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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. It is the wrong thing to do.
    If we guarantee all the EU citizens rights ahead of a reciprocal agreement, our 1.2 million citizens living in the EU are stuffed. Simple as that.
    Why is it you want the UK citizens in the EU to suffer?

    Exactly, Nothing should be agreed without a reciprocal agreement.

    The Brexit negotiations will either be fraught with complications or hopefully (but highly doubtful) a more level head progressive outcome.

    With quite a few EU contributors willing to punish the UK, monitored globally then the EU is primarily looking at how to fill in the fiscal element from one of its major net contributors.

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  2. Britain will attempt to offset Brexit cost with €150 billion worth of European Union assets

    Michel Barnier, the EU's chief Brexit negotiator, is understood to be preparing a list of up to £51bn of liabilities.
    An independent think tank in Brussels has already estimated that Britain's assets could be worth almost £130bn.

    Well after 40 years as a member the value assets would certainly have increased, although the Government will only focus on the expendable parts of its portfolio as part of any offsets required.

    In the meantime the worm Mandleson has said the Lords are primed for battle due to 2 amendments being demanded, so it's going to be an interesting first test for PMTM.

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  3. What he means is that *he* feels threatened . [emoji6]
    The punishment warnings were indeed vociferous initially, but the rhetoric has toned down considerably in recent days.  Several things have happened -- Schultz and Junkers are bowing out, so UK is not being subjected to their highly personal vitriol anymore, and the rest of the EU team have taken a peek at the numbers and realised that the EU actually needs UK to be a happy friendly neighbour - even more so during the current round of elections potentially causing other, less-expected exits..
    P.S. -- Scottish thread here...http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/967800-british-pm-anticipates-call-for-scottish-independence-referendum-report/?do=findComment&comment=11615045

    Thanks for replying.

    IIRC Schultz isn't bowing out, he's possibly attempting to succeed Merkel.

    Junker on the other hand, I've researched him along with seeing plenty of videos of him 'will not be missed'.

    The UK has already stated it wished to remain a good European neighbour post Brexit that's always been David Davis constant message.

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  4. How many more times?


    Nobody is THREATENING anybody. We've been through this already. 


    When you check heck out of a hotel after a splendid holiday, you check the bill and then pay. Do you feel threatened by the manager?


    Just pay whatever is correct and go. 

    Having reread my post I don't recall anything mentioning 'threatening' at all.

    Now back on topic....There's plenty of open sources (not just this forum) that has documented the EU political seniors warning the U.K. that it has to be fiscally penalised.

    Barnier & Co have made no secret to the fact it's the formula not the final Brexit Bill that needs focused on.

    Lastly, the EU knows whom has the stronger hand & the pending negotiations is mainly about minimising litigation amongst other important serious issues, the EU wants to send a clear defined message against any other member considering leaving.

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  5. I wonder how members feel about the possible break up of the Union given the likely result when Scotland get their second referendum? Or is this off topic?

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    Seeing as Scotland voted to remain in the United Kingdom & they won't managed to break the Union.

    I'm originally a Scot and my views on the SNP are best focused on a thread of its own.

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  6. Interesting viewpoint however Junker has already stated a 'formula' is to be agreed rather than the obsession of penalising the UK with an Brexit Bill.

    This further scaremongering tactics to thwart off anyone else (member states) attempting planning to leave a increasingly flawed and in denial EU.

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  7. Which proved me wrong, as I was sure that MPs would insist on being able to amend any final agreement!

    I've only briefly viewed some of the debates & amendments from other parties were clearly voted down.

    Today's Daily Politics (09/02/17) made interesting viewing reference Labours attempt.

    The unelected Lords (pro-Remainers) are the final hurdle prior to applying to Brussels for triggering Article 50...so still not completely obstacle free yet.

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