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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 13 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Shocking, typical 10 Thai men pouncing on 1 poor dis satisfied customer.

    Poor man was just asking why his phone service was cut. Laughing emojis, ohh they dont work.

    I agree. Although it’s not good to resort to violence, we all know how frustrating it can be dealing with these companies, but that doesn’t justify the completely over the top reaction from the ‘mob’. Poor guy. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, xylophone said:

    One has to wonder at the business acumen and brainpower of the "executives" who ordered the big aircraft back when, which lost money from day one and were never a viable commercial purchase in the first place.


    These people should be singled out and their financial records scrutinised, just in case backhanders were offered for the purchase/leasing of these particular aircraft – – and we all know that is a distinct possibility here in Thailand.

    It’s a good point, and I’ve thought all along that the A380s were acquired purely for ‘face’ reasons. Even efficient airlines are struggling to make money with them. Even though the A380s weren’t purchased outright the A340-500s were, and that was a very dubious acquisition and certainly one worthy of scrutiny. 

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