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Posts posted by startuper

  1. Hi guys, thank you for your opinions, but if I can sum up - you do not know any better than me ;-). It could be useful for DN or it couldn't, we will see...


    One way or another, it is more than clear that it will not work for every digital nomad, because it is obvious that there is wide grey zone between common backpacker and real digital professional and they will have to recognize DNs over all the doubts for the granting of visas. That's for sure.


    But it doesn't mean, it's not intended for DNs at all. They write "startup entrepreneurs" and "high skilled professionals", they encourage to bring a family and say a lot about transferring technologies and skills. At the moment I can't imagine what conditions they have in their mind. Because it's really hard to fairly say who is DN and who is not. That's why I'm curious and why I'm looking for more info. But if it will be investment visa, why they should talk about technologies and high-skilled professionals? And why the name "smart visa"? It would be more easy to name it "investment visa" and it will be clear. Ok, maybe I will not meet this conditions, I don't know, but I we should not lose hope.

    Look, in Thailand are really a lot digital nomads. Maybe it is most popular country for them. Maybe government [yes I know, now I'm in crazy optimistic regime] starts to realize that this people are a real gold for the country. Even they do not bring lot of money, but they bring some and all their income is from abroad and all their spending is in Thailand. This is essential. Besides that, they are (in general) smart people, who can teach local guys lot of things. They usually do not commit criminal offenses and obey the law. Who would not want them? Say one reason... :-) [end of optimistic regime] :-) 


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  2. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no such minimum age requirement. Where did you get that info?

    I can assure much younger children are attending school and getting non-ed visa and extensions.

    You 5 year old is old enough to attend kindergarten and there are formal schools that they can attend. Certainly the same for your 6 year old who would be in the 1st grade.

    Thank you ubonjoe, you filled me with optimism :-). I just wrote to our school, maybe they also can give an advice. This information I found on two sources - on some forum (lonely planet or somethink like that) and on the website of some language school. But it still could be misinformation. Thanks a lot.

    Maybe one question - do you think we both (me and my spouse) can acquire non-o visa as parents? Because how I see it, one parent is enough to stay with children. Or is there any experience that it is ok for both parents? Thanks.

  3. Hi,

    again me.. :) I'm wondering... what kind of study is sufficient to acquire study visa? I would like to spend a year or two in Thailand with my family. My kids will attend a school (and ask for study visa), but problem is me and my spouse. It seems the work permit and guardian non imigration O visa will not work for me, tourist visa as well, so maybe if I enroll to some language school or something... what do you think, is it possible?

  4. Thank you guys. I really appreciate it.


    Thank you rwdrwdrwd for recommending student/guardian visa, I will think about it. We would like to enroll our daughters to one of French schools, where they already spent some time one year ago (but it was only for 3 months). But even on a first look, I have some questions. What do you think:

    • Older daughter will be 6 years old and she will attend 2nd class, it should not be a problem
    • But younger daughter will be only 5 and she will attend only kindergarten (class GS in french system), do you think I can ask for student visa even for such small children attending kindergarten? 
    • Both parents can apply for a guardian visa, or only a mother? It seems to be enough to guard a kid by mother, don't it?
    • And of course, there is a small financial problem... "Deposit of THB 500,000 in a Thai bank account so you would have to set up your Thai bank account." Me and my spouse together, it is about 25.000 euro. What do you think, what does it mean this deposit? I will be able to reach my money only after moving out from Thailand, or before (after first month of stay or something..)?
    Thanks a lot.
    Yes, I agree, that to start a company could be tough and if I really have to meet all this requirements, even not possible. But I found something about BOI Company, where it is not necessary to meet all this conditions. Do you think it could  be a way for me?
    Ubonjoe, unfortunately I can't see your first post. So, if there is described somewhere the method you write about, please could you leave me a link here please? Or could you briefly explain? Thanks a lot.
    Thank you all guys for your help. 
  5. Hi guys,

    I would like to live in Thailand for year or two with my family. I'm kind of digital guy, it means I need only notebook and internet to my job. All my income comes from abroad. We all hold European Union passports.

    My question is, what kind of visa would work best for me?

    One friend of mine recommends to incorporate a company first, write down an employment contract and then ask for one year working visa for me and my spouse, and for dependent visa for children. I would like to ask you, if you have some experiences with this approach and if do you think it is a best working solution.

    I think it could work, however there are some open questions:

    How exactly this process looks like? Have I to be in Thailand to incorporate company? If yes, should I travel back to my homeland to ask for work permit?

    Can I incorporate a company and directly employ myself and my wife, or it is under some kind of restrictions?

    Any kind of help you can provide will be highly appreciated :-)

    Thanks a lot.

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