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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 4 hours ago, Becker said:

    I don't "think" anything about what you like, I just go by what you post and judging by your attacks on and contempt for the main stream (read; sane/moderate) press I'd say you don't like a free press if it attacks someone you support.

    You attack news organizations like CNN all the time but strangely enough there's never a peep about the sycophants at Fox News.

    The free press should simply report the news without any spin, how about that. From the start the liberal news agencies have been after Trump like rabid dogs nipping at his heels. 


    Just report the news and let the public decide for ourselves.

    • Like 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, Nemises said:

    Yep. Thread should be shut down. He’s just been playing games on here aka trolling

    I like games, both sides of the fence told their story, some with honesty and humor. How anyone else lives shouldn't influence your lifestyle. This is simply a sharing of ideas.

  3. Makro has pretty much everything, no need for Tops. Freshly BBQ'd fish is my favorite market food 180bht ia a nice meal for 2 adults and child. They sell those fresh spring rolls for 50bht/pkg, a nice snack.

    Tops is over the top for me, I don't need beef. We eat mainly seafood, occasionally chicken.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    I've seen dishwashers at home pro.  My washer has it's own heater with two different temp settings.  I'd imagine a dishwasher could do the same.  Not much good if it dosen't sanitize. 

    My dish washer also cooks, washes clothes, and a few other duties.????

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    If you would have a kid in that school would you prefer that she and the other teachers have enough money for a reasonable living? Or would you prefer is they have second job and are tired in their first job?

    I'll bet the Thai parents of her students would have no pity on her, I'm sure they can only wish for a 15,000bht/mo job. 


    In a perfect world of coarse, pay her 100,000bht,mo. Close to what a native English speaker makes in a good International School. 

    I stayed in Issan for years and guys went to Bangkok for 10,000bht/mo jobs to support their families, because in their home town a 10,000bht job was out of reach. But, this little princess thinks it's just so unfair.....boo-hoo. You think her family back home has a 15,000bht/mo job. No back home she has a lazy father and family sponging off her. And leave all that tradition crap at the door...…..

    • Like 2
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  6. So 3 good friends get together, pool their money and rotate it between accounts for their turn with immigration.


    Tell the GF, you would like to borrow 800K 3 mos/yr from her family.


    I've been talking more about this to others lately and I'm surprised they all use agents. I seriously don't think this can change. What may change is the agent's price may increase as more wheels to grease.

  7. 57 minutes ago, davidcrookes said:

    Can anyone advise how many months would be acceptable to qualify the 65000k monthly income option ( 3 or has to be a full 12 months prior to retirement visa application).


    I've asked this same question twice now with no legit answer in sight, hopefully they will listen to you.

  8. For those of us who have kids in Thailand and go back to US yearly, it seems a straight Non-O multiple entry is the way to go, every 3 mos, do a border crossing. I'm not retired yet but will be so next year and all this is quite confusing.


    One thing doesn't make sense...……….. If the 800,000 is required to be deposited into Thai bank, then why isn't the monthly deposit also required to be deposited into Thai Bank. I hear what is being said, but still don't understand the logic.

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