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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. Here you go: Yaa dong

    I usually buy extract in my local pharmacy.

    Mix with Lao Khaoo.

    Liquid to drink right away or powder to settle a couple of days.

    When I'm up north to visit the family they bring out the big jars with family receipt when they see me. :)

  2. The funny thing is, the only refrain I get from Thaksinista's, when I post this question, is the same over and over. Thaksin would whup his ass, etc. Wishful thinking. How about some pragmatic opinions for a change. Who can beat Abhisit now? Puea Thai has no one to run against him, that can win. I can hear the recycled question regurgitating now, so let me add it. Then why not hold elections now? Because the problems in the consitution (which all sides agree are present, and all sides are trying to correct), haven't been finished yet. When they are, I am sure you will see a new election, and I think the result will be pretty close to what you are seeing above. Just my 2 baht.

    Oh yes, your poster boy Abhisit is a winner all right.

    "Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Thursday downplayed a suggestion from US Secretary of States Hillary Clinton that Burma should be kick out of Asean because of its poor human rights record.

    Abhisit said an isolated Burma would not help the reconciliation and democratisation process in the military-run state.""

    We can't have that can we Abhisit, all the corruption money from Burma will dry up! :)

    And who gave a loan to the Burmese junta from the tax payers pocket to make the cellphone system in Burma.

    Only one catch, must buy fro shin corporation and who own that one, I think you know.

  3. (2) Foreigners who wish to conduct business in Thailand must provide the following documents:

    - Passport or travel document with a validity of not less than 6 months.

    - Completed application form.

    - Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) photograph of the applicant taken within the past 6 months.

    - Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family) for the duration of stay in Thailand

    - Letter from the applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment, salary and purpose of visit(s) to Thailand.

    - Documents showing correspondence with business partners in Thailand.

    - Evidence of financial status in the case where the applicant is self-employed.

    - Letter of invitation from trading or associated partners/companies in Thailand.

    - Corporate documents of associated partners/companies in Thailand such as:

    1) business registration and business license

    2) list of shareholders

    3) company profile

    4) details of business operation

    5) map indicating location of the company

    6) balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30) of the latest year

    7) value-added tax registration (Por Por 20)

    (3) Copies of company documents must be signed by the Board of Directors or authorised managing director and affix seal of company.

    (4) Additional documents may be requested as and when necessary. In the absence of a required document, applicant must provide a letter explaining the unavailability of such document. Applicant must endorse on each and every page of the submitted copies of documentation. Documents in foreign languages must be translated into Thai and should be notorised by notary organs or by the applicant’s diplomatic or consular mission.

    (5) Holder of this type of visa is entitled to stay in Thailand for a maximum period of 90 days. He or she may apply for an extension of stay at the Office of the Immigration Bureau and may be granted such extension for a period of one year from the date of first entry into Thailand.

    Source : MFA

  4. I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

    If you want to stay here longer then you are no longer a tourist and you have to go through the correct channels and get the relevant paperwork, much the same as you would in your own country.

    For those of us that are here legally, have legal visa's and work permits, all you scammers are making it even harder for us to do it legally, paying outlandish tax rates, unbelievable company tax payments, twice yearly book-keeping, etc etc, all these things cost money and I can understand if some people cannot afford it, you must leave then.

    For example, I want a Ferrari, but I cant afford it, does that mean that I am gonna go and complain in the Ferrari forums that they are charging too much for their cars and should make some available to the small man that only wants it for the weekend!

    It just doesnt work does it.

    Yes, the Thai government is constantly moving the goalposts, not surprising really as their immigration laws were always 20 years behind the west, If you are not british, then go and try and get a visa for the UK, I am sure you would have fun battling the english bureaucrats. The same for Australians and Americans, getting into Oz and the US is not easy, especially if you want to stay and work.

    Thailand is not so picky, they will take virtually anyone, a wander through Koasan Rd or Patpong will demonstrate this too you, all the dregs of the western world are allowed into Thailand.

    I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.


  5. Try to apply for a three year non-B in your home country.

    This one allows you to make business trips but no work in Thailand. (no work permit only meetings).

    This one is normally given to multinational country companies that conduct business in Thailand.

    Kota Bharu in Malaysia is also known to give this visa, provided you have the right paperwork.

  6. I am on my 3rd marrage visa, no 400k in the bank. I get my wife to sponsor me. she declares that she earns more than 45k a month, pays the tax on it. we put money, 5k, in her bank, take it out, put it in, take it out, put it in and so on. no probs, just got my new visa a couple of weeks back

    New rules in Police order 777/2551 since November 2008.

    In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

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