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Posts posted by manchega

  1. On 5/28/2019 at 2:09 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    I have lived in this house for 5 years or more, I have been to many places within Thailand during that period and have also been to Singapore and back by train through Malaysia and have never ever reported back to immigration on my return to my registered address, never been a problem when renewing my extension or 90 day reporting.

    me too, for longer and been on multiple trips every year, I wonder what will happen when its visa time this year

  2. The fact that a Thai person said the other driver was in the wrong is very reassuring.


    I have had people claim they saw everything from their window before when they would have had to be standing on a balcony actually watching if that was the case

    I mean people actually streamed out to tell police and insurance I was in the wrong after someone crashed into my nose as they tried to squeeze through a gap while accelerating.


    the only reason I did not take it any further was that the next step was going to the police station and the police man siad look we can do it will waste lots of time and now 10 people were pretending to have seen the accident on the empty road


    However, if like me you pay your 1st class insurance he as other posters state will sort it all out, if not you can shout and demand to speak to manager, most thai don't bother with insurance - I mean a vast majority

    • Thanks 1
  3. This is life lesson I learned many years ago in my teens no intention to be patronising, I have many preconceived ideas about the locals


    don't lend money unless you are prepared to never see it again


    anything can happen over 24 hours and in some instances you teach someone a valuable lesson in attaining things they want


    if you had not lent 5 k this person would have learnt that in future they should either act responsibly or have 5 k sitting at hand in case something happens


    you may have just encouraged their dependency on family members instead of learning responsibility for self and ones own actions 

    • Like 1
  4. I would echo what is stated above however if your interest is to learn then....

    try MIT online courses

    they are not the only ones who have online courses with minimal to zero fees to download and study


    as one or two of the posters already state the value of the degree from Thailand is of little use outside of Thailand 

    and even within thaialnd do you want to compete with a new grad for that 40-50k job?

    • Like 1
  5. The more stages the better, but the default you need to know is that BKK water is actually pretty good quality - better than many US states-, despite the funny taste

    all you really need is a charcoal stage to remove the bad taste as the nasties are killed by the chemicals that make it taste funny

    • Like 1
  6. The it was worse last year is not true, since last year there is now more publicity but this year in BKK it was far worse but yes the fog has been there a while but not as bad as my post uni travel years in 90s.

    I suspect that most flora/fauna is adapting to it in some way, either that or it will wipe us all out


    some are more resiliant than others


    but just be thankful you don't live in Pakistan or India cos the BKK bad is their normal

  7. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Owning  a BMW or Merc they have 90% right of way on the roads ????,

    or that's what they think,you get on the  Ferrari's and their ilk,

    and its we own the roads,do you know who i am.

    regards worgeordie

    Its not true, the fact is everyone on Thai roads think they are in the right because no one has taught them any different, most don't have the critical skills to understand when they are doing something stupid/ignorant/unsafe

    the police compound the problem as they also have no idea about road safety laws, I have explained to police about what a solid white line means internationally and they decided it was time to see my visa

    until common sense such as stopping distances, keeping with the flow of traffic, joining traffic at the same speed, avoiding causing any other traffic to do any of the s's including the big shitting themselves Thailand will continue to occupy the top spot for most dangerous roads in the world/most stupid drivers

    • Thanks 2
  8. Hi, I saw the post about chappie who started investing 25 k a month or so.


    I was interested to understand the tax implications?


    There are things that are tax deductable such as LTF and RTF,

    Do we get taxed on the interest of these?

    If one were to open a bank account such as citi and used that account to invest in stocks with a singapore based broker - i.e. offshore would one then become eligible to pay tax on all interest made or could one reinvest the interest without suffering paying the junhtas next meal?

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