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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. These guys earn a lot more selling drugs in Thailand than selling drugs in Nigeria or The Gambia. When they get blacklisted and sent back to their own country they can easily buy a passport with a different name and a blackmarket visa to come back or go to another country. They have nothing to lose. They still make a lot more overseas selling drugs than they can at home. 


    When I was working in Africa the discussions amongst locals were about which African place to go to buy a blackmarket passport and visa. Nigeria and The Gambia are probably the two most common places. 


    Since these criminals can come straight back the Thai authorities need not just to deport them but to convict them first and fine them heavily. Deportation means hardly anything to them. Also retina/ fingerprint scans need to be introduced at border posts so that blacklisted criminals cannot use illegal passports and visas.

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  2. My guess is that its mainly stupid or desperate foreign criminals who overstay their visas or enter Thailand illegally to commit crime. I'd bet that most foreign criminals do visa runs and then come back to continue their illegal activities like selling drugs on the sides of the street. And they know that when the police check their passports, their visa stamps look fine. The police should be targeting these people. Having a valid entry stamp shouldn't allow foreigners to commit crime and get away with it.

  3. Its just a pantomime. The police round up a few drug pushers from time to time to make it look like they are doing something. 4:30 today, the day after the 'crackdown' , a walk past the 7-11 at the end of Suk Soi 13 will confirm the Africa drug pushers are already out and hassling passers by. Also the day after the last 'crackdown' at the Nana hotel in Soi 4 the African ladies were out in force grabbing the arms of passers by. These illegals so obviously stick out like sore thumbs you can't help wonder whether Lumphini police and their higher ups really are that incompetent.....or whether are at the top of the pyramid running the African's drugs and sex trafficking criminals operation.

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  4. In developing countries the authorities are not able to run sustained campaigns or sustained enforcement against categories of lawbreaking unlike better resourced, trained and motivated authorities in more developed countries. Instead they tend to run one-off or periodic campaigns...if anything. That's how it is all over the world.


    When you choose to live in a developing country why complain that you live in a developing country.



  5. The right wing christian conservatives through their influence on government and tabloid media have for many years campaigned for locking down sex in the UK. Campaigns to outrage middle aged and older brits that tell about various people being involved in 'sinful, sleazy and filthy' sex fill the front pages of the Daily Mail, Sun etc most days.


    Its virtually impossible to have sex in the UK unless you are in a relationship, especially for those older than their early-20s.


    No wonder the country is rife with drunken, aggressive  violent people unable to get laid every evening of the week.


    But not only are the christian conservatives, (supported by the feminists and easily offended and outraged PC liberal left) trying to stop Brits at home from having sex they are trying to stop Brits abroad too ...and actually would like the whole world to stop having sex.


    Bojos remarks are part of this narrative.


    Lets hope that Brexit makes that country disappear so far up its own ass that it is unable to influence anything beyond its own shores ever again.

  6. 58 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    No, that's not it at all

    When a white person commits a crime, people rightly come out and condemn him or her as an individual.

    However, when a non-white person commits a crime, those same people come out and condemn the whole race.

    That, like it or not, is racism.


    Anyone who complains that the police action by the drug suppression and immigration police is racist is an African drug dealer or very very dumb.

  7. They only got 10? There are up to 30 African drug pushers on the corner of Sukhumvit soi 13 every night hassling passers-by to buy drugs... and more than that in Sois 3 and 4 and between.


    The issue is the police only arrest these criminals if they are in possession of drugs or have committed an immigration offence like illegal entry or overstay.


    They need to start arresting them for breaching other visa conditions. Selling anything on a Tourist visa is illegal. They only need to watch these drug dealers for 10 minutes to know they are working, even if they are not in possession at the time or their tourist visa has not run out.  They would be able to get rid of all these criminals immediately if they enforced that law.

  8. Brits pretty much have a lock down on sex in their own country. By all but banning prostitution and by portraying sex as a morally dirty, seedy, sleazy, sinful and guilty pursuit. Now they continue to try to eradicate sex in every other country that they find it. Well in Thailand sex is not a sin against a Christian god but something like sanook or fun. So the boring conservative British media should better focus on the drunken fights happening across provincial towns in their country every Friday and Saturday as a result of nobody being able to get laid.

  9. 1 hour ago, partington said:

    The black guys involved are not walking around doing tourist activities or working in offices.  


    Where I live they are standing in groups outside tourist locations for 6-8 hours a day calling out to passers by (but always westerners, never Thais), an activity upon which you can put no innocuous interpretation whatsoever.

    These guys are selling their asses, pimping their women and selling drugs.


    But in the past the police check their passports and let them off if their visas are still valid. The police have only worried about visa overstay.


    However its not hard to work out that these gangs are working illegally on tourist, education or teaching visas.


    The police should be able to pull them all in after a brief observation, and deport the lot of them for breach of visa rules. Never mind having to prove that each one is involved in drugs and pimping.  

  10. Cambodia has had fingerprint scanners for years. Even failing states such as Afghanistan manage to use them. They don't cause any more delays than not having them. When the foreign street hustlers, pimps, prostitutes and drug dealers on tourist visas get rounded up they wouldn't be able to come back. It should reduce the numbers of foreign low life coming to Thailand to get money. Let's hope its more than just talk this time.

  11. Well the Africans were still standing on the corner of Soi 13 last night hassling people walking past...."pssst hello my friend"....what can I do to I get some money out of you...and if you object I'll threaten you with violence.  With a police on a motorbike parked up watching them.  


    What a dumb situation. African criminals hustling people in full view of the law. And then they come on TV crying about racism. 


    But these street hustlers, rent boys, pimps and drug dealers are creating racism. They put themselves at the very bottom of society. In fact outside of society..... creating the bad image that normal people of African heritage then have to deal with.

  12. Whenever Nigerians and African scammers get arrested for scamming and pimping they come on line saying “but we’re not as bad as paedophiles”.


    Well there are thousands of African scammers, pimps and other low life in Thailand. These guys are criminals in there own country and criminals in Thailand. Their own country is a basket case and they screw up and corrupt every country they go to. There are more Nigerians in Thai jails than people of any other country and Nigerians are the fastest growing. Whilst wester peodphiles in Thailand is once in a blue moon, the rape of children in Africa is commonplace. 


    By by the way I work in Africa and have a lot of good African friends, but I don’t like selfish corrupting criminals and their apologists.

  13. 5 hours ago, geisha said:

    What I can't understand is how masses of Nigerians ( or Africans ) can openly work, and go about their business in Bangkok without any hassle from the police ? There's even black  girls on the streets, and yes, quite a few Russian ladies too. Isn't it obvious to the immigration police that they are not " tourists" ? And is it so easy for them to get SETV visas, where others , for example in France, have to produce return air tickets, bank statements etc ! ? And no, Im not naive ! 

    They stick out like a saw thumb in lower Sukhumvit, the multiplying gangs of male and female African pimps, drug dealers and prostitutes working on tourist visas. Everyone knows what they are doing and it’s impossible that the authorities don’t know. But the main approach of Lumpini police is to do an occasional round up and get a few individuals on visa overstay. The likely answer is senior Thai officials in the Lumphini area benefit from ‘running’ these gangs and shaking them down from time to time. 

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