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Posts posted by africasiaeuro

  1. To Vern's credit it must be said he is right. The minisub ( only a diver will know ) is not suitable to cross the narrow passages.

    To Elon's accusations: Vern should make a public statement to a) either deny the accusations or b) to admit there is a problem. 

    Then the world will know for certain. The problem is more widespread than generally assumed.

    Older men in particular may suffer from it. 

    Treatment is the key here.

    Suing Elon may worsen public opinion, and may have a negative impact.

    • Confused 1
  2. Fact is nobody wants pedos. Call it whatever you want. What Vern did for the cave rescue was a noble task. 

    Elon s mini sub was a PR stunt welk timed.

    Elon is getting hot in the U.S. and looks for new pastures. 

    Thailand 's cave issue came in handy.

    Usual rhetorics that followed.

    A Tesla made in Thailand is cheaper than made in the U.S.

    For the same reason Swarovski employs 20000 in LOS saving hundreds of Millions annually.


  3. When back in 1979 I went to Phuket beaches all I saw was zig dead snakes on the road. The beach was empty but a fisherman who threw his net.

    I was alone and got my butt stung by jellyfish.

    Today's mass tourism has already created a disaster for the ecosystem both at sea and on land.

    The only people who still feel happy are the Hotel owners and the government. They think that the buck will bring back their once beautiful beaches.

  4. Congrats to all who played a role in their rescue. Tum nun dee mug krub!

    More significantly to the Brit cave rescuers who returned back after they found the kids. Heroes who will soon be forgotten.

    An invitation for an all out paid vacation in Thailand should have been the appropriate way to thank them.

    Once the danger is past the Guardian Angel is soon derided.

    Elon Musk looks interested in doing business in LOS. I assumed it immediately. Elon is sharp minded and will of course weigh his options now that the iron is hot. A few Billion subsidies from the Thai government in return for a Multi Billion Dollars Tesla plant perhaps?

    Why not. After all he made a real effort. I 'm confident he would have brought them out as well with his mini sub.

    He isn't a person to leave things as they are, a real achiever.

    Still he will have to deal with the 'Thai style' of doing business though.

    I wish them good luck.

    Let those kids get back to normal first. I bet you they will not step into a cave again.

    That's it. Chok dee.


    P.S.: Church bells are ringing in my tiny enclave in the Italian Alps in Piemonte Italy, each and every time a dog near me starts howling to it. Funny isn't ... Some kind of concert. ON the 11 th there is circus show here, by then I will be off to the Cote d'Azur  god knows what next. Wanna see some mountains watch our instagram Nicecotedazur.





  5. 4 hours ago, wayned said:

    Kim's agreement with Trump at Singapore  was " work toward denuclearzsation ".  IMHO Kim's expects this to be a basic agreement where NK gives up  identified parts of their nuclear system and in turn the US agrees to give up an indetified part of their nuclear protection of the Korean Peninsula, both to be CVIR.  The next meeting between the two needs to be a meeting that endorses this list where both Trump and Kim agree, not another hind-lick maneuver meeting in New York in September.  Kim will not agree to the Bolton "Libya Model" no matter who presents it, and if I were him I wouldn't either.  What Trump has done is given Kim the advantage! And on the other front he's about to go one on one with Putin!


  6. Recounting from last 4 weeks in Italy.


    All I can say the Italiens have enough numbers to say enough is enough.


    • Northern part Veneto is full. Trento has been stuffed, they are lingering in the public parks.


    • Venice Veneto is better controlled. Easier too. People are easily spotted and prevented from entering.


    • Belluno is full. Same story.


    • Bolzano Merano are full


    • Biella Piemonte is full


    • Cuneo and Asti are full


    In fact all Italy is full, up to the last village in Molise. They are everywhere. What df. This is exactly as Nostradamus wrote.


    Since 2015 this has been going on, the Italians don't know anymore what is happening around them.


    Should I mention my Ipad was stolen too? By Immigranti. Europe is afflicted.



    • Like 1
  7. Now it's on to the Belgian guy, who did what he could, sure he had to spend lot of cash to reach to the cave?


    That in itself is more than all of us mere talkers ever did.


    Give the guy some credit. No matter what - he tried.

    To bash him will be unfair.


    If he was incapable which I doubt, then let it be.


    If on the other hand, he had a hard time with 'better know' people,

    let him forget the whole thing and take his gear back to Phuket,

    'cause you 're damned if you you and damned if you don't.



    • Like 2
  8. Highly controversial task


    2 fried eggs for breakfast kai jiew. Seeing all the garb posted here, the kind one can find in puk num on sunday morning, i wonder if they will stay where they are.


    - Elon has heart and did what he could - hats down.


    - Trial and error continues


    - That leaves a guess: what happened with SpaceX or whoever drilled around that hills?


    - Wasted resources, wasted time, wasted energy.


    Rest is Dulut Klongtoey ( or puk num ) gobbledeegook, at it's best.


    Chok dee,




  9. Here we are three weeks later. Thai 'experts' still figuring what's best to do.


    Experts from everywhere, all circles of life, all kinds of backgrounds, with or without clues are calling different versions of how to to get these poor guys out from their watery cave.


    With the huge logistic complex the super powers have at their disposal, none came forward to offer the equipment that could have solved the problem in a few days.


    They have pumps which can drain 15 Olympic size pools in an hour. By now such eqquipment could be in place and move every drop of water out, never mind the location.


    All could have been set up within days.

    Platforms, power supply, flexible suction tubes a la Elon Musk style Kevlar reinforced.


    But no, we are still doing guesswork, hearing this, or that.


    Now, limestone drilling may be easy.

    Question is : Are they drilling 1 mile down shafts and are they correctly positioned, or are we then saying another thing?


    When considering all the factors, pumping out the sludge and water would have been the best, though not the cheapest way.


    To move a 5000 HP centrifugal pump to a hillside in Chiangrai requires planning, and experts no doubt. All these are not available in the country.


    The military operation where a country like Iraq was levelled to ashes wasn't cheaper, but brought more revenue.


    This is where the problem lies.


    Anyone who has been involved in logistics operations in Thailand understands the indecisiveness that is seen locally everywhere.


    Without a clue of what is to be done at the precise moment.


    This disaster has proven this phenomena again.


    Drilling 500 holes: what it really means is: someone has made a contract with a drilling firm and collects huge kickbacks on the back of the taxpayer. It also means they have no clue where to drill, hence 500 drilling positions.


    I guess, in the end it's going to be Elon Musks 'rescue tubes' that will succeed.


    He is the kind of visionary and has the right instincts to make it work.


    The only question will again logistics and time.


    But if Elon puts his hands - and brains behind it - at least there is substantial hope these guys get finally out of their misery.



    • Confused 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

    They are trying to pump water from the caves which are naturally fed by streams. I guess this is the best they can do. But I wonder if it was not possible to put in flexible sealed ducting to a suitable diameter that the kids crawl out rather than scuba. i have seen a lot of big flexible plastic water ducting in Thailand hard to believe there is not a product available. Any child with Asthma or a chest problem will not be able to scuba

    If not Thailand the U.S has, and much more experience. All it needs is a call from Bangkok to Washington.

  11. Two things :

    1. Elong Musk has proposed a new method and he is ready to help ( His method sounds plausible ) : read under https://www.bbc.com/news/business-44735412

    2. The U.S. has much experience in pumping out large volumes of water. There are pumps that can accomplish the task within hours depending on the size and what is practically possible. These pumps can move 15 Olympic size swimming pools in a minute : Cost maybe a factor : https://gizmodo.com/5800072/the-worlds-largest-water-pump-moves-15-olympic-sized-swimming-pools-every-minute


    However, when it comes to rescue the Thai government can do better than what is shown now.


    An Antonov or Galaxy can lift the pump to ChiangMai Airport. Special trailers will bring it to Chiangrai. Two Chinooks combined will lift it to the position it needs to be, as well as ancillary equipment like fuel tanks ( these pumps will gobble 5000 Gls an hour of fuel ) Smaller pumps can do. Wartsilla Diesel manufactures such pumps.


    However, the U.S. Army has enough pioneers to move such equipment within days.


    I would give them 3 days at the most to set all up. Then it may depend on the government to authorize such huge logistics operation on their soil.


    But someone within the Thai gov has to reach out and ask D. Trump who won't say no.






  12. It is going to take some efforts by the Thai Navy seals I guess because of the language barrier, they are going to be trained in using scuba gear.

    One at the time will be guided to safety with 2 divers near him.

    If the distance was 500 m underwater it will take 20 - 30 min to reach a dry spot - not a joke for someone who has not been diving previously.

    Anyway you look at it, these poor chaps are still going to get their feet wet.

    Will pray all will come to an end soon.





    • Like 2
  13. Say hey Donald T. - you can't force a company like H.D. of all! They know their business, competition has been hard on them. To manufacture more economically is their bread. Instead of giving them a chance to get back on track D.T. is putting pressure Mafia style on them. Harley isn't Foxconn, they don't sell a billion motorbikes a year. They sell good bikes, with tradition that outlasts any Foxconn gadget. Get that straight D.T. Nonsense and let them make their decisions in the land of the not so free after all.

  14. That's a whole lotta hogwash here. There is never a 'last' call. All is happening behind the scene. What May and Brussels have worked out will be seen soon. They will make a new deal that will allow Britain to cut their annual contribution to Brussel, already at a low 65 or so percent.

    This way, all will be continuing and the Brits will be 'happy' with the hogwash tactics. 

    It has been a seesaw right from the start, something which should have long been decided.


    Making more bucks with Brexit. Deception is their game. Always has been.

    • Sad 1
  15. Me and my thoughts again. Wdf 8 days before they organize a 130? It took a long long time for the Thais to get going. Too long for a rescue op. Now it's up to the Farung teams to get clarity. 8 days ! God help those guys. Even if all is well they will always suffer from trauma for the rest of their lives, understood. No one confined in a place like this for 8 days can be without after effects.

    God be with them or Buddha whatever your choice. 

    Read if you can german readers.


  16. Here is the French report on Glyphosate in beer : http://www.medisite.fr/a-la-une-des-residus-de-pesticides-retrouves-dans-plusieurs-bieres-de-grandes-marques.5487356.2035.html?xtor=EPR-26-[Medisite_A_la_Une]-20180702-[testA]&tgu=aRKnVk  - translate.google.com , similar is the German report on beer. Of course Monsanto like always has an answer - calling the poison ' safe ' to consume...


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