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Posts posted by Alphy

  1. King Harold defeated in 1066 by the Normans and William the Conqueror. Fast forward 2017 and The King is downed by a Thai Porn Queen!! Well there was an air of inevitability that this was not going to be a Fairy Story where they lived happily ever after?? Let's hope Harold you enjoyed the moment and some may deem you as a lucky chappie but you pays your money and you take your chance!

  2. If you wish to have  moan I expect you will and can find something/someone to always have a dig at. Sad and insecure people do that!


    There is no doubt Thailand is not whenever you originate from so erase the thoughts of your Homeland and go with the flow. Thai's do what they want to do and when they want to do it so when in Rome so to speak???


    I personally take advantage of whatever they have to offer and live a quiet undisturbed and peaceful life. That's what I wanted, away from a City, away from working in a city, away from people in a city?? Am I there? Nearly, but as it stands it will do! No TV Licence, No Residents Parking! Parking in Oxford for 4 hours = 15 quid or thereabouts! Hiked up Road Taxes, Exorbitant Car Insurance, Over the top house Insurance, Rip off Central Heating Bills, Council Tax and not sure when they are going to introduce a breathing Tax next??


    No just enjoy what I can and when I can and I do!!!


    Peace and Love Folks!!

  3. It amazes me how many speculative responses there are when none of us know what or why? It seems there are many that have a 20-20 vision and wish to create drama? Perhaps some have sad lives requiring self motivation by talking poo! As it stands nobody knows diddly squat and more to the point, like it or lump, it this their country so can I suggest we leave it to the Thai authorities. A gentle reminder is that we are Guest's in this Country and perhaps they may not work in the same way as our Countries of Origin do. Unfortunately an innocent young bystander was hurt so my thoughts go out to her and hope she makes a full recovery.

  4. When all is said and done I am astonished how this vile being escaped the so say "checks & balances" to obtain his position as a Teacher. If he is a convicted criminal at this level then why can't he be disqualified from obtaining any travel documentation. This is utterly embarrassing for Brits and made worse by having a splendid position of 3rd in the World for Child Abuse!

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