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German farang

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Posts posted by German farang

  1. If you have anynopportunity (in time) just go to the embassy in Hanoi, which is a lot easier to deal with.

    The consulary agency in Saigon often has "temporary young staff in educational progress". To deal with such 20-ish aged Thai might heavely sucks (usually flighing very high in their arrogant thai-ness!!!)...

    8 months ago I got a visa "void" on this way, despite all paperwork perfect, showed cash and I was very friendly as always I am! Since heard many similar stories - always because of such stuff there!

    Hanoi is relaxed, friendly, no problems ever.


  2. On 10/18/2017 at 7:01 PM, ExpatOilWorker said:

    3,782 people have Schultz as surname in Denmark. The Germans must have left a few offspring when they invaded.



    Indeed, even sung & hailed in our national antem ?

    Oh, wait - this was the past... nowadays there is Merkel and any kind of national antem prohibited & punished - only reserved for all other nations in this crazy world... What a shame! Even the football team names only "the team" by order of this fat'n ugly traitor!!! ???

    • Confused 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Topdoc said:

    The third of the Five Precepts is "To refrain from committing sexual misconduct. Fornication, or sex outside of marriage, is seen as a violation of the Brahmacharya vow from the Five Precepts. This and other teachings within the Pali Canon are important and fundamental guidance for Theravada Buddhists.

    Oh - so what are this "gigs" then? A kind of "self-indicated mental health-care"? ??

  4. 7 hours ago, d3viliz3d said:

    Indeed. Musk certainly went too far with his comments, but this guy firing down on him just because he proposed a possible solution, spending his own money to bring equipment and a team there, is nonsense.

    Yep, Musk's replay was hot temperd & too far. But to be honesty:  such insult from this diver probably I would have answerd by smashing instany his jaw! One get what he asks for! I know, it wouldn't be gentleman-like & overdone... But one may also should consider that certain people are sometimes heavely over-stressed. This diver may is a specialist in caves - but an human a-hole & very far from being such a high successfull creative mind as like Musk! So my comment addressed to this diver: "shut the <deleted>** up, carl!"

    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


    Nope. Not a real bank. You are still writing nonsense. Bank of Lithuania is a real bank. Paysera is not. They just 'cooperate' with banks.

    If you don't understand that, you should not be here, 'advising' people.

    Yours is not a 'direct link', but a 'referral/affiliate link', for which the owner can profit if someone creates an account. Customers like yourself are given such links as an incentive to introduce other people to the service. Not the same as a direct link. Good form is to make that clear.

    You are digging a deeper hole for yourself with each post and quickly losing any credibility you may have had at the beginning.


    From a look at their reviews; https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.paysera.com


    Caveat Emptor.


     You're such a su***r ???

    I am a customer of this bank AND use the additional services from Paysera. And yes, I know the comments posted on "trustpilot" - which well deserved should be named "stalk or shit pilot". To be clear: this is a website where anonym persons unpunished can post anything they like. Do you even used your time to really read all comments there? Do you? If yes, then you wouldn't use the word "dredibility' in relation to this website. Or do you meant yourself at all? 

    Even there you aren't able to read very well.

    If I wouldn't have made my own experiences as customer in advance I wouldn't post anything. Furthermore: if I hadn't done deeper intel in advance I wouldn't had  become a customer by myself.

    At the end:  you pretend to be superior experienced - in forensic, banking, finances & intel...

    But you are just a poser. Aren't you?


  6. 1 hour ago, Capt Rob said:

    Just come back to this thread as exchange rates are as close to my heart as my pocket - checked the Paysera rate for AUD to THB and it is displaying well down on Transferwise without the fees.                Fees seem a little unclear from my quick read ( 7 euro s ? ) Whilst this may be cheaper than Transferwise's fee the rate was poor. suggest using " monito " which will give one a comparison over the better ones ( small base ? )

    Update: during business travel to Hanoi I used last night an local ATM with one of my visa cards from Paysera. Result: the pay out was higher then the official viet govt exchange rate (checked online their website & several big local banks), even despite all expected fees like visa card & exchange rate.

    Ones again satisfied.

  7. 19 hours ago, KneeDeep said:



    I'm not falsely accusing anyone. You posted an affiliate link. Of that there is no doubt. Someone might click on it, register and fund the account. The referrer benefits from that.

    If you don't want to be seen as a referrer, don't post referral links.

    Post clean links. Then no one can accuse you of surreptitious behaviour.


    If you really want me to read carefully what you write, then I'll also point out that Paysera is not a bank at all, as you claim.

    It's a Lithuanian company that has a licence to operate as an electronic money institution from the Bank of Lithuania.


    My first post on the subject was on Friday, not Saturday.

    Perhaps you should calm down. You are getting yourself into a tizzy.






    ??? you are still not well informed. I stated to be a customer. I got bank accounts (main account + visa card accounts) in the Bank of Lithuania, use the additional services from Paysera & my visa cards carry the name of Paysera. So yes, a real bank ?.

    And again: there is no reason not to post my direct link, because it makes no difference at all which link to click.

    Just stop to claim & show up superior. You aren't.

  8. 40 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    Wrong. One can make money by someone clicking through your referral link. 

    People can "register after read, learn & may life-chat with this bank" by utilising a clean link; https://www.paysera.com





    I don't like this kind of surreptitious behaviour. 

    The form is to be honest about it. Most won't have a problem.


    Read carefully again, everything including my statement!

    Since this is a serious bank nobody can make any money just by "click" an link! Anyone can click, read, request, call, or even life chat to get informed, without any consequences! This affiliate program starts only to work AFTER any new customer already registerd himself successful AND satisfied used it!

    So what exactly is 'dishonesty' or 'surreptitious'???

    I posted this link because I found it by myself (I am a very satisfied customer) as a very usefull tool for all expats, specially those by european origine. 

    So now you may elaborate your very own reason to falsely accusing me here? Having just an boring Saturday? What's your driving motivation? Or there are even other strange selfish 'reasons' in your mind?

    According to your last words:

    I really don't like such manipulating & dishonesty superior behavior & slander!




  9. 9 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    It is customary to let people know what you get out of posting an referral/affiliate link. Then they can decide for themselves whether to click through to give you the benefit or just to click through a clean link, such as this one; https://www.paysera.com

    Ok, you're right. A few short days  before my post I found out that this Paysera is really interesting staff, so I just used "copy & past" out of their conversations. Btw: one can't make money by just "click" on affiliate links, so I haven't seen any problems. But if someone register after read, learn & may life-chat with this bank - why not?

    I don't see any problems about that.

  10. 12 hours ago, grollies said:

    How is the vessel unseaworthy?


    Put any vessel in a beam sea, if waves and swell are heavy enough, it will capsize.


    This was a result of poor seamanship..very poor seamanship.


    Well, maybe. But there are also other problems possible:  engine failed, rudder out of order... or even crossing waves.... 

  11. 11 hours ago, Wake Up said:

    Not the most powerful handgun in the world. There are 40 caliber hand guns and custom built 50 caliber. 


    Reality is you should be more afraid of  a person with a shotgun. Shotguns are easy to fire and more accurate and deadly. The 357 has a upward lift that is hard to control if you are drunk or high and that is why they miss. Unless you practice they will miss more likely with a 357 than with a 38 or any shotgun.  As for the 22 bullet guns they are mostly harmless unless you get hit in the eye or are a squirrel. 

    Hi "Wake Up", where do you got your special kind of balistic professionalism from?  You maybe should wake up... ??????

  12. By occassion (a few months ago) I found an nice alternative on LinkedIn, at least very usefull to European expats due to the bank's policies & the fact of using the IBAN system. Register & id check is easy done online, use full online banking + cell app & multible cards are aviable. But the best of it: use your cell app to convert cash in any currency & transfer money from your account to your card(s) and even controll how its used if you give one to your thai wife or girlfriend = 100 % controll via your cell ???



  13. I guess this isn't just a local case of Phuket. I'm currently uproad, but my (Thai) wife in BKK started complaining since last week about the same symptomes: vomiting, stomach- & headaches, dizzyness, dumb & hurting legs... 

    Since she works in the public (sales) & has to use the public transportation system I suspect any spreading bakteria or virus. Despite: her med. doc (the public thai one!) refused blood tests but gave her a bunch of different painkillers + minerals & vitamines... <deleted>!!!

  14. 7 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    I don't know what the going price is for a forged passport is in today's black market, but 7,000 to 8,000 baht doesn't sound right.


    Perhaps a typo and it should read USD? This apparently isn't a case of altering but making from scratch.

    Nah, a time ago I've done some investigations about that & learned that here in bkk this prices in thb is real. I suggest btw NOT to try any search or purchase coz such human trash deserves to be jailed for very long time!

  15. 7 hours ago, wirat69 said:
    icon_clock.jpg 05:00 a.m. - Midnight
    icon_map.jpg Platform of Suvarnabhumi Airport Passenger Terminal 2nd Floor, Gate 3

    *Free Service
    (Bus coming from Don Muaeng Airport will drop passengers at the passenger terminal 4th Floor, Gate 5) Passengers going from Don Muaeng Airport to Suvarnabhumi Airport shall get on the bus at the platform of the1st Floor of passenger terminal of Don Muaneng Airport.
    05.00 am. – 08.00 am. , 11.30 am. – 03.00 pm. , 07.30 pm. – 24.00 am. depart every 30 minutes
    08.12 am. – 11.00 am. , 04.12 pm. – 07.00 pm. depart every 12 minutes
    Location: 2nd floor, exit number 3
    Tel. 1722 (Suvarnabhumi Airport Information Center) / 02-535-111 (Don Muang Airport Information Center)



    Also possible: public bus number 554 & minivan 

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