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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I had one date with a woman high up in government health dept in bkk.  Her story was husband was police chief. He took a mia noi.  She didn't  accept this.   She  left him and did college. Her parents wouldn't talk to her for 3 years  because they believed a police chief deserved 2 mia noi.  Only 1 date. Gal used to red carpet treatment.  Sje did take me to brothers  nice  1 floor  house  nestled amongst the high rises.  I guess she wanted family to check me out.  That was best part of the evening.     after I saw the way she ordered the restaurant waitresses around I knew this would be the last date. 

    • Like 1
  2. It's all a plan.   The people with money want to buy the farm land because they can see how  large con agra business  has taken  Over American farmland.   Grain  production to hog methane  production all owned by the food industry and using Monsanto seeds.   they want large  farms  to  utilize the gigantic mechanized equipment to harvest the crops. This is one reason why the chemical ban was stopped.   We see how much death and fighting over oil but just imagine how much  more serious the fighting will be over drinking water and food in the future. 

    One farmer I know in chokchai says the chicken plants farms were getting all the water  this year so it was turned on so late for the small farmer.

    Good reason  to order us up some strykers. 

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  3. The good thing about there's devices is they raise  the parking while providing water  storage.    The ones I have seen stack  together like plastic cups so many can be shipped easily.   They look like a rigid half barrel with many support fins. Hear these Retention Ponds are expected to drain into the ground I do not know how they would make it's so that it saves water or how it would work in Thailand with such high water table or saturated ground. It looks like they snap together and then they backfill on top with dirt . The barrels don't crush from the weight of the dirt moving Machinery on top but I'm not sure how much weight they can support and I'm sure you would not want to build a factory on top of these.   I think  they will only help during  short rain events. Not rising  water. 

  4. I like your replies.  Village life, lottery,  beer,  ample outlets, no hot water???  

    I assume it's the same things like no power jig saw. Or weedwackers, or leaf blower/vac. I have hardwood floors.  Cant really  wet mop them so I sweep, vacuum and sometimes do the damp  mop.  

    Along the clean up  moms house idea.

    So what are the chances to get village kids to come help for a little money? If they worked 4 hours  what pay would be appropriate but not excessive?

  5. In Utah a desert climate  as ll building sites nrdc a water retention pond for the short hard rains that can cause flooding.   The city also has large ponds that are used as socker fields.  They usually drain in less than a day.  Some projects  are  using these plastic water storage devices  and putting parking on top in lieu of a pond depression  to utilize a smaller lot and still get  the required water retention. 

  6. The task at hand is to deep clean moms village house.   The bottom floor is block and tile floor so mop works fine.   But the upstairs very dusty. It has wood flooring with cracks so sweeping will drop lots of dust into the air and downstairs.   I think a vacuum would be the best solution.   Even a shop vac with hepa filter.  Mom says no clean upstairs because so much  dust.    it may be the first vacuum cleaner in the village.  

    • Haha 1
  7. Purpleair.com 


    This is a company  a friend here  started.    Starting to get sensors in Thailand now.  Just look at the map.  Last time I talked to him he has 5000 sensors out in the world. Last year  I posted that I would bring one and give it to someone in Bangkok for free and no one would take my offer. There were none in Thailand in July. It is amazing at how localized pollution can be I use the map to see if I should exercise and a couple miles can make a big difference in our inverted soup bowl in Utah.  One time he called me up and said what are you doing you're sensor is going over 300 I had just lit a fire in my backyard fire pit the sensor was a good 40 ft away and not even in the Smoke path. I looked at the chart and it's soared up from 50 to 350 within minutes after I started my outdoor fire pit. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 16 hours ago, metempsychotic said:

    Properly prepared sushi is a non issue. 

    Any reputable sushi restraunt serves fish flash frozen to kill any parasites. 


    Likewise for fish sold as sushi grade. 


    Oh, nice use of bold. 

    flash frozen wont do it.  It needs a time duration  soak which varies  relative to frozen temperature.  

    I wonder  about the process that 10 baht  per piece  sold at markets?

  9. Funny to those who claim they cant speed read  a 2 minute story but still  chime in.  

    She played hard to get made you want her more. But you also spent the games like 3 week hide and see if she cares.   It sounds like she is special and in the fast lane.  You didnt try very hard to keep up. She was bored of you.  Bad sign when she wouldn't post activities   with you but does  with  other guys.  Memories  and move on. 1000 more thai gals  plus take a trip to vietnam after a month on a dating site.  Get off tinder.  Use dating sites or language class.   Guy your age should be tapping fresh saplings. 

    • Like 1
  10. Interesting that a slight  increase of 200,000 caused  airport slots to fill.  How was TAT forcast of increasing  tourist numbers in the millions  possible?  

    That one indian travel article was interesting .  It implied 800-900 rupees or 26,000 baht spend  a day was a great value in Thailand.  Was that a typo?  Even if it implied  for a family of 4-6 this is a big  number.  

  11. Peehaps Elons motivations were all good no publicity.    He used the wrong word in his tweet. He could have said many words but in 2019 for a Man living in SEAsia I think pedo guy had traction. I'm sure  this case is no upfront cost  to  Vern.  Contingency!   I do think more reasonable  number  like  2 months salary or 1% net worth would have better a better  number to seek. Oh 1% is 230,000,000$  either the judge or verns lawyer suck. 

  12. You guys are so brainwashed that you deplore freedom to carry farm tools?  These are antiques but I thought perhaps good quality steel.  2 have far superior handles to the ones I've seen used in Thailand and one is very well made with forged parts.  I collect old tools  and appreciate fine craftmanship.   Maybe this is not appreciated by most people.  

  13. Seriously,  I could check these 3 sickles in my check in bag no problems.  Can check in guns as easy as skis.  Just show a gun is unloaded  and in a gun case.  Many hunters and competitors travel  with long guns. 

    My GF did tell me cant  take on plane in Thailand  but I dont see why not.  

  14. He is <deleted>!!  It will be a big settlement and should be imho.  In this day and age with all the shows on sex trafficking human trafficking underage sex worker busts, and pedos getting arrested in the world I think  the term is very harmful to ones reputation.  Especially true living so close to the northern border of Thailand.   Millions of followers  means millions  of $'s.  

    I think Elon wanted to help but also thought it would be good publicity.   It is similar science , subs and spaceships but he really had no idea of the obstacle course.  I used to explore  caves and a diver.  I can see why Vern with his dry time experience in this cave knew Elons solution  was not viable.  I'm sure 1 phone call to Vern or others with experience in this cave would have educated Elon on the obstacles to any rigid or semi rigid coffin. I have had to fight the ocean currents before and I cannot imagine the currents rescuers faced

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