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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. 7 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    The junta should implement the following:


    - increase the salary of street police officers

    - any cop caught for corruption should be straighforward sacked and not just transferred

    - use foreigners as informants to trap corrupt officials


    Corruption will destroy Thailand on the short run as tourists and expats who bring in money are getting really fed up with being asked for tea money to get the job done! Thailand will loose millions as foreigners will take their money to other. It's really time to put a Stop to all this corrupt shit!

    In June 2015, the Bangkok Post reported that, "Thai police officers are paid around14,760 baht per month (6,800–8,340 baht for entry level) and have to buy their own guns and even office supplies." He posits that one reason salaries are so low is that the sheer number of officers is staggering, roughly 250,000.

  2. On 6/6/2017 at 5:20 PM, transam said:

    You will get your 3k back on return of the plates, they belong to the dealer, not you.


    To be honest I have forgotten the rules, hope some one will come along to say if l am wrong.


    You can only drive in the province you bought it in daylight and fill in a book they give you logging your travels. You can use the plates for 30 days only, after that a ticket...

    as far as I know one CAN NOT drive a new car from one province to another....also you should not have paid car tax as IT is "FREE" for the first year

  3. 7 hours ago, impulse said:


    I think the suicide note exonerates them in his demise, as long as it's in his hand.  


    Still, I hope his Embassy works to quickly secure his local assets for next of kin.  I've left a key to my apartment and instructions for some co-workers to gather up my valuables for my family in case of my untimely demise.  Mostly emergency cash, bank books and some computers.


    MY FRIEND died in August last year.....he had taken out 16k from the ATM in the morning....Police and medics came to his room....son and daughter arrived....he was taken to Bkk for cremation.....only 7 k was left for son and daughter....QUESTION is where did the 9 k go...also his watches, rings and other valuables went from his room !!????

  4. 38 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Come on general kick your a..e in gear, use your precious article 44 to enforce speed limiters being fitted.

    Help stop this daily carnage on the roads NOW.

    How many more innocent lives have to be shattered before something is done.

    Most of these truck accidents are caused by speed, incompetent idiots behind the wheels, who have no idea how to drive properly.

    no need for governers IF PEOPLE drove/ learnt to drive properly 

  5. 3 minutes ago, pegman said:

    From what you have written I think Jomtien checks all your boxes. The housing development just north of Rompho Market would fit what you are looking for.

    long way from beach NO baht taxis go there ....very very enclosed

  6. 14 hours ago, beachproperty said:

    My vote is for ......Rayong ....although its not Pattaya (that's a plus) , Pattaya is just an hour away


    Doesn't flood

    Mostly Thai with some falangs living here

    Weather is the best in Thailand ....Not too hot ...get the cool sea breezes

    Has all the amenities .....Makro, Tesco, Big C , Central Shopping Mall, Home Pro, Global, etc.

    Has a vibrant Bar scene.....with live music

    AND its just 1 1/2 - 2 hours from Bangkok

    more like 3 hrs from BKK it takes 95 mins to get to airport using the bus from Jomtien and the aiport is 140 kms away centre of Bkk is about another 30 kms

  7. 1 hour ago, sanukjim said:

    Not near the beach but Min Buri is a great small town.Plenty of expats (Germans,English,Americans,Irish,Scots) with both Thai and farang families,good schools in the area ,only three bars here at soi 164 with a mixture of locals and farangs.I have been here 12 years and have seen no trouble ,robbers,house thefts or fights. several good restaurants.20 minutes to downtown Bangkok,15 minutes to the airport .

    how is minburi only 20 mins from downtown bkk MORE like 2 to 3 hrs drive ...traffic is always bad

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