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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. One thought is to keep pouring pride and joy up so that he keeps sending his best air defenses there to get deconstructed.  Just lost a rare new S500.  It would be a big PR lose for pootin.   The train line is now in use and it's hard to knock it out for long periods.  But supposedly there is a real shortage of locomotive engines due to sanctions.   Slava Ukraine.  

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  2. 33 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    i watched it live, you should too, because that is ANOTHER out of context clip.

    I watched it in full.   Trump lost big time to anyone except the ones with the trump contagion.    I admit the first question could have been asked after a hello and welcome.  And maybe phrased a bit less pointed.  It's about time Trump is asked point blank about things and held accountable to his craziness and lies. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Cameroni said:

    You'd think HSV2 is nothing. It only flares up now and then. But when it does you can't have sex for 8 days. Or longer. It's a major annoyance when it happens. Testing is the way to go. 

    Yes HSV 1 and or 2 can be on genitals and flare up 1 times or often with different people.   I absolutely think it's serious but I've heard several people say it's no big deal and that they don't even tell new sex partners.   

  4. There is HSV 1&2.  1 had traditional been called cold sores in the mouth area.  Most tests don't differentiate 1&2. There is a test available here in the US that tells you 1&2.  

    All the oral sex and now the preferred locations of these aliments isn't so fixed. 

    Some people shrug off having and sharing HSV 1 and even 2.    Most people get HSV1 before puberty from non sexual contact.   Grandma kisses, sharing drinks with friends, etc.   

    For some women an outbreak can be excruciatingly painful.   All STD's and ,HSV were a big concern when I became single a decade ago.    I spent some dough getting tested and paying for women to get tested.   Lots of clean non promiscuous women in Thailand.  

  5. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:




    So, what is the Democrat position on abortion limits?

    I think the abortion limits have been 2nd trimester and there is no talk of changing that as I am aware!   Do you have facts otherwise?    It's so sad that all these Christians or evangelicals don't want abortion but they also want to stop head start and preschool and other support for born children.    I don't see them giving up money to support the born they so badly want.  

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