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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I see, mobile phones don't get stolen now.
  2. I did not know the Ford Taurus was available in EV. That car always looked as if it had melted in the sun.
  3. Not at all, you can be rational on the odd occasion. There are always improvements to be had in any technology. One I like is a gold-based battery for mobile phones which can handle recharge cycles 100 - 1000 times the recharge capacity of current lithium-based batteries.
  4. If you ignore a poster, none of their past or future posts are displayed to you. Unless they are quoted by another poster.
  5. You can bet your left nut marine insurance companies are watching mixed EV/ICE shipments very closely. As Ian Fleming wrote, once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, the third time it is enemy action. Packing a mix of said vehicles like sardines is looking more and more risky, in the light of videos showing EV fires. It would not surprise me if insurers either hiked their premiums, or refused insurance unless suitable isolation of EV's is adopted. Either way, that cost gets passed on to the car buyer.
  6. John Cadogan rants about everything. That is his style of presentation. Underneath that is solid engineering and physics. The Fremantle fire is an example of probabilities and logic. Look at the number of shipboard fires arising from transporting vehicles that are solely fuelled by gasoline and diesel. Then look at the ignition temperature of said fuels, about 210 C. It takes an external heat source to get a fire going. It only takes a short circuit for an EV to go into thermal runaway. OTOH, there are now two shipboard fires where a mix of EV's and ICE's were being transported. The greater intensity of EV fires is undeniable. On balance of probability, it is almost certain both fires were started by EV's, as the ship's crew could have contained an ICE fire with foam, powder or water. As explained, EV fires supply their own fuel and oxygen. Occam's razor.
  7. The temperature, according to the video, reached 900 C. That's red hot. IMO containing the heat under a blanket of a thermal runaway would be a foregone conclusion for initiating thermal runaway or gasoline explosions in adjacent vehicles. The blanket would actually make things worse. Heat up any rechargeable battery to 900 C, and see what happens. Stand well back when you do. The point on the impolite issue - I was directing the comment at another poster, not you. OTOH, you chose to butt in with the Prince Charming post after said comment. Score is actually 2 - 0. I have yet to see you admit you were wrong with the "nonsense" post.
  8. I designed my successful diet based on reading, and YouTube videos. Maybe BARD could have helped with that, or confused me. I am a firm believer in the KISS principle ( Keep It Simple, Stupid ), BARD adds complexity.
  9. So you have been impolite twice, and I have been impolite once. I suppose that works for you.
  10. It's a good example of experimental design formulated to give a favorable result. The fire blanket works in an airfield or whatever. In real life, in a confined space, it would be as useless as tits on a bull. Advertising spin. It reminds me of a pharmaceutical company testing a product on mice for teratogenic properties. The company reported the mice were born "visually impaired". What actually happened - the mice were born without eyes.
  11. Exactly. An open air demonstration with maximum access, no information on the level of charge in the battery, and firefighters equipped with full breathing apparatus. Not likely to be practical in an enclosed and crowded environment. It's called cherry-picking.
  12. IIRC, your first response to a post of mine was a single word. "Nonsense". You've changed your tune somewhat as you understood some inconvenient truths. I call it as I see it. Tell me why I should suffer fools gladly.
  13. Books, the internet ( Wikipedia ) and asking people who I know it is worth my while to ask.
  14. This has to be the dumbest comment I have seen posted on this thread. Fire blankets will do absolutely nothing in a fire where the source is supplying its own fuel and oxygen. it's like saying a thermic lance, which can burn through a foot of concrete like a hot knife through butter, can be similarly restrained. AFAIK personnel engaged in fighting EV fires are instructed to stay well away upwind, due to toxic gases such as hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen fluoride. Nothing in their extinguishing armory will fight an EV fire, so they let the fire burn itself out. If the poster still has me on ignore, I regard it as a badge of honor.
  15. I enjoy searching out information for myself. I don't think i'd enjoy having it spoon-fed to me, as if I am a mewling infant.
  16. I usually work things out for myself, maybe some help from Wikipedia. Both my mother and father died in full possession of their faculties, IMO genes are on my side. I regard mental exercise as important as physical exercise, perhaps BARD might make me lazy.
  17. Perhaps the humor was too laid-back and dry for you. Everyone's taste is different. We come from different generations. My father loved Roy Rene Mo, whom you may not have heard of. I agree Paul Hogan was funny, Steve Vizard did not tickle my funny bone. Seinfeld is as funny as crutches, humor with a sneer. The drummer can't have been all that funny if you can't remember his name.
  18. Agree. "Malcolm" and "Kenny" are two of the funniest Australian films ever made. On the odd occasion I have shown a video of them to Americans or Canadians, they are quite incapable of understanding the humor. They usually sit with their mouths open.
  19. 6 here is 8 in Oz.
  20. Whether it works depends on how good the presentation is, and how many views and subscribers you get. IMO that's the measure of success. Over the last two years, I made several series of videos I posted on Youtube. About 30 on golf, 8 on kitchen/food tips, 6 on elderly health issues and fixes. The equipment was very basic, a 200 baht tripod bought on Lazada, and my elderly smartphone for video and voiceover recording. I used free online editing software to edit the videos, and GNU image manipulation for photo labelling. I have 280 subscribers, which is a piddling amount in the YouTube environment. My success with viewers was varied. I maxed out at about 35 viewers with the elderly health series, perhaps the topic is too confronting. OTOH, I got 32,000 viewers on a video I made of one professional golfer. YouTube won't start commercializing a video unless the channel is producing a much bigger list of subscribers and audience. I started making the videos as a creative exercise to ward off boredom during the pandemic, and did not expect to make money. I taught myself how to do video compilation and editing. I suggest you start with the same expectation, and not spend too much on equipment. You never know what is going to click with viewers on Youtube. There is one guy on Youtube called Mr. Beast, who has 50 million viewers. His shtick is outlandish challenges, such as fighting The Rock for $100,000. Park your brain cells at the door when watching. Good luck.
  21. Now you are posting like a reasonable person. Stay well.
  22. I already said I was wrong, based on the post by msbkk.
  23. You prefer the universe of alternative facts? I have no problem with acknowledging the virtues of EV's, it's virtue-signalling morons, who won't admit the unresolved problems EV's have, who irritate me with their irrational posts. Here's an inconvenient truth for you. If you converted the entire passenger car and pickup fleet of Australia to EV's overnight, you would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a mere 8%. Why? Because most of the electricity recharging those EV's would be coming from fossil-fuel power stations.
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