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Posts posted by Sig

  1. These "tests" appear pretty meaningless to me. They don't show anything much about effectiveness at all from what I can tell. Nobody even knows if those people were exposed to the virus during those "at least 14 days" after their second dose, so how does that equate to effectiveness? And it isn't only Thailand that is doing such farcical "tests" to show effectiveness. It's a total joke to say something is effective when there is no knowledge if the people were ever even exposed to the virus to know whether or not they actually fought it off. And even if they did fight it off, it still would be inconclusive since it wouldn't be able to be known if their natural immune system fought it off or if the vaccine assisted in fighting it off. It is all total conjecture to make the masses feel safe while they rake in billions and billions of dollars (or whatever preferred currency).

  2. 3 hours ago, Robs5ct said:

    highly efficacious in the prevention of infection and death from the Alpha (UK) variant of COVID-19, at 71-91%.


    Between 71% and 91% ? What the hell does that mean ? 80% efficacious ?


    If you actually bothered to read the article you'd understand what it means.... Always a good idea to read before commenting and wasting space on the board....

  3. 22 hours ago, Shuya said:

    So the study did not take place in Thailand?

    You've got to be kidding me! If you're going to bother making a comment, the least you could do is read the article. The VERY FIRST sentence said that it took place in Thailand! "Thailand’s Public Health Ministry announced the results of a real world study of the efficacy of the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine conducted in Thailand today (Monday),..."

  4. On 6/26/2021 at 3:44 AM, mrwebb8825 said:

    I'm just going to put this out here and hope some of you "in the know" can offer some constructive advice.

    My friend talked me into opening a Binance account about 2 months ago. To do this, I needed to "purchase" USDT which could then be used to purchase different cryptos.

    My original investment was $500 but is currently only worth about 20% of that. Please have a look and advise what you would do: (serious advice only please-naysayers can stick to the thread)

    ETH  0.03528468  0.00203296

    ≈ $65.35

    DOGE  193.61300000  0.00149663

    ≈ $48.11

    EOS  13.15683000  0.00147751

    ≈ $47.49

    SHIB  3,616,297.08000000  0.00080282

    ≈ $25.81

    BTT  8,291.05397707  0.00061276

    ≈ $19.70

    DOGE and SHIB were my friend's suggestions, the others were my own attempts based on some reading. I've never been part of the investment world so I don't understand all the terminology and acronyms.

    I also didn't write down anywhere what I bought at (error on my part)

    I read all 3 pages of this thread so far and although I didn't understand some of the "tech talk" I was heartened slightly by the mention of DOGE and looked up SLP. 

    I haven't disciplined myself enough yet to logon and watch 2-3x a day so will work on that. ????

    Thank you in advance for any "plain speak" advice/constructive criticisms.

    With such small amounts, it's hardly worth selling. I'd just sit on it. Some may go to never-never land, but I think you can be pretty sure that others (and maybe all) will recover eventually and make some gains. Just as with any investment, don't put in any more than you can afford to lose. Personally, I never put in more than would make me feel terrible or depressed, even if I could afford the loss. I personally wouldn't look to the vast majority of alt coins as a long term investment. It could turn out great in the long run, but smaller alt coins can be very risky unless you know what you're doing and are actually trading and not just holding longer term. As they say - High risk, High reward (or devastating loss). It's a very volatile market, so you should expect the kind of swings you saw. It sounds like you entered at a high point of the market and you and your friend knew nothing of technical analysis that would have shown you not to buy in at that particular time. It's a very common mistake and that's why so many people lose... because they don't know what they are doing and enter a volatile market at all the wrong times. Good technical analysts knew the high was hit back around 63k on bitcoin and they shorted it all the way down to around 32k and made a fortune. That low point was the place to buy... of course there is still a chance it can go lower, but if you're in it long term, personally I don't think you need to worry much. But it sounds like you really did buy in at a high point, so it may take a while to recover, but then again, who knows... it could recover dramatically quickly. At the moment, I don't think it is so clear, but I believe it will become clear pretty soon (soon... a week to a few months?). And that's why you set stop losses and learn how to analyze the charts. Even though there's all of this nonsensical talk by people who know virtually nothing of what they are talking about and go on and on about how terribly it has dropped, etc., etc., the past month has been an awesome time making money for swing traders!


    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/27/2021 at 6:56 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    I bet you couldn't believe your luck not having any rent increases.


    Keep an eye on your committee, someone might buy it if sold cheap

    I've often wondered about rent increases... I'm presently in a condo for 6 years with no increase and not a peep from the landlord since I first came. It was the same in the condo I rented before this, it was for 5 years, also without a peep. Seems that they are happy to have it occupied rather than scare a renter away with an increase? I'm thinking that if I had a condo rented out, I'd put something like a 2% automatic yearly increase in the contract. It seems reasonable to me.... Then it's known up front and expected and nobody needs to talk to anybody about it.


  6. 5 hours ago, allanos said:

    Lots of folk simply unthinkingly follow the "party line"!  Janet Yellen and Christine Lagarde talk about Bitcoin being used by scam artists, money-launderers, terrorist financers and the like. But they have gone a little quiet, recently, on this angle of their FUD, because the use of fiat currencies (USD, Euro) for these nefarious activities absolutely dwarfs crypto (Bitcoin). And it is far easier to trace large bitcoin transactions on the blockchain, if required, than any kind of trail using fiat. Look at the FBI's recent success in recovering funds from hackers. Without blockchain transparency, it would be almost impossible.


    So, Yellen, Lagarde, and self-promoter Musk, have all tried to introduce another topic to disparage Bitcoin, that of high energy usage, and the destruction of planet earth through "global warming" (whatever that is).

    The shine came off the phrase "global warming" when it was shown that the planet wasn't warming at all. So, to pivot on the narrative, the mantra became "climate change".  There is much debate on how much anthropological activity has contributed to climate change, if at all, but it doesn't stop a lot of stooges talking about it, to support and bolster their own agendas.


    Musk, in particular, had to pivot regarding his large investment into Bitcoin, and allowing his cars to be bought with it, because Tesla is the recipient of government funds by way of carbon offsets, so he made the astute u-turn to decry the amount of energy going into Bitcoin mining. Btw, without the carbon credit offset, Tesla would show a heavy loss. It actually loses a tonne of money on making motor cars!


    There is no outcry about the energy use of mining operations, including gold mining, nor the costs of maintaining fiat-based financial systems, which makes Bitcoin mining look puny by comparison.


    Why is that, you may ask? Because it doesn't suit the elite agenda!


    As an aside, because of the 4-year "halving" built into bitcoin mining software, Bitcoin is the exact inverse of what a Ponzi scheme is. Stop parroting what you hear, and do a little research. You may be pleasantly surprised!

    Yes! I find it amazing how people are pulled around as though there is a ring in their nose and those in positions of power just give it a little tug here and there to get their little pawns to go sacrifice themselves where they want them, all the while these tools are professing how superior they are and what fools the others are.

  7. On 5/6/2021 at 12:15 PM, cmarshall said:

    Although some will make money, Bitcoin will end in tears, of course, because it is an unproductive asset like tulips or baseball cards.  

    Hahahaha "unproductive", Yeah, just like baseball cards and tulips ended in tears, right?
    well... Topps baseball card company is laughing all the way to the bank and back with their "unproductive asset"! Personally, I don't find $1.3 BILLION something to flick off of my collar since it is so unproductive.
    And tulips, you may ask... America isn't in tulips as big as the Netherlands, but they still managed a $66,000,000 volume in 2018 and in the Netherlands, they managed to export 215,000,000 Euros (around $256,740,000 USD) worth of the "unproductive asset" of tulips. https://www.statista.com/statistics/581482/value-of-the-import-and-export-of-tulip-bulbs-in-the-netherlands/
    I'd say that it seems like there are probably many people who are very happy with "unproductive assets". But I hope your assets are much more productive than such unproductive nonsense like that.
    I'm guessing that your grasp of tulip and baseball card profitability is probably about as good as that of your grasp of technologies in and behind the crypto industry.

  8. On 5/6/2021 at 5:02 AM, bkk6060 said:

    Doge is the way to go.


    If you bought dogecoin at the beginning of the year you’ve enjoyed massive gains over the past four months. A $1,000 dogecoin purchase on Jan. 1, 2021 — at a price of 0.057 cent per coin — would be worth $121,052 at Wednesday’s high of 69 cents, a gain of more than 12,000%

    I made an insane profit on Doge Coin. I bought it a couple of years ago. I didn't sell at the all time high, but I sold it at a high enough level to make a major difference in my finances. I don't particularly care for Doge coin, but if you see an opportunity, why on earth wouldn't you take it!? Because you think it's BS? hahahaha Well, idiot naysayers who even admit they don't understand blockchain tech and the various applications being developed around it are all being left behind to eat the dust of others who have enough intelligence to study something worthwhile that is changing the world. And if you can make money while supporting various developing technologies that are changing people's lives around the world, why on earth wouldn't you!? Because it's BS, like this insanely stupid "comedian", Bill Maher, said? The OP posted a video by that guy and he (Maher) let his ignorance and massive pride of being stupid, shine brightly for the world to see.

    • Like 1
  9. Zero capital gains tax might help....
    But yeah, for a measly 10 year visa? Why would anyone with real wealth care to do that? There are plenty of other countries that grant passports, and awesome tax benefits. Thailand isn't nearly as attractive as they seem to think it is. If they could keep a government in place without a coup for more than a few years, it might help.... But they are so far behind the ball, it's going to be a long time until Thailand can possibly catch up to other countries giving wealthy foreigners excellent, REAL benefits for similar or lesser kinds of investments.


  10. On 6/6/2021 at 6:08 PM, BenDeCosta said:

    Almost all Thai ladies that I have met are good cooks. Why not try hiring a cleaner who will also be willing to cook for you?


    I'm certain that you could find someone to come and clean your apartment and cook you a decent meal for under 500 baht a day.

    Wow! Different circles I guess! I have found not quite the opposite, but I have found that most women I've known do not know how to cook much at all. And anything outside of Thai dishes of course would be an absolute no-way.

    I think your idea about a maid that also cooks should be a pretty usual situation and for the price you mentioned, I can't imagine that being difficult to find at all! I have a feeling that pretty much any woman who is in the income class of a maid, likely knows how to cook quite well. Although I wouldn't expect them to know much of anything outside of Thai dishes. But for that price, hopefully they'd be willing to learn and try stuff from YouTube or something. Heck, for that price, they should do the shopping too.

    • Like 1
  11. On 6/6/2021 at 6:08 PM, BenDeCosta said:

    Almost all Thai ladies that I have met are good cooks. Why not try hiring a cleaner who will also be willing to cook for you?


    I'm certain that you could find someone to come and clean your apartment and cook you a decent meal for under 500 baht a day.

    Wow! Different circles I guess! I have found not quite the opposite, but I have found that most women I've known do not know how to cook much at all. And anything outside of Thai dishes of course would be an absolute no-way.

    I think your idea about a maid that also cooks should be a pretty usual situation and for the price you mentioned, I can't imagine that being difficult to find at all! I have a feeling that pretty much any woman who is in the income class of a maid, likely knows how to cook quite well. Although I wouldn't expect them to know much of anything outside of Thai dishes. But for that price, hopefully they'd be willing to learn and try stuff from YouTube or something. Heck, for that price, they should do the shopping too.

  12. 1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

    You live in Thailand and do not like Thai food. I hope you are good cook and not sausages and eggs every meal. Only joking but why live in  a country where you do not like the food. Apart from the the problem that your wife is losing face because you do the cooking.

    The comment you replied to, the person only said that "mine cooks only Thai food so she's a total waste of time". Where do you read in there that he doesn't like Thai food??
    I have yet to meet an Englishman who said he likes English food. So, why do so many people live in England!? It's a weird question. Is food the reason for why you choose to live where you do? Never heard of such a thought before. Talk about living for your stomach!
    And the wife losing face for his cooking rather than her?? Are you serious? If anything it's a massive face-gain!

    • Like 2
  13. On 6/3/2021 at 3:36 PM, ukrules said:

    The time to close everything was October 2020, anyone who closed after that point was just wasting money.


    It might have been a bit later in the non tourist areas but in tourist areas the minute we knew COVID was coming back for the winter season in Europe at around the end of September / first half of October that was the time to act.


    It was kind of obvious at that point that there was not going to be a high season during the winter.


    People might say this is easy to say now with hindsight but I acted on this at the time and closed down a business in October last year for this very reason, I was correct to do so.


    I noticed some places closed down at the first 'lockdown', and did not reopen at all, they sold the location (land + building) and retired, etc.


    That would have saved even more money but I guess I'm an optimist and waited until I was sure nothing would change over the winter season.


    I also noticed that a whole bunch of other new places have opened up for the first time during the second half of last year. Good luck with that. I guess their plan will allow for a couple of lean years when starting up so that may work out ok if they're reasonably well funded.

    There was never a "time to close everything". That was an imbecilic plan from the beginning with no foresight whatsoever. Not to mention that there is ZERO science that supports the idea.

    • Haha 1
  14. 8 hours ago, anchadian said:

    The naming of COVID variants invites another pandemic – of racism


    Many Thais were shocked and frustrated at international news reports identifying a “Thai variant” of COVID-19 last week. Among them was Medical Sciences Department director-general Dr. Supakit Sirilak, who said it was unfair to describe the variant as “Thai” since the country had seen only one case – and that was imported.


    Meanwhile, the Indian government demanded that social media platforms remove all references to the “Indian variant” of COVID-19, saying the term is not scientifically accurate and damages the country’s image.


    Such reactions have nudged many people to dig deeper into how variants are named.



    snowflake wokeness gone global

  15. 17 hours ago, gearbox said:


    Where in my post I said I'm negative about the blockchain technology? The blockchain technology is very useful concept with bright future.

    Here is one really well done scalable blockchain network done by really serious players:




    However Joe the bricklayer, Tom the truck driver and so on don't trade with blockchain technology. They are not shareholders in blockchain technology providers. They trade with sh1tcoins, a by-product of this technology with no real value. They are not shareholders in something like the SWIFT network.


    In the end it is really simple. In the whole modern human history the issuance of money is absolute monopoly of the governments. They have absolutely no intention to allow Joe Blogs to start issuing legal tender currency from his garage.



    I never said  that you said you're negative about blockchain tech. I mentioned the negative tone of your comment, which perhaps I misplaced as being toward blockchain tech.
    Joe the bricklayer and Tom the truck driver can be responsible for themselves. If they behave irresponsibly with their finances.... that's just too bad. Lot's of people do in myriad ways without needing <deleted>coins to distract them. Of course governments have no intention to allow the financial system to get out from the control of their claws. So what? There are lots of things that governments do that are immoral. Is there some reason why people shouldn't continue striving toward liberty from that oppression? If people want to stay under that control, they are free to do so, I don't know anyone who would try to force them to not put themselves under that. And the same should apply likewise to people who desire to be out from under such oppression by attempting to create a new way for a financial system to work, whether by creating a different item to use in an exchange of value, or in ways of decentralizing, or whatever anyone may come up with. And if they fail in their goals, then they fail and people learn from it and can use lessons learned to improve, much like the progression of scientific endeavor.

  16. 6 hours ago, gearbox said:


    Err...I have been dealing with proper cryptography since mid nineties,  when some of these "crypto" investors were still walking under the kitchen table. I've even met a few times the Aussie who claims to be the Bitcoin inventor, he didn't strike me as brilliant mathematician or cryptographer back then.


    The crypto currencies game is based on greed, and it can't be subdued. If you tell someone that he can invest in something and make 30x return,  he'll do it, no matter how dumb the investment is. People know that the chance of winning the lottery is very low, but they still buy tickets as the potential return is too high and the greed wins.


    The only way for the governments to sort out the private crypto currencies is to to completely outlaw them, and this is going to happen gradually, country by country.

    Sounds like you should look into blockchain technology. It sounds like you likely haven't much of an idea about it. I doubt you'd be so negative if you knew much about it. As for crypto currency, do you think people are any less greedy in the stock market or anything else they invest in? I don't. And there is no need to trade with greed. People who do, lose. It's commonly said something like 95% lose. And that is precisely why. Doesn't bother me in the least. It's a zero-sum game. They lose and people who keep their wits about them, take what they lose. It doesn't bother me in the least if greedy people lose. Maybe it'll become a character building lesson for them. One can hope....

  17. 6 hours ago, Susco said:


    Those that have spent some time into understanding, know that crypto is not a technology, but it uses the blockchain technology.



    You mean those that read Musk's tweets?

    If you read a bit more closely, you'll notice that I never said that crypto is a technology. It appears there are others around here who also need to read more carefully or they wouldn't so readily like your post that doesn't make sense.
    To answer your question - No, Musk wasn't even remotely on my mind. I meant what I said. No need to try reading between the lines. Musk is playing people. Decent technical analysts saw the moves the market was making before his tweets. The market wasn't making the moves because of his tweets. Retail "investors" and wannabe traders need to get much better informed than to fall into this nonsense spread on social and mass media.

    • Like 1
  18. 13 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

    Yes! It is shocking how not only uniformed people in leadership are, but how they completely lack any kind of common sense.
    From the article you linked - (And this is NOT new information!)

    "Spraying disinfectants outside or across broad spaces indoors to try to kill coronavirus can do more harm than good, the World Health Organization advised Saturday (May 15th).

    And spraying people is a really bad idea, WHO said in an updated advisory on infection control."

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