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Posts posted by PhonThong

  1. On 12/20/2019 at 8:45 AM, spidermike007 said:

    What is really toxic right now, is the fact that not one Republican even had the integrity to stand up and criticize Trump's attempt to sell out the US to a foreign power, and corrupt an election with extortion demands. Treasonous acts like this were punishable by death, in the past, and still are in some nations. Leningrad Lindsay would not even raise a whimper over this. The party is now bought and paid for. Nobody is willing to defy the overlord. 

    But on the other hand. Democrats crossed the line and sided with the President. Now, doesn't that tell you something?

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  2. On 12/18/2019 at 6:46 PM, snoop1130 said:

    South Koreans overwhelmingly oppose paying more, a survey released on Monday by the Chicago Council of Global Affairs found, with only 4% of respondents saying Seoul should meet Trump’s demands.


    Still, 74% of those questioned said they support the long-term stationing of American troops in South Korea.

    Can't have it both ways.  I say, remove the U.S. forces and send the U.N. troops back in. Then the countries that are members of the U.N. can pick up the bill if they want forces stationed in S. Korea.

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  3. On 12/18/2019 at 1:19 PM, robblok said:

    Just shows how corrupt they are in the US they are on the payroll of chemical companies. I seen the US do many bad things to the Dutch before because of our drug system and now they are decriminalizing it themselves.


    The US is a big bully and if your not part of a big block like the EU or other trade organisations you will not be getting any good deals.

    If you don't want the stuff, don't buy it. It's that simple. Don't cry about it.

    Are you trying to say that if the U.S. doesn't want to be your friend you can't make it in the world?

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Chiang Mai is red shirt territory and has been openly punished for that since the coup. They are not going to give any sort of boost to the major land-owning families there, including the Shiniwatras.


    Khon Kaen is really deep into Isaan which, of course, is also red shirt territory.


    That feels right to me.

    Still in Isaan, but far closer to Bangkok, Korat is out of the flood zone, accessible from the current main airport, close enough to the Eastern Economic Corridor, and appears to have lots of undeveloped land. It is also a nice, short name ... "Korat" ... or they may opt to give it a new name, perhaps something memorable and snappy such as "Prayut".

    Yeah, Korat makes sense in a lot of ways, I could see them developing a new business and political capital there while maintaining Bangkok, until it sinks, as a major tourist destination.

    I wonder if korat is red shirt territory too or if, being geographically closer, it is more aligned to the political consensus in Bangkok.


    Korat would have to have an airport again.

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  5. 59 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Well I don't need a credible witness to prove that trump lies consistently, because it is there for all to see and is well documented.


     As for Kavanaugh, look at this excerpt from a letter sent to Kavanaugh with regards to a sworn testimony he gave to the Senate to Judiciary Committee at his nomination hearing.


    "Your sworn testimony appears inaccurate and misleading. You participated in the critical meeting in which the Administration made a decision on whether to extend access to counsel to detainees, an issue that is clearly a rule governing detention of combatants. By testifying under oath that you were not involved in this issue it appears that you misled me, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the nation".


      Also known as a lie. 

    Do you have a reference to that statement? Who actually said it?

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  6. 3 hours ago, the guest said:

    What they don't tell you if something goes wrong, say with an operation. What measures are there to protect the patient? In the west, all in the medical profession are held responsible for their actions, I doubt this applies in Thailand !

    One of the reasons cost are lower in Thailand. Doctors are not paying such high premiums on malpractice insurance.  

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