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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. Africans and Russians,high quality tourist.walk around nana plaza,Pattaya,free trade coke,yaba black whores,scamming,thieving,fake money,right under the noses of the police.give me a police badge and I'll show you a dozen police stations and idc full to the brim in a couple of days.the place is the stinking armpit of Asia.what the police here is some good old training from the British police.the place is getting worse by the day.

  2. TAT SHAT.as I like to call it.we all know the figures will be down but who cares.whatever comes out of their mouths will be a load bs.i used to have pals from my city in the uk come over all the time.20+ the last 2 Christmas holidays.just 2 this year and none until next Christmas.the 20+ party all went to northern Cyprus and ain't coming back,I didn't ask them but I think they like it here but it's a long haul and not cheap.thailand has been well promoted of a dangerous place all over the media with deaths,accidents,thefts,dodgy police and rip offs.also the weather this year has put the boot in.imagine spending 3 weeks of your Xmas holidays floating down the street of samui in a rubber ring.

  3. 8 hours ago, GuestForLife said:

    On PhuketNews extra yesterday they said that he's been extradited, I guess they were wrong about it.
    1000 baht for almost a year and a half... how the math worked in this case... if one's a criminal  he'd pay less?? 

    Maybe it was all he had to his name and they just want the piece of poo out of the country and not infecting half the IDC.

  4. On 18/01/2017 at 7:44 AM, Thailand said:

    They should be reading the Chinese media, they are likely to be finding the 30% down jumping to 60%, all problems created by themselves.


    There was nothing wrong with zero dollar tours, granted only a thin slice of bread, the butter comes from the next level of tourists up.


    Recovery soon is not on the horizon.

    As they say...a little bit of something is a lot better than a whole lot of nothing..where as a Thai would say no customer,put price up...

  5. 1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

    All they are going to do is extradite him back to Czechoslovakia ?!?!?!?!


    Hmmm, a quick search reveals that apparently Thailand has few (if any) laws regarding intentionally spreading HIV to unsuspecting partners. If he'd kept his visa current it seems there's nothing they could do !

    They don't need a reason to throw you out of the country.they can throw you out because of the colour of your shirt or the style of your flip flops.

  6. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Sorry, im used to the .. Thai woman are bad .. line here on Thaivisa. Sometimes I react wrong because i assume the wrong things. My apologies. 

    No probs mate,we or most know women deep down are the same and your bang on with the age gap thing.i know a idiot who's getting stung big time by his wife who's young enough to be his granddaughter.

  7. R

    5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Something that never happens back home....  who knows how much money she was entitled too given that he has a business and that 50% of the money increase during the marriage should be divided 50/50 but this guy has his money in Malaysia.. so maybe this was the only way to get a bit. 


    Could just be a money grab too.. but often 2 sides to a story. I was married 9 years with a really good Thai woman... when the divorce came she only wanted the money back what she put in it.. i kept the house the car all... They are not all the same quite a lot of good ones too. But it depends on who you select. If your 60 and take a woman half your age.. its more likely she is after your money then when your both 20-30 when you meet. Just my opinion of what I have seen. I came here when I was just 30 and hang around with people my age who went with woman their age (just a minor difference in age) and saw few problems. I even saw a girl take care her English BF. 

    I didn't particularly mean Thai women.6 months ago I paid the ex in the uk over 3 mil and she's still on my case.also there will be 2 sides to this story.hes got the hotel in Malaysia and probably a healthy bank account as he can afford to throw millions of baht at farming that we all know don't pay.i would like to of seen what car he was driving.

  8. 1 hour ago, madmitch said:

    Small hotels are currently being forced (quite rightly BTW) to become legal, i.e. register with the Phuket OrBorJor and pay a 1% room tax. Their revenue should therefore increase substantially this year. Surely this tax additional income should be used to fund essential tourism needs, including lifeguards and a whole list of other items that I won't bother with as they won't happen. I wonder what it will be used for?

    Mercedes 330 sports special,swimming pool,new servants bungalow.

  9. 13 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    I will tell you just as soon as you can tell me when the Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, New Zealand. Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland and so many other countries in the west last used their air-forces on a military combat mission. Strangely enough they all seem to have air-forces with advanced fighters. Coming to Asia you could include Singapore, Japan Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei etc none of whom have used them in a combat role.

    Yes I know where you are coming from but this is Thai visa,in Thailand and the story I'm asking about is the Thai airforce.we know almost all the countries around the world waste unbelievable amounts of money on military,the uk for instance with their atomic arsenal that will sit there for a lifetime and never be used.as for Switzerland they might as well melt all their machines down and make fondue sets out of them.

  10. 2 hours ago, hobz said:

    I think that is only true if you drop half the words in a sentence, like.

    Go eat now?


    Shall we go and eat now?


    Want eat?


    Do you want to eat now? 


    Etc,, english has many many words that are not really required in most common use.. Not sure about thai hehe

    Many words in Thai are shorter but mean the same thing....love=lub....boo= boots villid= village. International Financial establishment=ATM.

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