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Posts posted by bartpix

  1. Golf round prices both in the US and Europe have been dropping over the past 12-24 months along with membership fees. Many of the European courses have dropped or even eliminated membership fees in an effort to boost income. According to ABC over 100 courses throughout the US closed during 2014. But Thailand I guess is the exception to what is happening elsewhere.

  2. It would seem that Phoenix has 2 managers now and appear to exhibit "a good cop / bad cop" scenario to entice players to return.

    As previously stated, it would be great if sensibility were to prevail and members were welcomed to avail of the facilities they already paid for.

    But for the moment, management are not willing to talk to the members and the struggle continues.

  3. At last, having surmounted numerous obstacles, the criminal case against Phoenix Golf & Country Club, has been accepted (after much argument with the relevant authorities, who tried to persuade, it should be a civil case rather than a criminal case), is underway.

    As has been the shareholder members wishes all along, we are endeavouring to revert to the original agreement in place, upon our purchase of lifetime shareholder memberships in this club. What is the point of purchasing shareholder / memberships or even memberships in Pattaya / Chonburi Golf Clubs if they can change the rules without reference to the existing membership and their requirements or future potential memberships.

    So those members of Phoenix who have'nt presented your full details of membership to the action committee already, please do so ASAP to ensure your ongoing rights.

    The story of our agrievements with Phoenix Golf & Country Club, Pattaya has been picked up by not only the the local media but has attracted the national TV / Media as well. We have right on our side and we will prevail.

    Only as a group, shall we succeed.

  4. Yes it is.

    Gentlemen, regarding the comments about lack of enforceable rules in Thailand - It is true that in many cases that the situation is merely accepted by the offended party and not pursued. Thereby giving the impression that aggrieved parties have no chance of gaining justice in Thailand.
    The laws to protect peoples rights against fraud or wrongdoing are actually on the books and are enforced in Thailand. It just requires Diligence and Patience on our part.

  5. LBFM has not disapeared just has not logged into the site for awhile. If I can find the tournament invitation will attempt to scan to this site.

    Thank you. As you may have noticed, it would appear that you are " The Chosen One " as regards the tournament details. No other TV members admit to having received the invitation. I look forward to the details and thanks again.

  6. Members of Phoenix:

    Legal proceedings have already been iniated on behalf of the members. We are now entering the crimina area and again require all to participate in these proceedings. Please keep in contact with the Phoenix Members Action Group to remain upto date with developments.The light at the end of the tunnel is definately brighter and success is close.

  7. I just came across a freebe map at Eastern Star called "Pattaya Variety Golf Guide Chonburi Thailand" detailing the golf courses around Chonburi. This guide is sponsored among others by The Tourism Authority of Thailand, The East Coast Golf Courses Management Association and the Chonburi Administrative Organisation. I was surprised to see that Phoenix Golf & Resort Country Club was omitted from the map by these eminent organisations. I wonder why? Encl:


  8. For those of you that believe K. Prayuth's statement that ALL complaints to the following address will GUARANTEE (a) a reply and (B) an update on developments to your complaint, please make your feelings felt to the address below.


    Although they stated that complaints would be accepted in English as well, I would suggest to speed things along that complaints should be made in Thai (if possible). If not please register your complaint in English as numbers count. The important part of the statement is that ALL complaints will receive updates on their advancement to show that they are not being ignored.

  9. A brief report:
    Attendees had to go through a vetting procedure to verify that (a) you were a genuine shareholder and could prove it (B) you were not just a non-shareholding member © that proxy holders must have a signed photocopy of the shareholders passport to prove that the signatures on the passport and proxy matched. Because of the time required to get all attendees through this procedure, K. Janya started the meeting even though she was asked to delay the start because of the slowness of registration.
    There was no introduction of the top table four or name cards in front of them and immediately a call was made for a vote on the first item on the agenda. Two girls with open-top boxes were to collect the votes from the floor - the count went ahead without all the votes being collected. This improved as the votes proceeded because of objections from the floor. The numbers were much the same throughout the voting - 22,078 Ayes to max 42 Nayes.
    Although two Thai members kept asking for explanations to the accounts, sale and purchase of the clubhouse etc., they were told that she did not need to explain and that she did not want to be there all day. When one of the Thai members said he would like it recorded in the minutes that we the minority shareholders were not being given answers to our queries, she actually told the minutes taker not to record that.
    She steamrolled the votes and when it came to the last item on the agenda, AOB, she immediately, without asking, stated that there was none and declared the meeting closed.

    All suggestions (reasonable and legal) gratefully received as to a course of action by disenfranchised members.

  10. Important point for those giving proxy forms for the Phoenix Golf Club AGM on Monday September 1st. at 11:00

    If you are giving your proxy forms for someone to represent you at the AGM, you must write on the top of the proxy form

    the number that was to the left of your name on the Phoenix envelope label. This number is your shareholder filed number.

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