang is not looking.


    the problem here is the inability of the indig pop to accept responsibility for their actions. 

  13. The more you squeeze a half inflated balloon, the more it escapes your grasp!


    i am not in a position to comment on my host countries political activities and even when pressed for an opinion by immigration, refused to do so. Remember chaps we are guests in this country, we have no "automatic right " to be here.


    respect or shut up.



  14. Yes the ice skating is on.


    big rush to get customers in B4 new shopping centre opens just down the road opposite BigC later this month.


    joy oh joy a Foodland is in the new shopping centre along with the (maybe) 24 hour restaurant similar to those in Bkk and Patt.


    life quality improving?

  15. On 1 December 2015 at 10:00 AM, meatboy said:


    i have lived here perminent for 6yrs.and visited for around 12yrs before that.

    please enlighten me where these fair and honest ARE in korat.

    I am on 4 years here and frankly my self assessment of my mental state is very low. Bored shitless, bugger all to do ( unless being ripped off by those fair and honest citizens is your thing) and increasingly fed up with being viewed as some sort of alien. 


    It it is a small provincial town with small provincial mentality. You are the foreigner and as such not a part of their perfect and orderly lives.


    in my experience, dishonesty is the norm. 


    Unless you you are willing to take on such xenophobia, my suggestion is stay where the farangs are. I am making plans right now to get out of this appalling hell hole and move to a more civilised place.


    oFC it is always your choice 

  16. 5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:


    Apologies I missed this.

    Sorry about things going bad it's a rotten time and 18 years is a long time.

    In the eyes & mind of a Thai mother only she can talk bad about her son, nobody else.
    A Will would not necessary protect your tools should something happen to you but on separation they would not be an issue.

    Oh how true!


    just exited a steamer of a row with wife of 8 years ( been together almost 20) because her wonderful 32 yr old son ( not mine) decided to use family car that I bought for cash as colatterol against debt on his house. On enquiring deeper it emerges mother registered brand new car in sons name unbeknown to me so there is SFA I can do about it other than kiss THB 1 milo byebye. 


    As as to the continuation of the marriage that is in the balance dictated primarily by my sighting my laptop flying across the room.


    son is a thieving rat but mum cannot / will not see that, well that is until she faces her next round of electricity, internet etc bills with no idiot farang to pay.


    yes I deserve what I get but jeez is there no moral standard here?

  17. Hi, If I were you I would hang on a bit as one of the largest shipping companies in the world Hanjin has just gone effectively belly up. If they cannot secure funding (which is unlikely) there will be a shed load of boxes (shipping containers ) up for grabs.


    supply and demand should drive the price down quite a bit 



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