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Posts posted by Machiavelli

  1. 52 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

    Jonathan Fairfield

    Serial Dutch pedophile arrested in Hua Hin

    TNN also reported on the statistics of foreigners being arrested in Thailand for sexually abusing children under the age of 15. Between 2010 and 2017, there were 113 cases in Chonburi, 25 in Chiang Mai and 12 in Bangkok. 


    Out of all suspects arrested, 45 percent were from the UK, 24 percent from the USA, 12 percent from Germany, 18 percent from France and 8 percent Switzerland.  

     This portion was posted on the ThiaVisa news  but not on the article shown to start the topic.   I wonder why?


    Could it be to pacify the English, who caught engaging in pedophilic encounters at nearly double the rate of Americans or three and a half times the rate of Germans? ( taking into account arrival numbers from each country.)


    Or could it be a large number of posters are from Pattaya wich has ten times the arrests and yet a much much smaller population than bkk?



    It could be nothing. It could be you came late to the party. This an update on an earlier post. The one you are referring to. That post was discussed and included all details you just mentioned. Could be you didn't notice the words "further details emerge". 

  2. 4 hours ago, SpicyMeatball said:

    I just don’t get it??

    Easy to figure out. According to the FBI, white males make more than 80% of the kiddy diddlers (pedophiles). They can't practice the filthy deed in their home countries. They have infested SEA. They can take advantage of the poverty and corrupt law enforcement. Thailand reeks to high heaven of this sickos. There must be a way to check if those seeking to stay permanently in Thailand are not kiddy diddler registries in their home countries. 

  3. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    You questioned free and fair elections.  I replied that Russia meddled in the elections.  Which is true.  I never said they voted for Trump because the Russians convinced them.  You said that.  But it's a distinct possibility their ads and hacks had an influence on the outcome.  No denying that.

    Its astounding. To believe that ads less than $100 000 could make a difference in an election where both parties spent at least a billion a piece. Setting aside the innuendo and gossip about a non story hack I hate to break it to you but if Americans could be influenced by Russian ads worth $100 000 to chose a president,  they are simpletons and deserve to be hacked. 

  4. Seems like RTP is on to something these days. They have been netting romance and phone scammers,  kiddy diddlers(pedophiles), overstayers and fake passport holders and those running from the law(fugitives). Well done RTP. Keep going after these criminals. Whatever their race,  lock up and deport these losers! The kiddy diddlers send them to the hardest of the prisons. 

  5. Just now, ilostmypassword said:

    You don't care for Mugabe? He's a great man who has consistently acted in the best interests of the Zimbabwean people. His wife works tirelessly and selflessly to promote the interests of the Zimbabwean people. You're a typical victim of the Western Media.

    You don't have to put words in my mouth. I don't have to like Mugabe to know that he is being shafted. Its called being objective. It's called questioning what you are told. What's sad is with so much information available, how do people fall for such propaganda?  Western countries are in bed with heavy duty dictatorships in the Middle East, Chinese communists and military dictatorships. To try and sell the Mugabe debacle as a democracy issue makes me laugh till my lungs hurt. It takes a huge amount of not knowing geopolitics to believe that the Mugabe story is about dictatorship.

  6. 12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Yes, he took the land from white farmers and gave it to his cronies including his horrow of a wife. 

    Mugabe and allies own 40% of land seized from white farmers – inquiry

    Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, and his allies have seized nearly half the country's commercial farms in a land grab widely blamed for economic collapse, an investigation claims today.

    Mugabe has bought the loyalty of cabinet ministers, senior army and government officials and judges with nearly 5m hectares (12.5m acres) of agricultural land, including wildlife conservancies and plantations, according to the national news agency ZimOnline.

    The 86-year-old president and his wife, Grace, are said to own 14 farms spanning at least 16,000 hectares.


    There is absolutely no evidence for those claims and western propaganda media as evidence does not help matters. I don't care for Mugabe but to provide western media as a truthful source on Mugabe is laughable. Everybody knows the West hates Mugabe's guts. You don't actually believe what the western media says about North Korea,  do you? It's propaganda! The Saudi King doesn't give 40%. He gives all to himself and his cronies.  He is still US and UK  best friend. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Which country granted him a knighthood?

    Britain. He was given an honorary knighthood in 1994. It was withdrawn in 2008. Mugabe used to be good buddies with the west until he took the land from white farmers. What happened to Mugabe and ultimately Zimbabwe is common knowledge. Anybody with a brain knows this is not about Mugabe. It's a lesson to any country that messes with white capital. If it's all about dictators then why are the same countries condemning Mugabe in bed with Saudi Arabia. Lol. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Slip said:

    I was merely suggesting that you should stay on topic.  That is good netiquette. It wasn't a Mugabe style dictate, but I still think you should not drag this to Obama (or any other US politician for that matter.)

    I am right on topic. Mugabe does not deserve that role( the offer has since been withdrawn) as much as Obama does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. A warmonger is no different to a dictator! 

  9. 5 hours ago, Publicus said:


    Mugabe has been going increasingly to Singapore for medical treatment. 


    It is good the USA has a presence in Africa to assist people in countries such as Zimbabwe to possibly come to power and who are more compatible with our values. 


    Mugabe has said many times China is his model while he and Xi Jinping are BFF. For Mugabe forever is coming soon.

    A Zimbabwean compatible with American values. Such sickening arrogance! Unbelievable. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I would suggest Islam would be the next global power.

    China had many chances, and always did nothing, can't see them changing.

    Predicting the future is always a bit silly, probably it'll be a zombie apocalypse .........

    Islam is a religion. Do you mean Muslims or Arabs? I am talking about economic size! What has Islam got to do with economics....with anything ? Jesus!

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  11. Can't help it but feel sorry for a dying breed. Old folk longing for days long gone and not coming back. Old folk always on the defensive. Old folk full of Vietnam war stories and 20th century Thailand. "Used to be like this, used to be like that". Old folk unhinged from reality. China is the next global power. There are no "buts" about this. The age of the Farang is drawing to a close. Better get used it. Get a grip. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    And they say Racial profiling is wrong ! Do it more. Get the buggers out of here.

    Exactly. Lets get all criminals out of here. This includes those holding fake passports, romance and call center scammers, kiddy diddlers(AKA Pedophiles), those involved in prostitution, human traffickers, bikers who beat people up, boiler room crime gangs, counterfeiters, fraudsters and drug pushers. There must also be a thorough check at immigration because some fake tourists are running from the law (AKA Fugitives). No one should be immune! Everyone who fits into any of the above profiles is a bugger and must go!

  13. 31 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Not just SE Asia.  South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and India all have a reputation of child sexual exploitation.  I do concede that Thailand does have more than it's fair share but much of the fault lies in the corrupt society where money buys you anything you want along with the casual approach to sexual exploitation. 

    Not the fault of the perverts obviously. Some of these responses get me thinking..... 

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